
The adorable young prince (Liliana POV)

After a while, the little boy woke up and seemed lost for a moment at the unfamiliar figure he was clinging to, but he seemed to soon remember and addressed me and angel's healing smile. I felt all my troubles flutter away.

-I'm glad you look healthy again, I hope you had a nice nap. I still haven't introduced myself properly, my name is Liliana, and I'm working in the palace as a maid. You may call me Lily.

-My-my name is Leonhart Der Ravtalia. I'm the crown prince, it is a pleasure to meetchu.

Ahh how cute, he stuttered.

-I see, please forgive my rudeness until now your highness I didn't realize you were the crown prince.

-No, it's okay. Li-Lilly! You can be my friend, so I'll forgive you!

-It is an honor to be your friend, your highness. I shall make myself the most reliable so please feel free to depend on me whenever you need to.

-Thank you…

He seems quite happy, perhaps it's the first time he made a friend on his own. Eh? Is he sniffing at me? Do I smell bad? Am I perchance sweaty from this morning's chores? Ehh how embarrassing, I hope it's not too obvious.

-Lily… your face doesn't show much expression, so at first, I found it a bit scary… But when I got closer when you were sleeping, I found it very pretty. And even if you're expressionless, your voice is very gentle… it's like I can understand how you feel through it somehow…

-My, how kind and polite of you, your highness. I feel embarrassed at such praise, especially coming from such a gentleman.

-Hehe. Also… you smell nice…

-Is that so? I'm glad my scent isn't repulsive to you, your highness.

-No, it's not repulsive, it smells good… sweet… and yummy…

-Yummy? Ah, perhaps, are you talking about the sweets' scent? I made some sweet treats this morning so I guess the vanilla scent must have stuck to my clothes. I happen to have some me and my younger brother couldn't manage to finish at lunch, would his highness like to taste them?

-! Yesh! … Yes, I would like some please.

Fufu, I see, when he's nervous or over excited he gets sloppy in his speech.

-Very well, please take a seat your highness, I'll serve you some along with some juice I brought along.

I asked him to take a seat and reached out to my basket to take out the sweets and the juice, but contrary to all expectations, he comfortably establishes himself on my lap, and wrapped my left hand around his waist. He looked as satisfied as an explorer who discovered new land. I could barely hold in my nosebleed over this overload of cuteness. I nimbly grabbed the basket without shaking the little host, and took out the treat, which I served in the most proper manner I could with my only free hand.

-This weather would be perfect for tea, it's a shame I don't have any.

-Yummy! What's this! So delicious! … Ne-next time, tomorrow, bring tea, and we'll have teatime here together!

-What a nice idea, I shall prepare other sweets that will go nicely with it then.

-Yes! Please do! Ah, but…

-What's wrong? You suddenly look down, your highness?

-My teachers… they told me that if I don't go over the necessary materials for the class and understand them well, I won't be allowed to have much free time in the afternoon. Today was also like, I ran away when they weren't looking because I had enough… but I doubt they'll be as careless tomorrow…

-I see, they must be worried for his highness, I'm sure they want to make sure you grow up into a fine, smart and strong man, and that's why they're a little strict in their teaching.

-I understand… but I won't be able to meet Lily very often…

Ahhh, how cuter can this little angel get? No, his cuteness is such a sin he must actually be a little devil.

-I would also be very sad if I couldn't meet with his highness anymore. Ah, how about we make it so that you will always finish your classes on time?

-Eh? I'd like to do that… but I'm ashamed to say I actually don't understand the materials very well…

-Don't worry your highness, I'm not very well-versed in more extensive studies, but I should manage at your current level just fine. Please show me the materials you went over with your teachers today, I'll try to explain what you don't understand the best I can.

-Really! Lily's so kind! Well, then, I shall accept your offer with great pleasure! I'm so happy we'll be able to play again!

-Alright, let's see, we shall start with the subject you're the most comfortable with and progress at your own rhythm until you feel you understood everything well. Please don't refrain from asking if there's anything you don't understand, and also don't mind interrupting me if you can't follow what I'm saying.

Grabbing the books, he was carrying in his bag, I start explaining the lessons to the little prince.

At first, he seems confused and doesn't know what I'm saying, but I understood his problem. The child is actually very smart. However, he cannot understand if not explained from the core of the problem to the solution, you could say he's so clever he couldn't just accept the easy solutions his preceptors gave him right away, thinking they saved him the trouble of too much thinking.

I'm happy he's such a good listener and an obedient student, we have been studying for around an hour now, but never once has he said he was tired, and he doesn't look bored either, in fact he even looks very interested and eager to learn. Whatever subject I touch upon, he showers me with questions, and asks for examples. He also earnestly does the little exercises I give him throughout the lesson and gives his best effort to answer the questions I ask him in order to see whether he understood or not.

By the third hour of studying, it was already getting late, and he was so diligent we had gone through the day's materials and even reviewed a little of what he was taught before.

-Well then, your majesty, it's actually getting pretty late, and I wouldn't want to worry your maids as they must be looking for you everywhere right now.

-It's okay! I told my tutors I would study by myself in the afternoon after they upset me this morning. They know I'm in a safe location. Also, I never thought studying could be this fun! Lily explains in a very easy to understand way, you're really patient with all my questions, and the facts you're telling me about are very interesting and they're not anywhere in my textbooks! How come Lily is so knowledgeable?

-I'm happy to hear his highness is enjoying his studies, but I have to say I'm not such a praise worthy person. I just happened to be taught a little by the madam I was serving when I was younger, she was very kind and always explained to me in a very patient way. You could say my current teaching is just me imitating her, she would actually be the real amazing person. As for the side facts I told you about, I either heard them from the madam or read them in books.

-Oh, so Lily likes to read? What kind of books?

-Yes, I enjoy reading very much. I don't have a favorite type, I think all books are interesting and teach you interesting information. I believe there is no such thing as a useless book, you just need to give enough effort to process the information you learnt in the most fruitful way.

How cute, his eyes are wide open and shining so brightly it's almost blinding. Really, children are so healing, viva cute little brothers! Viva his highness!

-Lily is amazing! I want to be just like you and know a lot about a lot of things! Will you please continue teaching me like today? I never had much interest in books, but could you recommend me some I could enjoy like you did?

-If I can be useful to his highness, it would be my pleasure. I'm glad his highness took interest in reading, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it very much. I'm sure the royal library must be filled with interesting books that'll pique your curiosity. How about we go there tomorrow after lunchtime and hold our revisions there? I could probably find you some books to get started with.

-Yes! Please do that, from today on I'll be in your care then!

-Please take care of me as well.

And that's how I became his highness' afternoon tutor.

The following days, we continued our revision sessions in places such as the royal gardens or the library. I also prepared a few snacks each time in order to have breaks which are also important for students not to get tired easily.

His highness was delighted by the sweets I made and enjoyed learning very much as it wasn't a tiring task anymore but an enjoyable one instead. He also said his tutors were very impressed by his sudden progress and eagerness to learn, and they allowed him to study by himself during the afternoons as they thought his self-study time was unexpectedly bringing good results.