
An unusual sparring: The vice-captain of the imperial knights… and a maid?

Before I could utter a single word of complaint, the two opponents were already taking their stances in the battle area, and all the knights, young recruits and myself were forming a circle around them.

Robert had his usual knight uniform on and happily grinned while taking out his sword and straightening his posture. Liliana on the other hand… I don't know what to think… I wonder if it's actually okay for a young woman to reveal wo much of her legs… sure she's wearing her younger brother's pants but her figure is extremely well defined and visible through the light fabrics, also the pants seem to be a perfect fit as her younger brother isn't much taller than her and is of similar corpulence.

I guess everybody has complicated feelings as she looks as stunningly beautiful in her pants and armor as she did in her maid uniform, however the air around completely changed as she is now in serious battle form. I can feel a chill in the air and a very heavy aura, I wonder if I'm only imagining things… no… as I look around, everybody seems to think the same. They're stunned at her beauty and elegance of her posture and fighting stance but they cannot shake off the frightening aura she's leaking. It's not killing intent, however it a strong and sharp feeling… I wonder … ah! I know, it's that feeling huh... no wonder the younger brother was so well disciplined… it's the aura to train wild animals by overwhelming them with fear and intimidation...

I sigh at the ridiculous sight, and Robert who seems to enjoy the current situation more than he expected. Since I was appointed as the referee, I raise my hand and give the starting signal.


I was expecting Robert to dash as soon as the signal was given, but contrary to my expectations, they both stood still.

-what's wrong?

I asked Robert but he returned my question to Liliana:

-why won't you attack me? I won't charge forward as my blows would be too heavy If I were to attack first.

-no, it is beyond my position to suddenly dash forward someone of Robert-Sama's standing. Please bear me no consideration and spar the way you usually train your pupils.

-is that really fine? I wasn't reluctant to push you into battle but that doesn't mean I'm fine with hurting a young lady. Actually, the more I'm considering this, the more I think I may have made a blunder…

-no, it's actually an honor for me to spar with the vice-captain of the imperial knights even though I hold the low position of maid. I've been keeping in shape ever since Chris and I started living separately, but I have to admit I miss the refreshing feeling of training with someone. Moreover, if that partner is someone of your competence I'm overjoyed no matter how little I can learn. By all means, please do not go easy on me.

-ohh, is that so. Not only your manners are perfect, but you're also very modest and polite. I can't wait anymore so I'll take you up on your offer!

As soon as he had finished his sentence, Robert fiercely leaped towards Liliana like a tiger chasing its prey, I quickly worried the weight of his blow would be too heavy for such a young woman and frail woman to parry, but she quickly proved me wrong as she repelled his sword with an outstanding vertical move of her own. Her movements were not dull at all, she promptly reacted to all his attacks and managed to dodge the heaviest ones while taking advantage of his openings to land blows of her own. As the battle was going on the grin slowly left Robert's face for a serious expression to take its place. Nobody expected her to spar on even grounds with him, but I guess the most surprised was Robert as he challenged her so lightly, without considering the slightest possibility she actually knew how to fight. Of course, he was still going easy on her, but I felt he started getting impatient and his blows got heavier and sharper, as if to afflict actual harm. I wanted to voice a complaint, but I knew his pride was a little hurt especially in front of the young knights who always looked up to him. Besides, Chris was standing beside me and was looking at the battle as if it was the most normal outcome. I guess he knew his older sister wasn't to be taken lightly.

Seeing how the young recruits started to look perplexed at how their superior was on equal grounds with a maid, I decided to intervene.

-Robert, she looks proficient enough, you may stop going easy on her. This duel has lasted enough, bring it to a closure.

Robert first looks surprised at my comment, but perhaps understanding the meaning behind it, he swiftly changed his stance and started and even more offensive attack. For a moment, Liliana glanced towards the crowd, and quickly looked back at her opponent. I felt it was weird for someone as focused as she had been to make that move, and moment later, her sword was knocked out of her hands.

