
Paladin VS Pantheon

Prophecy speaks of a human who will end the reign of god's over the world. Join Victor on his journey of revenge and turmoil to eliminate the gods.

GreyWolf_98 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

27. A Father's Last Message

After a restless night, Victor slowly crawls out of bed to get ready for the day ahead of him. When he sees himself in the mirror, he quickly uses a spell to rejuvenate him.


After the spell has been cast, Victor is back to his normal self. He finishes up and heads to class. During magic spells class, the other students can see something is wrong with Benjamine but don't have the courage to go and ask him. Victor tries hard to forget about the dream or vision he had last night, but he is not successful. His mind races with questions.

"What was that dream about? Who was it being executed? Who was that figure lurking in the shadows as I'd controlling the whole thing? And why was the king there as well?"

These unanswered questions make Victor hit his desk with such force that it breaks in half. Everyone turns to look at him in shock.

"Is everything alright, Mr. Fellowing? You seem to not be yourself today."

"Sorry, sir. I had a restless night and couldn't sleep properly."

"Just for today, because you've been diligent with your studies and putting what you learned to use, I will allow you to have the day off. Consider it a reward for all your hard work."

As if a weight was lifted off his shoulders, Victor relaxes and packs his things to leave class.

"Thank you so much, sir. I'm sorry my mind isn't here with your lesson."

"It's not a problem, Mr. Fellowing. Rest up."

Victor heads to his room, and he passes out as soon as his head hits the pillow. When he wakes up, it is late afternoon, and the academy has finished. So he decides to take another walk into town to clear his head. Victor travels to all the spots that he knows, buying food and fruits. On his way back to the dorm, he stops dead in his tracks, the hair on the back of his neck stand up as he hears people cheering.

Flashbacks of the dream enter his mind, and he starts shaking. He takes a deep breath and calms himself before heading towards the cheering. On his way there, he notices it's the same road that he saw in his dream. His heart begins to race as he arrives at the source, seeing the crowd gathered in the central plaza. Holding back his emotions, Victor makes his way through the crowd until he can see what's happening.

Victor is shocked to see the king sitting in exactly the same place and the same man reading from a scroll. He frantically looks around for the other figure who was lurking in the shadows, but there is no one there. He turns his attention back to the man reading the scroll.

"People of Fryden, today is the day we celebrate. The one responsible for all our suffering and hardships has finally been caught thanks to the information we received. The king has decided that this man be put to death in the slowest and most agonizing way possible. He is to be mutilated, and his innards will be laid out on the ground. Also, for the crime of  trying to force himself on the king's wife, he will have his manhood removed. Bring out the worthless trash."

Two guards carry a naked man whose head is covered with a bag, and the people start mocking, cursing, throwing rocks, and food at him. Victor looks on, unable to move because he wants to know who the person is being executed. The guards throw him down at the executioners' feet on both knees. The man reading the scroll smiles and removes the bag, revealing the criminal. Victors heart sinks to a depth beyond reach as he gazes upon the criminal who is his father.

"So, Mr. Cunin, how do you feel knowing your death will be slow and agonizing?"

"Go to hell, you bastard."

"My such vulgar language. No wonder you were able to do all these things."

The man nods to the guards, and then they string him up for everyone to see.

"The king has allowed you the blessing of a final word. That's more than scum like you deserve."

Riventer looks up at the crowd, and his gaze falls on his son. He gives Victor a painful smile and gestures to him not to do anything. Tears begin to well up in Victor's eyes as he sees this. Then Riventer begins to speak.

"People of Fryden, you've made a terrible mistake allowing yourselves to become manipulated by a god for which you will pay a heavy price."

The crowd boo and curse him even more.

"Is that all you have to say?"

"No. There is one more thing I have to say."

"Very well, but make it short."

"To my son. Please don't mourn for my passing. It will only hold you back from enjoying your life. Don't forget everything I've taught you, keep on practicing with the sword, and promise me one thing. When you are ready, come back and kill every single one of the bastards including the one pulling the strings. I love you, my boy, and I'm sorry I'm leaving you alone in this world. Forgive me."

Victor tries to hide it, but the tears flow out of his eyes, like streams down his face.

"Start by removing his fingers."

The executioner takes Riventers' left hand and proceeds to chop off his fingers one at a time. Deafening screams are heard as the last of his fingers get chopped off.

"Now his toes."

The executioner brings his blade down, chopping Riventers' feet in half. He lets out a cry of pain that can be heard from the academy.

"Remove his ears, nose, eyes, and tongue next."

Emotions stir up inside Victor. He is powerless and can only look on in horror as he watches his dad being mutilated part by part. When they have removed the parts of his face, the crowd cheer wildly, screaming more. The king nods with approval, and the execution continues.

"Remove his manhood, then gut him like a boar and leave him to die."

The guards hold his legs open as the executioner takes out a small rusty, dull bladed knife and proceeds to remove Riventers manhood one-by-one. Riventer is unable to talk, but his screams and cries of agony can still be heard by everyone. Victor's emotions begin to seeth with anger, and he moves forward only to have his hand grabbed by somebody from behind.

When he turns around, a hooded figure stands before him.

"Do not let your emotions take over. Instead, hold onto them and use it as energy to fuel your training and in your upcoming battles against the gods."

Victor recognizes the voice but can't remember from where. He calms down and falls to his knees, crying as they prepare to slice his dad's stomach open.

"Let this man's death be a warning to anyone who would defy the king. Leave his innards out in the open."

A long deep slash opens up Riventers stomach, and his guts fall out onto the ground. Stray animals and crows begin to tear through his intestines while he's still alive. After hours of watching his father be brutally killed, Victor's heart is shattered into pieces as he watches his dad take his final breath before lowering his head.

"He was an incredibly strong one to last so long. Put his body on display for all to see what happens when you defy the king."

"We must leave this place now, Victor. Please come with me."

The unknown person tries to pull Victor, but he's become heavy. They go around to see if he's still awake, but all they see are eye's that have no emotion or life in them. All the stranger can do is pick him up and take him to a safe place.