
Paladin VS Pantheon

Prophecy speaks of a human who will end the reign of god's over the world. Join Victor on his journey of revenge and turmoil to eliminate the gods.

GreyWolf_98 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

36. Family Attrition

"What have you done?"

Is all he can say. When he looks at the other figure, it is Rebekah, who is holding her head in a dam of tears. Something inside Victor makes him clench his chest and start breathing heavily.

"HA. Some hero you turned out to be, oh great, Victor Bloodgrave. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

She is cut short by a sinister darkness that starts surrounding Victor as he gets back on his feet. It is a darkness infused with malevolence and vengeance that sends fear and panic into Freyja. She steps back, mumbling her words.

"Please..... relax... this is all a-a-a mis..... misunderstanding. Th-th they w-w-w were..... impostors."

Without saying a word, Victor rushes to Freyja and wraps his hands around her neck, and starts to crush her throat slowly. She tries her best to hit Victor, but he ignores her entirely, tightening his grip. Rebekah tries to stop them but is slapped away by Victor, landing on the other side of the court. Freyjas eyes begin turning white, and foam comes out of her mouth as he crushes her throat more.

Back in the present, Gizel and Gwennith continue their training while Freyja slowly puts her plan into motion.

"I wonder how dear Victor is doing. Has he killed her yet, or has he given in to his primal rage. Guess we'll have to see. The longer it takes for him to get back, the better I can execute my masters plan. Things are truly getting interesting. HEHEHE."

During their break, Gizel and Gwennith start talking to each other.

"Hey, Gwennith. I want to ask you something."

"Are you going to ask about how something that doesn't feel right with this whole setup?"

"Yes. I'm pleased you were able to pick up on it, considering you're still young."

"Ever since I awakened to my potential, I look at everything in a more mature mindset. What do you think these items are that Victor gave us?"

"Probably something that prevents mind control. He did say be careful who we trust. He knows something, so we should definitely take it to heart."

They are called back to continue their training. A feeling of uncertainty striking their souls.

Victor is about to kill Freyja. Just then, a bright light appears, drawing Victor in. When he opens his eyes, Freyja is nowhere to be seen. He looks around at the white mist and sees a figure standing in the distance. It slowly approaches Victor, then calls out to him.

"Why are you doing this, young boy?"

"That witch just killed my mother's parents in front of her. How was I not supposed to react?"

As the figure moves closer, Victor sees the outline of its face, only to fall on his knees and start crying.

"Mother! Is that really you?"

She embraces him in a hug only a mother can give her own child.

"Yes, my son. I have returned from the place of beauty to stop you from changing history. What you saw there is what really happened. Except Freyja had died long before that event occurred. I never noticed it at the time, but the one who was masquerading as Freyja was using her very soul. If you kill her now, the one possessing her will gain immense power and become unstoppable."

"So Shadow and I were right to have our doubts about the Freyja who sent me back here."

"Yes. The Freyja of the present is Dolos' second in charge. If she succeeds, Dolos will be one step closer to achieving his goal. To become the chief god of the pantheon and destroy the world to create a new one to his liking."

"How can I stop her, mother?"

"The only way for that to happen is gaining the ancient knowledge of the Divine Mages."

"How can I do that?"

"Allow me to show you something that she purposefully left out."

She takes his hand and guides him to a point in time where the first Divine Mages were anointed and given knowledge of a superior tier of magic.

"Behold the birth of the Divine Mages."

As Victor watches, he sees a book being handed to a human that is exactly like the one he found in the old section of the library.

"Was that truly the book all along?"

His mom nods as Victor pulls out the book.

"But, all this book says is how they came into being and gained their powers. Nothing about harnessing the ancient magic they used."

With a smile on her face, Rebekah places her hand on the book, and it emits a ghostly light. The book changes into a small orb, and she holds it in her hand.

"Before I pass this power on to you, I want to see your resolve to fulfill the vow you made. If it is not your whole being, I will not pass on this on to you."

"I understand, mother. I am ready."

"If you have everything taken away from you by the gods, will you continue to fight, or will you lose all hope?"

"Even if I lost all my senses and limbs, I would still continue to fight the gods, and I wouldn't stop until I kill all of them or they kill me."

"If that is the strength of your resolve, I will be able to pass on this power to you. Even though we were given the titles of Divine Mages, our magic was meant for killing and wars. To be used on anyone who posed a threat to the safety of this world, even gods. That was the sworn oath of a Divine Mage. There isn't a lot of time left before her plans come together."

"I swear to you, mother, and the Divine Mages of old to use this power for its true purpose. To bring an end to the pantheon."

"Then I give you our most sacred arts to help you fulfill your oath."

She places the orb on his head, and it slowly dissappears into his head. His eyes open wide, and he grabs his head that feels like it's going to explode.

"Endure it, my son."

After what felt like hours of suffering, the pain dissappears, and Victor was able to stand up. This time, with all the knowledge and wisdom of the Divine Mages inside his memory. Rebekah places her hand on his cheek.

"This is the last time we shall see each other until the day of your death. Be strong, my son, and never bow before a single god of the pantheon."

Victor nods his head, and the light fades, revealing a half dead Freyja under him, and the sinister darkness dissappears. He quickly releases his grip on her and stands back. The door bursts open to reveal an army of enemy soldiers. Rebekah rushes over to her sister and casts a shield wall over them. The new power flowing through his veins makes him walk towards the hoards of enemy soldiers and stop just away from the door.

"The first to step one foot into this room will have their souls purged forever."

Ignoring his warning, the commander of the soldiers orders all of them to attack immediately. They begin swarming into the court, charging towards Victor.

"Mr Bloodgrave, you have to leave, or you're going to die."

With a smirk, he turns to look at her.

"If I die here, I'll never hear the end of it from both my parents. So, just keep your shield up and observe."

A surge of pure magical energy gathers around Victor as he prepares to try out this newfound power.

"Power of the Divine, make all that is evil in my sight burn to ash. Eternal Flames!"

A powerful wave flows out of Victor and passes through all the soldiers, making them burst into white-blue flames immediately. Their screams of agony fill the entire court as their skin and muscle melts from the bone. Rebekah turns away from the sight, but she can still hear their screams. After minutes of listening to the agonizing cries of the soldiers, everything falls silent. Victor turns to face a scared Rebekah, cowering behind her shield.

"Do not fear, Rebekah. All the soldiers have been killed, and you are no longer in danger."