

Before the man and the monster stood the three doors of mankind, beyond which sat the black lake.

They approached the first door...

Bang... Bang... Bang.

Behind the first door was a very old couple.

   "Shall I bring you the hearts of the wise?" Asked the monster.

   "Yes." Replied the man.

Crunch... Crunch... Crunch.

And so the monster gobbled up the hearts of the wise...

They approached the second door...

Bang... Bang... Bang.

Behind the second door was a beautiful young couple.

   "Shall I bring you the hearts of the youth?" Asked the monster.

   "Yes." Replied the man.

Crunch... Crunch... Crunch.

And so the monster gobbled up the hearts of the youth...

They approached the final door...

Bang... Bang... Bang.

Behind the final door was two children.

   "Shall I bring you the hearts of the innocent?" Asked the monster.

   "Yes." Replied the man.

Crunch... Crunch... Crunch.

And so the monster gobbled up the hearts of the innocent...