The young recruits felt relieved and cheered for their superior and the valiant young maid who held strong to him longer than any of them had before. Liliana bowed to thank Robert for his kind guidance and slightly bowed to the audience for their cheers. She then turned around and started heading towards the equipment stalls I order to change her outfit but Robert pulled her hand and whispered something in her ear. She looked a little surprised, then shook her head and left the battle area, thanking him again for the exercise she hadn't had in a while. He answered awkwardly and headed towards me.

I felt we needed to talk and ordered the young knights to resume their training. They seemed surprisingly more motivated than usual and eager to spar with each other to show off their talent. I guess watching such a heated battle from time to time is good for the moral.

-did you notice?

-yes… for a moment she glanced in our way I guess seeing the faces of the knights she understood the meaning behind my words as well.

-I don't know if I should be amazed at her good judgement or angry at her purposely losing against me! I feel kinda angry and my pride is a bit hurt you see.

-I understand that as a knight and as a man, it is hard to win a battle you were supposed to lose. I know you feel dissatisfied, but please bear with until a later date if you wish to spar again, as we can't afford for a superior to show weakness in front of their subordinates no matter the opponent, let alone a maid.

-I get it but it's really frustrating. I even asked her if she did it on purpose and she said she would have lost sooner or later as she was not accustomed to parry with experienced fighters for a long time, and because I was supposedly a man of more vigor and muscle than herself.

-I see… she skillfully avoided the issue and tried her best not to hurt your pride. I bet she was even planning to lose from the beginning and was just waiting for you to actually get serious.

-Seriously, your analysis is only making me angrier.

-Hahaha, how out of character for you who's always taking everything so lightly. This is the first time I see so worked up over a woman.

-Haa, really, I feel like I was played with, it's absolutely unpleasant.

-At least, now you know how the women you usually frequent feel.

-That!... well, you're not exactly wrong, I shall reflect on my actions. Though I really want to know more about her, I think I'll try dating her for a bit she seems kinda interesting.

-I suggest you refrain from that as she is not the type to play around and most diligently looks after her younger sibling as well as his highness Leon-Sama whilst carrying her duties.

-Eh? She's Leon-Sama's caretaker? She introduced herself as palace maid though?

-I'm currently investigating what circumstances led to such a relationship, but she's indeed his friend or so he calls her and is deeply attached to her.

-I see, well I'm looking forward the investigation's results. I shall stand back for now.

-Are you that interested?

-I must be blind to leave alone such a beautiful, refined and strong-willed woman.


-eh?! You're agreeing? Meaning you really think the same about her?!

-ah, no, I mean, I do but…

-NO WAY?! The ever woman-hating captain is actually interested in one?! I'm sorry, I'll completely withdraw. It's true I find her attractive but she's not really my type and I'd rather save my best friend's once in a lifetime chance to settle down!

-… You're exaggerating… Also, I do not hold such feelings for her…

-Eeeh, is that sooo. But you looked quiiite interested a while ago, going as far as having her investigated huuuh.

-No, that was for his highness' sake and…

-It's okaaay, no need to make up excuses! I'm happy you finally found someone you were interested in and you two are a good match I think! Don't worry, I'll support you!

-No, like I said, that's unnecessary…

-Ah she's back! You'd better be a gentleman and escort her back!

-Yeah, yeah, I got it. Just calm down and train the young guys properly.

Liliana got closer and bowed again to thank us for today's birthday party and training. The recruits had already tied up the rest area and brought her back her baskets as a thank you. Her expression didn't change much, however she thanked them and asked them to take care of her little brother. Before I knew it, all the groups had somewhat gotten closer to each other, and I could see from a distance the seniors kindly instructing their juniors while making jokes. The atmosphere was much more relaxed and they seemed to communicate better. Truly, ever since I met Liliana, my problems seem to disappear one by one. I wonder if she could do something about the mountain of paper work in my office? … just kidding.

I offered to escort her back to the maid quarters, she politely declined but I insisted as a means to express my gratitude for the raising the troupe's moral and offering a meal. She reluctantly accepted and I safely led her to the building she was residing in. I see it is quite close to the knights' quarters, perhaps that's why she decided to work at the royal palace? She could still keep an eye on her younger brother and take care of him.

She thanked me one last time and bid me goodbye. It felt a little lonely to part after such an eventful day, I guess I was affected just as much as the youngsters were… these days I feel like my age is regressing, I should be more careful.