
Chapter 28: The prediction

Aphrodite POV

Why is that? Do what I see differ from my vision? If not Rizden is Creed. Why my vision is mess?

I tried to focus again to see what would happen in the future.

It's dark, it's hard to see because I don't have my eyesight, but with the help of my power I can still see what will happen in the future.

It’s vague but I know Creed is the one we’re on.

I saw something else and it was Rizden holding a knife.

It can't be .... Why do I see things like this?

Their mess.

"Aphrodite?" That was Clementine's voice.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Van called me to ask for back up." She replied.

"Are you alone? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Waiting for them." I said and held her hand.

"Clementine, they needs you there, if you can stop time please do." I said.

"Why?" She asked.

"Someone between Creed and Rizden could die." I replied quietly to her..