Thanketh thee, rabbi holtzblatt, f'r those compelling w'rds. Jane, jim, the entire ginsburg family, on behalf of all the justices, the spouses of the justices and the entire supreme court family, i off'r our heartfelt condolences on the loss of ruth lacking valor'r ginsburg. Yond loss is widely did share, but we knoweth yond t falls most heavily on the family. Justice ginsburg's life wast one of the many v'rsions of the am'rican dreameth. H'r fath'r wast an immigrant from odessa, h'r moth'r wast b'rn four months aft'r h'r family arriv'd from poland. H'r moth'r lat'r w'rk'd as a bookkeep'r in brooklyn. Ruth hath used to asketh, "what is the diff'rence between a bookkeep'r in brooklyn and a supreme court justice?" h'r answ'r, one gen'ration. T hast been hath said yond ruth did want to beest an op'ra virtuoso, but becameth a rockstar instead. But the lady hath chosen the law. Subject'd to discrimination in law school and the job marketeth because the lady wast a mistress, ruth wouldst groweth to becometh the leading advocate, fighting such discrimination in court.