
Panda Gets EXP By Sleeping?!

Blakely Arcas is a socially dense 15-year-old who hates wasting her energy on unnecessary things. "Why make the bed if I will be getting back into it later on?" "Is it really necessary to spend four years with a bunch of loud, obnoxious teens just to get a piece of paper? How about we cut the time in half? Make it two years instead. More time to sleep". When a new VR MMORPG is released, her best friends make her play it. "What do you mean I can be or do whatever I want in the game?! I want.... I want to be a Panda!" *I do not own the cover; please don't sue me. I will take it down, I swear! *

Ignavia_Ursa · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
169 Chs


As the morning light filtered through the windows, casting a soft glow across the room, Iris and Maven woke up from their uneasy slumber on either side of Blakely. They had spent another night keeping vigil, each clasping one of Blakely's hands, holding onto the hope that their friend might stir from her mysterious, game-induced coma.

Maven reluctantly released Blakely's right arm, her gaze lingering on her friend's still face. The frustration and helplessness that had built up over the days were evident in her voice as she muttered, "I can't wait for them to find that Casimir guy so that I can punch him in the face." Her words, though whispered, carried a mix of anger and desperate concern.

Iris, her expression somber, nodded in silent agreement. She gently placed Blakely's left arm by her side, smoothing the blanket over her friend. Both young women felt the weight of their situation, but the shared resolve between them forged a bond stronger than ever.

They prepared for the day quietly, each lost in their own thoughts about the previous days' revelations and the tasks ahead. Once ready, they walked to the dining hall, seeking some semblance of normalcy in the family's morning routine.

The dining hall of the Arcas residence was spacious and bathed in the soft morning light, the large table set with an array of breakfast items. Mr. and Mrs. Arcas were already there, along with Claire and Cleo. The atmosphere was subdued; the usual morning chatter replaced with a thoughtful silence, broken only by the clink of cutlery against plates.

Mr. Arcas looked up as Iris and Maven entered, offering a tired but warm smile. "Good morning," he greeted, his voice steady but carrying an underlying concern. Mrs. Arcas nodded towards the two empty chairs next to her, signaling them to join at the table.

As they sat down, Cleo looked up from her cereal, her youthful face marked by worry uncharacteristic for her age. "Did you sleep okay?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern not just for Blakely but for Iris and Maven as well.

"We did, thank you," Maven replied, managing a small smile for Cleo's benefit. Iris added, "How's everyone this morning?" Her tone was gentle, acknowledging the shared strain they were all under.

Mrs. Arcas, ever the composed matriarch despite the circumstances, responded with a reassuring calmness. "We're managing, dear. We're just waiting on any news from Berenice's team. Every bit of information helps us get closer to bringing Blakely back."

Claire, who had been quietly sipping her coffee, looked over with a supportive expression. "We're all in this together," she said softly. "We'll figure this out, for Blakely."

The conversation gently shifted towards plans for the day. Discussions about coordinating with the game's support team, strategies for further investigation into Casimir's actions, and ensuring the family's and their friends' safety in both the virtual and real world were all laid out.

As they ate, the group drew comfort from being together, sharing the burden and reinforcing their commitment to Blakely's recovery. It was a morning marked not just by the routines of breakfast but by the resilience of a family, and friends united against an unforeseen challenge. 

As the family continued their breakfast in the dining hall, the conversation took a more strategic turn. Iris, her mind always analyzing the next step in their virtual challenges, decided it was crucial to bring up the recent developments they encountered in Morphantasia. "There's something else we need to consider," Iris began, capturing the attention of everyone at the table. Her voice was serious, reflecting the gravity of their situation in the game world, which now seemed as pressing as their real-world concerns. "We've encountered player hunters in the game. They've become a significant threat to Aergia's safety."

Mrs. Arcas looked up sharply, concern etching her features. "What kind of threat?" she asked, her tone laced with both worry and a demand for details.Iris nodded, acknowledging the urgency in Mrs. Arcas's voice.

"They're organized and possibly seeking reinforcements. We believe they might be gearing up for a more aggressive move against her," Iris explained. She paused, considering her next words carefully. "Theo managed to place a tracker on them before logging off. It seems they're mobilizing to disrupt our efforts to protect Aergia directly."

Mr. Arcas, ever the protective father, frowned deeply. "Do we know who is leading them, or what they want exactly?"

"Not yet," Maven chimed in, her tone matching Iris's in its seriousness. "But it's clear they are not just random troublemakers. They seem to have a purpose, and it's directly linked to exploiting the game's vulnerabilities, which now includes targeting Blakely."

Cleo, younger yet keenly involved, piped up with a mix of fear and curiosity in her voice. "Can they hurt her? In the game, I mean?"

