
Paladin vs The God's

Prophecy speaks of a human who will end the reign of god's over the world.

GreyWolf_98 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

5. Path of a Paladin (pt 2)

Victor stands next to the assessor.

"Are we allowed to use any magic spell we want too?"

"Yes, so long as it's a spell you're comfortable with."

Victor closes his eye's and imagines a compressed storm in the shape of a ball floating around him. Before long a triangle appears on his hand followed by a great circle with the same triangle shape below him.

"Turbo Pila."

Globes containing an incredible force dance around Victor who shows perfect control. Everyone is shocked, not just by the globes, but the ability to use third tier magic at his age. Whispers start spreading as they proceed to the next section where they will be tested on the basics of their sword arts control.

"I'll show all of you just how special I am compared to the rest."

George says with confidence looking down on the rest, especially Victor who he sneers at.

"Let's hope the great and powerful George can put on a better show this time."

Victor responds, sending George into a fit of rage.

"Just you wait scum, I'll show you just how powerful I am then I'll have you groveling at my feet like the dog you are!"

Victor just smiles at George not saying a word. George enters the arena waiting for the go ahead. The assessor gives the signal and George rushes in slashing any dummy that tries to attack him. He arrives at the final dummy and attacks it only to have his sword stopped mid stroke. The dummy attacks him with a staff knocking him back a few meters then waits for his next attack.

Victor notices a similarity between the dummies style of fighting and his dad's which makes him pay close attention to it's every move. When George goes in for a finishing blow, the dummy feints a side step causing him to adjust footing and lose balance. With a heavy whack George is sent flying out of the arena and lands hard on his back, causing him to cough up blood.

Victor is called up to prepare for the assessment. There are laughs and whispers going around with other's betting how far he will get, ignoring this he waits for the signal to begin.


When the signal comes he moves at a pace faster than most can follow, slashing his way through the dummies without stopping. Halfway through he is stopped by a group of dummies preparing to attack.

"Ignus Anulus. Leni Aura."

A ring of fire appears around him, then with a swift movement of his blade the fire grows hotter and spreads out incinerating the surrounding dummies. He proceeds on to the final dummy, people are speechless as they watch him. At the final dummy Victor prepares to fight it like he would his dad and their swords clash in a violent volley sending out clouds of dust with every stroke.

They appear equally matched move for move, Victor sees his opening and thrusts his sword towards the dummy waiting for its feint. When the dummy prepares to feint he immediately changes the angle of his stance and blade bringing it down in a smooth swift motion. Silence falls as people wait to see what has happened, when the dust settles they see the dummy sliced in two with Victor standing on the other side crossing the finish line. Some cheer and other's sneer at his achievement, meanwhile George looks on in anger and embarrassment. After a long day they finally arrive at the last test.

All the children line up and take turns, walking towards a giant glass ball on a pedestal to have their life's path revealed to them. Some are revealed to be tradesmen while other's a to become warriors. George is next he walks up to the ball and places his hands on it, a brilliant light engulfs the ball revealing to all the people in the arena his life path. The path of a Battle Mage appears before him and the crowd erupts into cheer and applause for the young child. Walking back down he sneers at Victor.

"I wasn't expecting anything less from myself, although you on the other hand I might just make you my personal servant depending on your life path. There again I'd give my dog first preference over someone like you."

Victor ignores him gritting his teeth. After a few hour's it's finally Victor's turn. He makes his way up to the ball and places his hands on it, minutes pass by and nothing happens with the ball. People start laughing and shunning him for not having a path. The disappointment starts getting to him, tears start forming in his eye's.

"Fear not young one, be patient for a while longer."

He looks around to see who was talking to him but sees no one.

"Bring the other ball, now."

A voice rings out from the crowd and another ball is brought up to the pedestal this one is bigger. After it has been placed, Victor puts his hands on it and a kaleidoscope of colours emits brightly out of the ball, illuminating even the darkest parts of the arena. When it fades everyone is silent, when he opens his eye's displayed in a brilliant light is his life path. The path of a Paladin.

I originally wanted to make it one chapter but saw it would be too long. So I decided to split it up into two parts so the reader doesn't get bored from reading a long chapter.

GreyWolf_98creators' thoughts