
Paladin's Descent

In the desolate city of Veridium, where shadows stretched longer than hope and desperation clawed at every heart, there lived a man named Valerian. His life had been a symphony of sorrow, abandoned by his family and shunned by his friends. Fate had twisted its cruel fingers around his destiny, wrapping him in a shroud of darkness that seemed impossible to escape. Valerian's body had been ravaged by a relentless illness that sucked the very essence from his veins. His eyes, once vibrant and full of life, had dulled to a cold, unfeeling gray. Each labored breath was a painful reminder of his mortality, and as his body weakened, a single thought consumed his mind: power. The kind of power that could command fate itself, that could transcend the boundaries of life and death. One fateful night, as his life flickered like a dying ember, a mysterious force surged through Valerian's veins. A blinding light engulfed him, and when it faded, he found himself in a new world. A world with rules akin to a twisted game, where power could be obtained through trials and tribulations.

TheBeardedBard · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Nexus Revelations

Valerian's focus shifted inward as he accessed the Arcane Nexus, a digital representation of his new world's mechanics and abilities. His eyes scanned the information presented before him, parsing the intricate details of his attributes. Each stat carried its own significance, each point an opportunity for growth.


For every point added to your strength, your melee damage increases by 0.5%. (Current bonus 5%).


For every point added to your agility, your walking speed, running speed, and attack speed will increase by 0.5%. (Current bonus 4%).


For every point added to vitality, increase your life points by 10 (Current bonus 90) and also increase your stamina points by 5 (Current bonus 45).


For every point added to your intelligence, increase your spell power by 0.5%. (Current bonus: 6%).


For every point added to your wisdom, increase your mana by 10 (current bonus 140).


For every point added to charisma, increase your favor score by 0.5%. (Current bonus 3%).

As Valerian absorbed the information, the nexus interface unveiled further tabs. "Statistics," the current screen he was exploring. "Overview," is the next logical step. Valerian's initial impression of this tab led to a sarcastic response.

Note from the system: The overview screen will give you an overview of yourself.

"Gee, thanks..." Valerian muttered, his tone dripping with sarcasm. Yet, as he perused the screen, he found more insight than he initially expected.

Health: 220,

Stamina: 160,

Mana: 240,

Damage: 2-4

Valerian nodded to himself, acknowledging the basics. However, as he continued reading, he uncovered further details that piqued his curiosity.

Race: Human,

Class: Holy Paladin,

Bloodline: None,

Sponsor: None,

Traits: None

Valerian's contemplation led him down a rabbit hole of possibilities. "Race" seemed to hint at the existence of other beings in this world—or perhaps an intriguing prospect of personal transformation. "Class," while bearing the title of a Holy Paladin, held connotations that he found less than appealing.

"Bloodline" carried a mysterious allure, hinting at potential power and drawbacks, while the notion of a "Sponsor" left Valerian bemused, envisioning himself as an athlete with branded shoes. "Traits" presented an enigma of positive and negative attributes, a puzzle he couldn't yet solve.

The tab that followed was "Equipment." Valerian's gaze flicked over this section; his current armor and weaponry left much to be desired—crude iron plates and a chipped sword. His frustration was palpable, and he swiftly moved on.

The next tab, "Skills," unveiled a comprehensive list of his current abilities:

Holy Smite: Level 1

Holy Shield: Level 1

Divine Strike: Level 1

Blessings of Ammit: Level 2

Aura of Purity: Level 1

Below his current skills, Valerian glimpsed locked skills that held tantalizing potential, while even further down, a sea of '???????' represented hidden skills, their mysteries waiting to be uncovered.

As Valerian's mind raced with possibilities, he realized that his current skills could be leveled up. He pondered the prospects of expanding his repertoire, his thoughts dancing with the allure of newfound strength. However, it was the Aura skills that captivated his imagination.

Auras, those mystical forces that granted buffs and defensive advantages, called out to Valerian. They promised a path of enhancement beyond raw power, and he couldn't resist the temptation. His eyes fell upon his existing aura skill—'Aura of Purity.'

But as he activated the skill, Valerian's attention was drawn to the change in his mana:

Mana: 192/240

His understanding crystallized—aura skills were reserve skills. They drew on a portion of his mana to maintain their effects once cast, without depleting his overall mana pool. The realization ignited a spark in Valerian's mind as he deactivated the aura.

Pondering the mysteries of his newfound abilities, Valerian continued his exploration, uncovering the path to unlocking new skills. His mind raced with possibilities, a devious glint appearing in his eyes.

"It's time to grind some XP!" Valerian declared, his determination clear. He had a plan, a goal to achieve, and the world before him was ripe with opportunity—a canvas upon which he would paint his path to power.