
Paladin VS Pantheon

Prophecy speaks of a human who will end the reign of god's over the world. Join Victor on his journey of revenge and turmoil to eliminate the gods.

GreyWolf_98 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

18. Shadow's Warning

Heading back to the academy, Victor takes time to go over what his dad had told him.

"If you focus too much on that, you'll never survive a real fight against the gods or their armies."

"I'm sorry. It's not every day you find out that you're the child of two almost extinct bloodlines. What else am I supposed to do, huh?"

"Well, you are still human, so I guess it's only natural, but think too much about it, and you'll become a liability."

Victor shakes his head and, after a few hours, arrives at the academy. The headmaster is standing at the door waiting for him. Headmaster, it's late at night. What are you doing out here?"

The headmaster turns around, almost jumping out of his skin.

"Oh, it's you, Benjamine. I was worried about your mental state, so I decided to wait for your return."

"Thanks, headmaster, but it was not necessary, I've calmed down a lot, and I'm ready to continue my life at the academy."

"Very well, Benjamine. But now your life isn't going to be the same anymore after defeating  the demon. The students and teachers of the academy are already talking about what happened. Be ready for a different life starting tomorrow. Have a good evening further."

The headmaster turns and walks away, leaving Victor in a state of shock and worry. Victor heads to his room, lies on his bed, and falls asleep after the long day. Drifting into a plain he does not recognize, Victor finds himself face to face with Shadow, surrounded by a dense curtain of clouds the two begin talking

"I'm sure you know how dangerous the situation has become young Paladin. If word gets out to the city which has likely happened, they will find you."

"The question there, Shadow, is; How much time do we have?"

"At least you have got something between your ears. I'm only going to say this once and take it as a warning. The gods do not play fair. They will use any means to quell the thought of opposing them even going after those considered dear to you. So be careful who you speak to as they have eye's and ears everywhere."

"I understand that, but how am I going to avoid any suspicion? They could already be making their next move, and we wouldn't know."

"That's where you underestimate me, boy. I'm a primordial. I know what the gods are planning, but I have no obligation to tell you about it."

"You're a bastard Shadow, do you get some enjoyment out of seeing others suffer?"

"OF COURSE I DO MORTAL!!! Seeing others drown in anguish and sorrow for themselves because they're too weak brings me great joy. But, while I know what the gods are planning, I don't know how things will turn out, and that's what makes you an interesting vessel. I have searched but found no clear path of your future, and that can only mean one thing. You're an enemy of fate itself."

"But how can I be an enemy of fate? It is an absolute and can't be changed."

"Your very existence goes against fate itself. For a child to be born of two ancient bloodlines is already a taboo that defies fate. It is impossible, and fate can not play a role in the impossible. The sooner you understand that, the better."

"If what you say is true, then everything I do and the consequences of my actions will be unknown because I'm an enemy of fate."

"Yes. It remains to be seen if you'll really change the world or destroy it. That is all I will say. It is time to greet the new morning, young Paladin. Heed my warning."

Shadow disappears, and Victor finds himself awake in his dorm, sweat running down his face. As he gets up, the sun begins to shine brightly through his window, illuminating everything in a warm golden light. He proceeds to get ready for school, having a bath and changing his clothes, Shadows warning still lingering in his mind. There's a knock on his door followed by bickering. He slowly approaches and quickly opens the door only to find a group of students all standing at his door. Victor slowly closes the door, trying not to make a sound, his heart beating in his throat lookingfora meansof escape. But the door closes with a click, causing everyone to rush and scream. Victor's only chance of escape is through the window, but with the body of students at his door, he has to escape before they swamp his room.

Victor takes a deep breath and bolts towards the window just as the door breaks, followed by a massive body of students. He runs and crashes through the window only to see a deep drop off a cliff face.

"I really didn't think this through, did I? I'll have to use it even though my control of it is poor to none."

He closes his eyes and imagines big spread out wings on his back.

"Aer Alis"

A pair of wings emerge from his back, slowing his fall. He looks frantically for an open place to land, only to see the courtyard.

"This is going to hurt."

He manages to make his way to the courtyard only to have the spell disperse and go rocketing towards the ground. He closes his eye's but doesn't hit anything. When he opens them, he is lying on a cloud of feathers a few feet off the ground. He looks around and sees a few of the teachers, but none of them has cast the spell.

"You can thank me later, although I'm not sure they'll give you a chance."

Victor looks around and sees a tall male student walking away and waving to him. The body of students makes its way to the courtyard and is stopped by the headmaster and some teachers.

"Whoever tries to prevent young Benjamine Fellowing from his studies will face detention or immediate expellment. The choice is yours."

As quickly as it happened, it was all over, Victor breathed a sigh of relief but looked towards the hallway where he saw the mystery student who saved him walk away.