
Pandora: The World of Stars

Pandora is a fantasy experience unlike any other; with hidden jewels and innovative ideas, you may anticipate anything from this vast realm. With all of its stories to tell. A world of such gorgeous and majestic nature, yet perverted to the point of madness by so much wickedness and hazardous aspirations. The world's beauty is obscured by its flaw. What is the outcome of a place like this? Conquerors become elites, rapists and murderers become monarchs by force, people become slaves, and magic, one of the world's purest wonders, is abused. This is the cold reality, not a suffering world saved by some savior , there’s no happy ending for anybody, only a few luck and scarce survival, do you really wish to proceed ? - A creative and unique magic system that spark reader interesting - Intriguing, mysterious, and engaging plot threads that'll leave you puzzled and hungering for more. - A world that is not only yours to explore and understand, but yours to conquer. Welcome to Pandora.

SolarzDream · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Battle For Mira

As Lars swung towards Amani's head, Amani ducked the entire swing, he'd immediately followed up by lunging at Lars with an explosive kick. Wind whipped around his foot as he strikes, his wavy black hair swooshing in the prospect.

Though Lars instinctively lifted his unoccupied arm to intercept the attack, his arm cracked like a twig when the kick plunged into him.

"AGH!" he'd scream, being sent flying across the stadium. Holding the blood of Marsala it was only natural that Amani legs were unnaturally developed. The crowd bursted loving the display of the arts.

Despite the pain, Lars arose immediately, only to see Amani in front of him, attempting to deliver another one of his savage kicks.

Lars would disperse a wave of inner mana, obstructing Amani's strike and stunning him. While Amani was imprisoned in the limitations of his fading momentum, Lars slashed upwards with his functioning hand, tearing into the majority of Amani's upper body open, blood whirling over the stadium. "GAGHHH!" he whaled.

The crowd was uncomfortable at this point, this was due the amount of blood on display, though the act of battle was common, martial arts was more respected in comparison to sword fighting.

Amani collapsed to the ground as he was sliced, blood streaming from his wound, yet he was still conscious, his bright amber eyes flaring at his opponent.

Amani took a stance, blood silently trickling onto the ground. Lars wasted no time in lunging and swinging at Amani's body, recognizing his current state of vulnerability.

Amani utilized his incredible legs to lunge himself backwards, evading the attack entirely. However, he was quickly confronted with another lethal swing to the neck, which he was able to barely avoid with a stepback. As he maneuvered to avoid being hit, more and more blood fell to the ground.

Mira watched intently, not because she was as intrigued by the battle's path as the others, but because she would soon have to fight for her marital right, her choice, and her life.

She analyzed their styles, stamina, and overall predictability. She could feel Amani's wavering spirit and the flaming passion that kept it going, as well as Lars' versocity and the amount of violence he put forth. His soul was nefarious. If Amani made any mistakes, he would die. "Who shall perform a better dance for the stars?" she wondered.

Amani continued to evade while Lars swung, his other shattered arm swung mindlessly with no bone to hold it as he continued his swings. Sweat was flowing down both of their faces showing their building fatigue.

Though Amani finally saw a chance as Lars made a poor slash towards him. Amani smoothly sidestepped, jolting his knee to Lars' side in the same instance.

Lars was stunned for a moment as blood spilled from his mouth, but Amani immediately finished it with a light kick to the skull.

As a result, Lars smashed into the ground. Amani is left to compete with Mira for her hand in marriage.

"He could've knocked his head clean with just a little more power," Mira noted, a soft smile formulating on her face. She seemed to have to come up with her own conclusion on her opponent.

The medics began to patch up Amani's chest wound, he was fairly quiet not bragging about his victory or at least relieved. Amani's eyes maintained the same intensity it carried throughout this battle. In his mind he must have Mira Snow.

"Well well Holland Snow, it looks like you're about to have a serious son." One of the villagers said to Mira's father, he simply smiled indulging into his drink.

Mira watched the medics patched Amani's wound, she began to think about what she'd do if she lost. She slowly drifted away from the ceremony although she was the focus everyone was too distracted from the display of arts in this battle.

Mira was now occupied in her thoughts, what did she truly want, if she won, if she loses, then what? What's next, what do the stars have in storage for her? Is she denying her purpose from disobeying her father?

Though before she could think further her father Holland approached her, noticing her drifting away from the ceremony. A little different from his usual stern behavior, his breath being flavored with refined crushed grapes.

"You're ready to become a woman?" Holland said with a smile seemingly trying to comfort her. Mira's long fluffy ears poked up aggressively, in her eyes it wasn't at all comforting.

"Just as ready as you are to marry me off. " Mira said, her sharp gaze poked through her father's current vulnerability. He opened his mouth but was quickly cut off.

"Are as ready as you were to sleep with whores when mother died." she said, looking him straight in the eyes. Though this statement instead of hurting her father, it sobered him up to his usual sternness.

"Excuse me ??" Holland would question, but Mira didn't back down.

"You heard me father, you're so quick to send me away to who knows where with no regards, why should I have any regard for whatever respect you demand." she said calmly, not in tone to be considered disrespectful, but the sliness was enough to anger him.

They locked gazes for a moment, but before she could open her lips to speak again, Holland smacked her across the face, leaving a massive red mark. Mira stood there challenging her father without hesitation.

She rubbed her face letting out a large breath of annoyance, "You didn't gain anything from that, that's what's wrong with you . .." She spoke within the same tone which possessed him to strike her to begin with.

"Stupidly believing that violence is the answer to all questions. You require food, aggression, the handling of a child, violence; how were you even appointed as Estar's leader?" Mira said this as she moved closer to her father's face, smelling the wine in his breath.

Her father stared at her up and down, sighing as he finally understood what she was trying to do. "Violence is a worldly language, anybody no matter who they are or what they are can and will understand it. . ., " he paused before continuing,

"You not understanding that is one of the reasons you can't be here anymore. To think this is a world of oceans and butterflies?" his eyes sharpened like a blade to Mira, stabbing her every second he maintained his gaze.

" You naive arrogant little rabbit. Let this lesson be something that holds you beyond my death." He walked away to indulge in more adultery of this ceremony, believing it will soon end.

Though this little interaction only sparked Mira to make sure he didn't get what he wanted. Mira was already satisfied, she got on her father's nerves and made him act out of character.

But what she had in storage next was going to be her greatest insult to him. Mira hazel eyes glistened with a hue of gold as she began to formulate a plan.

In that moment, her essence appeared to be transforming into something more vast. She made a request to have a sword for her next battle.