
PALPATE MY HEART: Dr. Wicked is My Wife

…. I will never clip my wings for a man. I will never bow down to anyone. I, Jingyi will rise from the graves to take back what's mine. .... “You can never be anyone’s. Only Mine.” .... Jealousy and greed pushed Qin Jingyi’s family to the cusp of death. Desperate to flee from her captors, Qin Jingyi threw herself at sea. As the flurry of rain pattered on her dying body, she cursed the heavens for her fate. Perhaps the gods pitied her that when she opened her eyes again, she finds herself in the modern times, in the body of Luo Jingyi. With a second life granted to her, which path will she tread on? Especially that the similarity of this world to her previous, is very uncanny. With scheming bitches and all their entourage on her tails, will history repeat itself? Or will she, Jingyi finally stand at the pinnacle's edge as a victor? * With his dimpled grins, Yun Jinghan can make anyone's heart melt. But no one knows, his carefree countenance is nothing but an outer shell. Beneath the facade is a devil in disguise. A wolf in sheep's clothing. Unknown to the world, he's the powerful man behind the giant, Terra Firma Corporation. He crushes businesses like ants and kills enemies with one decisive move. He is truly, a certified villain in the business world. His heart belonged to none. Not until he meets Luo Jingyi. Eight years since coming to the present world, Jingyi had lived her life quietly. She has built her reputation as one of the best trauma and cardiothoracic surgeon in the country. She’s a perfectionist and driven to succeed. At the same time, she avoids emotional entanglement with other people. Her not so complicated life decidedly turned less so when she gets entangled with a shameless devil who wouldn't take no for an answer. The dashingly handsome billionaire became her instant fiancé. What kind of love story do you think will unfold between the two? Will Yun Jinghan be able to warm her heart that has been frozen because of her past? On top of that, with enemies lurking at every corner, will they defy odds to walk down the aisle of happy ever after? Jump in and brace yourselves because their love story's going to rock your world. ***** A/N: NO RAPE or MAJOR MISUNDERSTANDINGS Talk to me on Discord: https://discord.gg/mxy3CD8 Instagram: aerisrx ***** My Heart Series: (1) Palpate My Heart: Dr. Wicked is My Wife (2) Bewitch My Heart: The Naughty Bride (writing) (3) Profile My Heart: The Royal Wedding (4) Brand My Heart: (5) Loop My Heart: (6) Uncover My Heart: ***** The picture isn't mine—credits to the owner.

aeris · Urban
Not enough ratings
90 Chs


"Why are you always butting in my business?"

Luo Jingyi waited for his answer. Ever since coming to this world, her patience has thinned considerably, especially towards men. She sat on her chair and faced the man.

He appeared to be unfazed and returned her chilling stare with a softer look that was a lot warmer than hers.

'Seriously, what's wrong with him? He looked like a love-struck idiot.'

"Why are you always angry? Or you are just moody because it's that time of the month? You know—that female thing." He asked. He was scratching the back of his head.

Luo Jingyi scowled.

"See, you are frowning again."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are." He insisted after hearing her defensive tone.

"Will you stop it?"

Yun Jinghan wanted to continue irritating her but seeing how badly her face was contorted at the moment, he stopped. Instead, he winked at her. He didn't understand himself as well. He found it amusing to vex her. He leaned forward.

Luo Jingyi sensed danger coming when he stepped closer to her desk thus, she pushed the chair back and warned, "Don't take a step closer."

"What's wrong?"

Normally, Luo Jingyi wouldn't respond to questions about herself. Perhaps, it was the hint of concern on his expression that made her utter the next words.

"I just don't like being touched. Touch me five seconds longer, I will have a panic attack."

Yun Jinghan was surprised. It dawned him that what happened earlier could have resulted in much worse if she didn't wriggle out from his grasp. Being regretful of his own actions, he moved three steps back to widen the distance between them. He apologized sincerely. There was no longer playfulness in his tone. A soft expression settled on Luo Jingyi's face but it vanished a few seconds later. This made him realize something.

"Now, can you answer my question?" She put forth.

"You needed a saving. That's all. Moreover, you obviously didn't want to meet this guy." He answered with a shrug. He wondered what reason she has for wearing that thick armor around people. One could mistake her as a stiff person but closely observing her, she didn't seem to be that. He noticed how she interacted with the patients earlier, she was smiling even at the patient's silly joke, which he thought were the most beautiful ones he'd ever laid his eyes on.

"I could have managed on my own. I didn't need your help."

"Oh, how would you have done it?" He quizzed.

She crossed her arms in front of her before muttering, "I don't have to tell you."

Finding what she said funny, Yun Jinghan let out a soft laugh.

"In my experience, there's only one possible solution to stop the badgering. To tell Madam Lacroix you are dating. Which you were about to say if I didn't cut in, am I right?"

Jingyi nodded.

"See? It's just the same. I solved your problem at once."

"Yes, you did. But you've created a bigger one." She reasoned, unwilling to be defeated.

"If you want your lie to be believable, you should give her something real. In fact, you only have two choices. It's either you get someone to pretend as your guy or get a real boyfriend. The former would be a bad idea because she will definitely investigate. Moreover, you have to make sure your lie would never be revealed. So—" He paused when he saw her open her mouth.

"Why do I sense that you are selling yourself for the latter?" her eyebrows were arched up. If he was a telemarketer, she would have been convinced.

"Was I obvious?" He asked with a smile as he pocketed his hands.

This prompted Luo Jingyi to roll her eyes. But she couldn't help but admit that he was right. Getting someone to pretend was easy if you have money but keeping the whole charade without any mistake would be difficult.

On top of that, this constant badgering of going on a date was getting really exhausting too.

'Should I just date for real?' She asked herself.

'What about him?'

'No way Jingyi!' Another voice screamed at her.

'Why not?'

'Because he would be the last person you would ever choose. In the beginning, you already felt that he isn't simple.' Her internal dialogue went on until she heard him clear his throat. It pulled her back to the present. Her eyes darted to the man who sauntered to her sofa and sat with a regal bearing.

Luo Jingyi deduced the man was much more than he let other people on. Even if she hasn't checked who he was, she's perceptive enough. He has a gait of a King. Someone who was born with it. He appeared to be the type of person who would bark his orders and expects them to be accomplished. Moreover, she can sense a dangerous vibe from him. She stopped scrutinizing him when her phone chimed. After skimming over the message, a loud groan escaped her lips.

Aunt Alice: My dear, dinner tomorrow at our Brightwood residence. 7 sharp. Your Uncle Antoine was disappointed with the news of you getting a fiancé and you never introduced him to us. So don't forget to bring Yun Jinghan. See you both!

If Aunt Alice was using emotional blackmail to compel her, it was effective. Luo Jingyi has no way of refusing them. After much of what they've done for her.

Now, she has no choice but to bring him to meet Uncle Antoine. She eyed him with her mouth set in a hard line. She urged herself to speak but the words were stuck in her throat.

Yun Jinghan noticed her agitation. 

"Dr. Luo, would you be my girlfriend?"

I edited the previous chapters to make some changes. Nothing major. I was compelled to because I realize how much I deviated from the story outline I planned.

So apologies for getting notif of updates.

Meanwhile, I hope the week started right for all of you.

Yays! 2020 is close. What's your New Year's Resolution? (if you don't mind me asking)


Thank you for your love. (heart) (heart) (heart)

aeriscreators' thoughts