
101 The Haunted House

After hanging up the phone, Emily still hadn't quite recovered her senses.

Mr. Satan's final words...

Even though he hadn't said anything particularly romantic, it was enough to keep her blushing for a while.

"Hey, you... Beauty, what are you thinking about? Why are you smiling for so long?"

Herry parked the go-kart by the side, and the staff were helping him undo his safety harness and helmet.

Emily snapped back, "Are you done playing?"

"Once is enough. There are so many rides here, playing the same one over and over gets boring!" Herry said as his harness was being released. He jumped straight off the go-kart, startling the female staff member into a gasp.

Emily was used to his style by now. Herry had mellowed out considerably. He listened to Emily now; after all, he needed her signature for whatever ride he wanted to play next.

"Beauty, how about we try the swinging hammer? It's exhilarating!"

Emily's face showed refusal. "You go ahead; I'll wait here."