
Paladin VS Pantheon

Prophecy speaks of a human who will end the reign of god's over the world. Join Victor on his journey of revenge and turmoil to eliminate the gods.

GreyWolf_98 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

21. The Elder Mage

After a good night's rest, Victor wakes up to the sound of birds singing and calming music being played all around him.

"This is beautiful. Everything about it is majestic."

"Yes, even lady Greythan it would seem."

"AHHH!! What the hell Shadow? What made you think that?"

"Oh maybe it was; May the earth mother forever shine upon your everlasting beauty. You seriously don't hold back it would seem."

"Oh shut up. So do you feel something else at play here? Some other motives behind me being invited here?"

"Absolutely. But you must figure it out by yourself because I'm definitely not holding your hand for this one."

"Oh give me a break. When have you ever held my hand huh?"

"Good point."

Victor shakes his head after talking to Shadow and wonders what today has in-store for him. After getting dressed he is shown to a vast open dining hall where Westwind and his mother are sitting surrounded by a vast number of elves. Westwind shows Victor a seat next to him. He walks past lady Greythan and bows before sitting next to prince Greythan.

After an awkward breakfast, prince Greythan takes Victor to the training area.

"Welcome to the Greythanian sword arts school. This is where young elves are taught the secrets and use of our sword arts for battle. Don't worry you won't be going there for lessons, you're already past that stage."

Prince Greythan continues showing him around until they arrive at a vast open area where magic spells that Victor has never seen before are being used. As he looks closer, he sees the shape of a leaf with points.

"Why do your magic spells have a completely different design to ours?"

"I'm surprised you could see that. Because elves are decended from the earth mother our magic has deep roots within the earth so our tiers of magic are determined by the points of the leaf. They are similar but one is more applicable to humans than us."

"Interesting. Where will I be learning to refine control of my earth spells?"

"That would be our elder mage. He has lived many millennia and knows all the ways of teaching others."

"Am I really worthy to learn from him?"

"Of course, you're very different from your own kind as it is. Let me introduce you to him."

Prince Greythan leads Victor to an old tree of the forest where the elder mage lives. As they enter, Victor is overwhelmed by the sheer weight of the magic inside the tree and falls to his knees coughing.

"Benjamine! Are you alright?"

"What is this immense magic power residing in this tree?"

Prince Greythan looks at him with confusion. A voice bellows out from deep within the tree.

"What does the one not born of human want from me?"

"Great elder mage what is happening to him?"

"SILENCE! I did not speak to you, now answer me one not born of human."

"I have come to better my understanding of controlling the earth mother magic so I may be able to refine my spells and make them stronger."

"Hmmm. What do you intend to do once you have acquired this knowledge and mastered it?"

Victor thinks hard about his answer but it's difficult under the dense magic surrounding him.

"I will use it to stop those who would try and hurt the innocent."

"A noble cause? That will be impossible with the path that has been set before you."

"How do you know about my life's path?"

"I see and hear all things that happen throughout the kingdoms. I am a watching guardian of this world. I watch for signs that may show coming catastrophe and if it proves to dangerous I will step in."

"You say that yet you allowed George to kill thousands of people and you never even bothered to help. I find your story very hard to believe."

Prince Greythan is shocked by Victor's tone of voice towards the elder mage.

"Benjamine what the hell do you think you're doing? How dare you insult our elder mage like that."

"Shut up Greythan, you weren't there so stay out of this!"

"I will-"

Victor sends him flying through the tree with a devastating punch and prince Greythan is knocked out. He grits his teeth as he turns back to speak.

"I don't want to hear talk about protecting this world. If it proves to dangerous I will step in? Don't give me that bullshit."


The magic inside the tree grows heavier, forcing Victor further into the ground. He grits his teeth under the overwhelming weight of the magic. A figure slowly floats towards him and Victor is able to see his face. Out of nowhere Victor is struck with emotions so powerful it feels like his head will explode.

"It's been a while since I've seen that geezers face. I finally have a chance to repay him for betraying me."

"Shadow, what's happening to me? My head feels like it's about to explode.... AAAARRRRRGGGG!!!"

"Step aside Victor, I have a score to settle with this bastard."


"Just do it!"

"Very well, just don't destroy my body."

"Well, it would seem you are hopeless and don't deserve to live any longer. Goodbye."

A dense dark cloud of energy erupts from Victor's body, forcing the elder mage to step back. It covers Victor's body and dissappears revealing a black and red colored armor. Victor's eye's have become a deep green and his hair is long and black.

"So you intended to kill the one I reside in? You haven't changed one bit Crestwood."

"No. It's, it's impossible. You should be sealed away forever. How are you here now?"

"It's thanks to this kid. He's the one who found me and released the chains of my imprisonment. Now then, shall we settle our old score?"

The two entities stare each oth down and are about to start a fight that might destroy the forest.