Iris exchanged a glance with Maven before responding, choosing her words to reassure and inform the younger sibling. "They can cause disruption, yes, but actual harm to Blakely's physical state is what we're trying to prevent at all costs. Every measure is being taken to shield her within the game."

Claire added, her voice firm with resolve, "And that's why our game strategy has to be as tight as our security here. We need to be ahead of these hunters at every turn."

Mrs. Arcas nodded in agreement, then turned to her husband. "Bjorn, perhaps it's time we consider enhancing our coordination with the game's security team. We might need to push for more direct intervention from the game developers."

Mr. Arcas agreed, "I'll make the call right after breakfast. We'll set up a meeting today."

Half an hour later

The Arcas family's sunroom, typically a sanctuary of warmth and light, transformed into a command center on this crisp morning. Sunlight filtered through the expansive windows, casting patterns on the floor and furniture, an almost serene backdrop to the tension that hung in the air. After a morning filled with strategic discussions and subdued conversations about Blakely's condition in Morphantasia, the family had gathered here, seeking not just comfort but also clarity and direction from each other.

Pamela sat at the head of the room, her posture erect and composed despite the worry that occasionally flickered across her eyes. Mr. Arcas was close by, his presence a pillar of support. Claire, Cleo, Iris, and Maven were arrayed around the room, each person lost in their own thoughts but ready to come together as a unit at a moment's notice. The cohesion of the family and friends, their unity under stress, was palpable.

The peacefulness of the setting was suddenly pierced by the sharp ring of Pamela's phone. It was a sound they had all been anxiously anticipating, yet it made them start nonetheless. Pamela quickly answered, recognizing the urgency in her sister Berenice's voice instantly.

"Berny," she greeted, her voice a blend of apprehension and hope. Berenice, known for her proficiency and quick thinking, particularly in her role at the tech company dealing with Morphantasia's security, wasted no time.

"Pam, I've made some headway. I've managed to track and hack most of Casimir's HUD devices, and I've penetrated his system. My team has been monitoring his movements closely," Berenice reported, her voice brisk and filled with a focused intensity.

As she explained her findings, Berenice shared a crucial piece of information that brought a momentary relief to everyone listening. "She will still act like a panda bear, but her subconscious will somewhat remember her loved ones. It will just seem as if she is comfortable with certain people." This news, indicating that Blakely retained some essence of her human self within her panda avatar, brought a collective sigh of relief from everyone in the room.

The atmosphere of cautious optimism was short-lived, however. Berenice was suddenly interrupted by another call, this one urgent and fraught with tension. The voice of the squad leader tasked with tracking Casimir came through, tinged with frustration and concern. "Boss, we lost him. He somehow found out we were tracking him. What should we do?"

The room tensed further as Berenice responded with a controlled urgency, quickly accessing data on her screens. "Give me a moment. Yeah, I see where he's headed. Shoot!" she exclaimed, her frustration evident even through the phone. "Pam, I've got to go. Casimir has escaped our tracking and now he's sneaked into RaveSpectra's private VR helmet testing rooms. If he's planning what I think he is, then I need to stop him."

Pamela's response was swift and decisive. "Go, Berny. Do what you must. Keep us updated," she said firmly, understanding the gravity of the situation and ready to support her sister's efforts in any way possible.

As the call ended, Pamela turned to face her family, her expression one of resolve mixed with deep concern. "Berenice is on it, but we need to be prepared for any outcome. Casimir's actions could have far-reaching consequences, not just for Blakely but potentially for others as well."

Mr. Arcas stood and placed a reassuring hand on Pamela's shoulder, his gaze sweeping across the room. "We'll support Berny in any way we can. And we'll keep our defenses up here and in the game. We're not out of the woods yet," he declared, his voice steady but charged with determination.

Cleo, though younger, nodded in understanding, the seriousness of the situation drawing her into the adult conversations more fully than usual. Iris and Maven, visibly shaken but resolute, exchanged looks of solidarity. They knew their role in Morphantasia was more crucial now than ever.

The discussion shifted towards planning for immediate and future actions. Claire suggested increasing their surveillance and intelligence-gathering both in-game and in the real world.

Cleo, ever the practical one, proposed setting up more rigorous protocols for their online activities to avoid giving Casimir any advantage.

Iris, her mind always strategic, pondered aloud about potential vulnerabilities in the game that Casimir might exploit next. Maven, thoughtful, emphasized the need to stay in constant communication with Berenice and her team, suggesting they set up a direct line just for updates on the situation.

As they continued discussing their plans, the sunroom, filled with morning light but shadowed by concern, became the heart of the Arcas family's resilience.

"Alright, let's see what our cute loveable panda is doing in game." Maven said.