
Painter, Paint Her

A place where artists from all over the world assemble, and an island of art in many forms. As a painter, Techne Island is the island of Yohan Benedict Chavez's dreams. As soon as he set foot on the island, he was instructed not to paint at night. However, on his first night, this young artist neglected the rules, which led to a terrifying incident. A widely held belief is that when you draw something at night, the subject is believed to be staring at you. The woman he painted appeared before his eyes. His curiosity never caused him to quit. Chavez painted the lady again during the night and discovered that she was a cursed, lost soul. He gradually began to grasp how gloomy the island was—completely at contrast with the colourful it is. It's an enormous disaster, but Yohan won't give up until he breaks the curse placed upon the lost soul. Let's join Yohan as he unveils Techne Island's mysteries.

ylabbles · Fantasy
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51 Chs

A Glitch

I woke up without Iseul around, the sun was up and I slept on the sofa. I've already told Iseul that I won't be summoning her for a while since I'm staying in the South. I stood up and did some stretching.

I made coffee and started packing my things. I'll just bring my black duffel bag. I prepared my clothes, toiletries, and electronics. I'm also bringing my sling bag which has my journal, pen, and some small art materials that I can use when I'm bored.

I went inside my bedroom to ensure that my paintings were hidden. All of it are portraits of Iseul after summoning her several times. I bought a safe to protect them. The Norigae knot that Nari gave me is also placed here.

I cooked lunch and ate before taking a shower. I wore a white t-shirt, a blue chambray oversized shirt, khaki pants, and my white sneakers. I also wore a black baseball cap. I locked my apartment and headed downstairs.

"Hey, man! Where are you headed to?" it was Luke and he's going upstairs.

"To the South. I won't be going home for a while." I said.

"I see, enjoy your trip! Are you going out alone?"

"Not really. I'll be going there with Sai."

Luke gave me a meaningful look. "I remember her! She looks after an art gallery. Seems like you've changed your mind about love..."

"She's just a friend." I took a few steps and walked past Luke. "I'll go ahead, Luke."

"Alright! Take care, lover boy!"

Lover boy my ass.

Sai was already here at our meeting place when I arrived. She also has her duffel bag and she's wearing a frog bucket hat.

"Yohan! You're late!" she crossed her arms.

"You're just too early. I already booked a taxi, it's on its way." I sat beside her while looking on my phone. I'm tracking where the taxi is right now.

"Where are we going first once we get there?" she asked.

"Uh, the hotel?"

"Why are you always like that! You're answering me as if it was so obvious!" She was holding her waist and glaring at me.

"I just answered your question, Sai."

"I mean, whose art gallery?!"

"Oh, a digital museum first... hey, the taxi is here. Stop whining like a kid." I went inside the taxi and Sai followed. I heard her cursing at me but I just laughed it off.

We weren't talking to each other during the trip. Sai was sleeping soundly the whole time. I just enjoyed watching from the window. It took us almost two hours until we arrived at the hotel.

"Sai," I called her.

"Hmm?" she frowned when I woke her up. "Go to hell moron, I'm still sleeping!"

I heard the driver laugh. "Your girlfriend's mad at you, Sir."

"She's not my girlfriend."

What's with people these days?

"Sai, wake up or I'll leave you here."

Her eyes opened and I was shocked to see me. "Oh my God! Where are we? Are we here already?"

I exited the taxi and walked towards the hotel. Sai followed me until we reached the lobby. The staff gave us a warm welcome.

"Wait here." I told her.

"Good afternoon, Sir." the receptionist said.

"I'm Yohan Chavez, I already reserved two rooms."

The receptionist immediately searched for my name on her computer. "Two single rooms for Yohan Benedict Chavez." She handed me some cards and told me where the room was at.

Sai was sitting on a sofa while swaying her feet. I called her attention and told her to follow me. We went inside the elevator and I pressed the 3rd floor.

"Here's the card for your room."

"How much?" she raised her eyebrows.

"No need to pay." I said.

"Really?! But it's expensive here? You could've just booked one room for us," she teasingly looked at me.

I rolled my eyes. "You wouldn't let me sleep, you're so noisy."

"That's not what I mean..." she pouted her lips and looked away.

"What are you even thinking? People already asked me if you're my girlfriend twice. How irritating."

"What?! Who said that?! You're not my type!"

"Oh I feel the same."

We sounded like cats and dogs fighting. Even inside the elevator we were arguing over a stupid thing. This is going to be a long day.

We went out after placing our bags inside our rooms. I just brought my sling bag while Sai brought her digital camera.

"You can tell the difference between the North and South here. The southern part of the island has more freedom of artistic expression than the north." Sai said.

We're walking through the side of the road. I can totally agree with what she said. The place is full of murals, even the buildings, posts, benches... everything's painted. You wouldn't see colorful murals on the streets of the North.

"This looks like heaven." I said while looking around.

"Yeah! I knew you would like this place, why didn't you stay here instead?"

"I thought of that too, but I might never come home and just live here if I do that."

She laughed so hard. "There are great artists here! Mostly contemporary! Unlike the ones at home, they're more of classic and traditional arts."

"Do you know anyone here?" I asked.

"Well, my Dad's sister lives here in the South. She's a digital artist, but she's too busy with animation."

Speaking of animation, there are buildings here with large screens on it... flashing various animations. As far as I know, there's a big animation production company here. Some famous shows were animated here which are being flashed on the big screens.

"Are you into digital arts too?" Sai asked.

"I know how to do digital art but I prefer traditional."

We were both standing on the sidewalk, waiting for the stoplight to let us cross the street. I was looking at a large screen, watching the animation.

"That looks cool! Oh what the-"

I blinked twice, the animation stopped.

"It's glitching." I said.


I took a step back when a pixelated lady suddenly appeared, as if she was also glitching.

("Lasciami uscire!")

I stared at the woman that appeared for a second. Her voice sounded like a robot's broken voice. It was hard to understand because of the glitch.

("Yohan, fuggire!")

Two pixelated emerald eyes appeared on the screen, but it turned off right away.

The screen remained shut, but there was an announcement. "Our apologies for the inconvenience, citizens of the great South. There has been a small problem and our team is currently fixing it. Have a good day."

People were already crossing the streets, but I remained standing, while looking at the screen. There's no doubt, I heard my name.

Those eyes were... green. And she said my name.

"Iseul's here too." Sai said while looking at me. She looked surprised just as I am.

What are you trying to tell me?

Why are you here... digitally?