
Paladin VS Pantheon

Prophecy speaks of a human who will end the reign of god's over the world. Join Victor on his journey of revenge and turmoil to eliminate the gods.

GreyWolf_98 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

34. Growth of a Leader

After Victor dissappears into the portal, it closes, and everything goes silent. Freyja breaths a sigh of relief.

"Good luck, Victor."

She approaches Gizel and Gwennith.

"Now then, let's start your training. Follow me."

The two follow Freyja through the palace as she leads them to a vast open ground.

"Welcome to the training ground for our soldiers and leaders. Here, you will learn to master the hidden gifts you possess. Because the two of you are special to Victor, I have decided your teachers will be none other than Tristia and Bladyen. They will train you to become the best version of yourself. If you will excuse me, I have other matters to attend to."

She turns around and leaves Gizel and Gwennith with Tristia and Bladyen. Freyja smiles to herself.

"Once I've turned them into my personal puppets, I will use them to destroy that poor boy and erase the last remnant of that witches bloodline."

Gizel and Gwennith look at each other and shrug their shoulders before going to meet up with Tristia and Bladyen to begin their training.

"Welcome, ladies, I hope you are ready to be pushed beyond your limit. Because by the time we've finished training you, you will be a formidable force. So, are ya ready?"

Bladyen smiles like a madman when Tristia whacks him on his head.

"Don't be an idiot! If you push them beyond their limits on the first day, I won't have anyone strong to fight when they finish."

"That hurt, you stupid beast. Are you trying to kill me?"

The two continue to argue when Gwennith speaks up in a bored voice.

"So, when do we start training?"

Tristia and Bladyen stop in the middle of their argument and quickly go back to their positions.

"Heh. Prepare to be amazed at the master of magic who will teach you things you've never seen before."

Gwennith replies in the same tone.

"But Victor defeated you with a low-level attack. How can you call yourself a master?"

Bladyen falls to the ground with his pride broken and almost crying.

"Ouch! That really hurt."

"Suck it up, Bladyen. We've been given the responsibility of training these two, and the sooner we get started, the better. So, are you two ready?"

Both nod their heads and proceed to their respective training grounds to begin training.

Meanwhile, in a dense forest, trees are being broken, and dust is being thrown up all over as Victor battles the powerful creature.

"What kind of beast is this, Shadow?"

"I haven't seen one of these in ages. It brings back memories. They were known as beasts of catastrophe and feared by all for their abilities to destroy entire countries. This particular one is known as a hybrid and has immense power, as you can see."

"How do I kill it?"

"Figure it out yourself."

"Hey, Shadow! Don't you dare disappear while we're having a conversation."

Shadow does not reply, which infuriates Victor, causing him to charge straight towards the beast, pulling his sword back and imbueing it with high tier magic before thrusting it towards the creature.

Back in the present, three months have passed since Victor was sent to the past. Gizel is slowly realizing her true potential under the guidance of Bladyen. While Gwennith has awakened to the power of sword arts while learning under Tristia. Their confidence and efficiency of spells and the arts they use have grown a great deal.

"Now Gizel, try and destroy this practice dummy without giving away your position."

Gizel focuses on the new spell she has recently learned, which forms a hexagon on her hand and sends it speeding towards the target without moving a blade of grass.

"Tace Mortem. (Silent Death).

Her spell cuts the dummy in half with a single flowing motion, not leaving any signs of an attack.

"Well done, Gizel. You have grown remarkably in these past few months. I can't wait to see how strong you'll be in a year's time."

"Thanks, Bladyen. You really have helped me become stronger and more capable of protecting Victor. You have my gratitude."

"Not.... a.....problem at all."

Gizel continues her training with a depressed Bladyen. Meanwhile, Gwennith is being put through grueling training by Tristia.

"Come now, little girl, surely you have more fight in you than what you've shown me."

Gwennith runs towards Tristia and brings her sword down. Tristia steps to the side and deflects her attack with ease, making Gwennith stumble and fall to the ground.

"Pathetic. How do you expect to get stronger when you perform useless attacks like that? You are capable of so much more."

Gwennith stands up, breathing heavily.

"I will not give up. Especially against someone who Victor beat without effort. I will make sure to land a hit on you, no matter how long it takes. I will not stop until I have achieved my goal."

Immense magical power starts surrounding Gwennith, causing Tristia to take a few steps back. Gwennith closes her eyes and feels an intense yet soothing power surrounding her. She remembers something her teacher once told her.

"Remember, Gwennith, there will be a day when you awaken to your power. When that day comes, do not be afraid to reach out and grab it. But, before you can fully control it, you must have a clear goal in mind. Someone or something you want to protect with your life."

She opens her eyes with a smile.

"Thank you, master. I already have something I want to fight for, and I will gladly give my life to protect it."

A violent tornado forms around Gwennith as she lets out a scream. When the tornado dissappears, Gwennith is clothed in glistening gold armor highly imbued with magic and a sword she has never seen before brimming with incredible magic power. Tristia is shocked where she stands.

"How can this be possible? I thought their kind were killed centuries ago."

Gwennith focuses her power into the sword and releases a slash so powerful, it destroys half the forest. Tristia tries to block it, but her sword is instantly broken. After the dust settles, Tristia is on her knees, coughing up blood. Gwennith quickly runs to her side and calls for help. Gizel and Bladyen hear her cry for help and arrive at her side within a few seconds.

"Are you ok, Gwennith?"

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you, Gizel. But Tristia has been badly injured, and I don't know any healing magic. Please can you help her."

Without saying another word, Gizel casts a fith tier healing spell over Tristia, instantly healing her wounds.

"How did this happen, Gwennith?"

"I don't know, Bladyen. Everything Everything went blurry, and when I came to, Tristia was on the ground, coughing up blood."

"Alright. That's enough for the time being. Let's wait for Tristia to recover before continuing your training."

Both of them nod in agreement and return to the castle. Having awakened to their new powers, Gizel and Gwennith fall asleep as soon as they lie on their beds.

Meanwhile, in the past, a group of heavily armored riders approaches the sight of where a fearsome battle took place. Among them is a beautiful girl wearing the finest armor. They stop just outside of the dust and try to see what's happening.

"Lady Rebekah, this is where reports of a Hybrid were seen battling with a figure of unknown origin and power. What are your orders?"

"Scout the perimeter to make sure nothing has escaped."

"Yes, your highness."

Her soldiers spread out to go and scout the area. Rebekah immediately draws her sword as she sees a figure walking towards them. When the dust settles, she sees a person who has been badly injured and rushes towards him. When Victor looks up, he sees a strange figure running towards him. He smiles before falling to the ground, passing out. As she approaches him, her eyes widen as she sees the Hybrid lying dead behind him, its body sliced in half.

"Did he really defeat this beast by himself? We should take him back with us to the castle."

Her fellow soldiers load him into a cart and make their way back towards the castle.