
Paint With Love - A story of Art & Love

Chen Ji Yang and Li Yi Ming, two talented art students, meet and fall in love as they navigate the competitive world of college-level painting. Despite coming from different backgrounds, they bond over their shared passion for art and discover that their unique styles complement each other. As they collaborate on projects, their relationship blossoms, but they must overcome societal expectations and jealous rivals to pursue their dreams together. A talented and driven art student, Ji Yang is known for her bold, expressive brushstrokes and her ability to capture the essence of the natural world. She is determined to make a name for herself in the art world, but her traditional family background creates tension as she pursues her passion. A gifted painter with a more technical and analytical approach, Li Yi Ming is initially seen as Ji Yang's rival. However, as they collaborate on projects, they discover a deep connection and a shared vision for their art. Li Yi Ming must overcome his own insecurities and learn to embrace his emotions to fully express himself through his paintings.

sayahan · Teen
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7 Chs


In Mr. Ma's office, Yi Ming entered as requested.

"Ah, you came. Come inside," Mr. Ma welcomed him.

Yi Ming entered, asking, "Mr. Ma, you wanted to see me?"

Mr. Ma nodded, "Yes. The thing is, as you know, our university's anniversary is coming up. Our art department has a project for our campus exhibition. I need two more people besides your seniors, so I have decided that you and Chen Ji Yang will work together on this project."

Yi Ming simply acknowledged, "I see."

Mr. Ma continued, "I have seen your previous work. You do excellent work. About Ji Yang, I think she has talent. So I decided that you two will be perfect. What do you think?"

Yi Ming, maintaining his cold and serious demeanor, replied, "I agree, Teacher Ma. Ji Yang will be fine to work with us."

"Okay, good to hear that. How about you call Ji Yang right now and tell her to come here so we can discuss further things?" Mr. Ma suggested.

"I got it, Mr. Ma," Yi Ming affirmed before leaving the office to make the call.

Yi Ming dialed Wang Rui's number and waited for him to pick up.

Wang Rui answered the call, "Hello, brother. What is it?"

Yi Ming asked, "Do you have Ji Yang's contact?"

Wang Rui replied, "No, I only have her WeChat."

Yi Ming insisted, "Don't you have student details? Send me her contact number right now."

Wang Rui, sensing something, questioned, "Wait, why are you looking for her contact? You... Don't tell me you..."

Yi Ming cut him off sharply, "Don't talk nonsense."

Wang Rui relented, "Okay, I have sent you her contact."

Yi Ming simply responded, "Hmm," before ending the call abruptly as Wang Rui started to ask more questions.

Xu Ming entered the room with the food, announcing, "Sweethearts, wake up! The food is here."

Linlin commented, "It smells good."

Xu Ming urged, "Hey Weiwei, keep your book aside and have something. And you, Ji Yang, wake up. Look what I've brought for you... your favorite noodle. Come have some."

Ji Yang, still half-asleep, responded, "Darling, you're the best."

As Ji Yang opened her eyes, she received a call from an unknown number.

Ji Yang mumbled, "Hmm? Who is it?"

Xu Ming inquired, "What happened?"

Ji Yang replied, "Ah, nothing."

She answered the call, only to find it was Li Yi Ming.

Yi Ming greeted, "Hello, it's me."

Ji Yang, still groggy, asked, "What? Who is it? Don't you have a name?"

Yi Ming cleared his throat and identified himself, "It's me, Li Yi Ming."

As Ji Yang heard his name, she quickly woke up and realized it was Yi Ming calling.

Ji Yang asked, "Where did you get my contact?"

Yi Ming explained, "From Wang Rui."

Ji Yang nodded and questioned, "Oh, I see. Tell me, what is it?"

Yi Ming informed her, "I called you because Mr. Ma wants to see you in his office."

Ji Yang, surprised, stuttered, "Teacher Ma... Wh... Why?"

Yi Ming continued, "He has something to discuss with us."

Ji Yang, still in disbelief, repeated, "With us?"

Yi Ming confirmed, "That's right. Come to his office in the arts department building right now."

Ji Yang hesitated, "Right now? I can't. I haven't gotten up yet."

Yi Ming pressed, "What did you say? I didn't hear you properly."

Ji Yang sighed and replied, "No, nothing. I will see you there in half an hour."

Yi Ming objected, "No, you can't."

Ji Yang asked, "Why?"

Yi Ming explained, "Do you think Mr. Ma has time to wait for you for half an hour? He is busy, and so am I."

Ji Yang pleaded, "Brother, don't be like that. Just give me some time, okay? And you tell him that I'm not on campus. It will take some time for me to reach there."

Yi Ming negotiated, "20 minutes."

Ji Yang resisted, "Ah?"

Yi Ming persisted, "15 minutes."

Ji Yang protested, "Don't."

Yi Ming bargained, "10 minutes."

Ji Yang compromised, "15 minutes. Just give me 15 minutes, I'll be there."

Then she hung up the call and shouted, "Li Yi Ming, I hate you!"

Xu Ming dropped her phone upon hearing Ji Yang's shout. Linlin got choked, and Liang Wei spilled water in surprise.

Linlin set her chopsticks down in her bowl and said, "Sister, what are you doing? You scared me."

Xu Ming sighed, "That's right, I even dropped my phone."

Liang Wei asked, "What happened, Ji Yang? Are yου σκαγ?"

Ji Yang grumbled, "This Li Yi Ming. I hate him. I'll kill him."

Xu Ming inquired, "What did he do?"

Ji Yang replied, "Nothing. I'm leaving."

Linlin questioned, "Where are you going?"

Ji Yang answered, "Mr. Ma wants to see me."

Xu Ming admonished, "You're going to see Teacher Ma like this? Go take a shower and change your clothes. Hurry up."

Ji Yang nodded and went to take a shower. Meanwhile, Yi Ming informed Mr. Ma, "Teacher Ma, Ji Yang is in the Library. She will be here in 15 minutes."

Mr. Ma acknowledged, "Okay, afright."

After 10 minutes, Ji Yang rushed back into the room.

Ji Yang urgently requested, "Pass me my phone, hurry up."

Liang Wei handed it to her.

"I'm going," Ji Yang declared, already heading towards the door.

Linlin called out, "Hey, you haven't dried your hair."

Ji Yang dismissed the concern, "Forget it, I'm running late."

With that, she dashed off to the office.In Mr. Ma's office corridor, Chen Ji Yang arrived breathless, only to be stopped by Li Yi Ming's firm grip on her arm.

"Don't go inside yet," Yi Ming cautioned, his voice soft but commanding.

Confusion clouded Ji Yang's features as she glanced at him. "Why? Didn't you say he wants to see us?"

Yi Ming's gaze softened as he took in her flushed cheeks and labored breathing. "Look at you. You came running here and you're losing your breath. You can't even speak properly. And you want to go inside like this? Wait here, let me bring some water for you."

"Okay," Ji Yang agreed, grateful for the concern in Yi Ming's eyes.

Yi Ming quickly disappeared, returning moments later with a bottle of water. "Here. Have some water," he offered, his tone gentle as he handed her the bottle.

"Thanks..." Ji Yang murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "Bro, open the lid. I don't have the energy to open it."

Yi Ming obliged, his fingers deftly twisting the cap off the bottle before handing it back to her. As she drank, he watched her intently, a small smile playing on his lips.

Ji Yang's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected gesture, her heart skipping a beat as she met Yi Ming's gaze.

For a moment, they simply stared at each other, the air crackling with unspoken tension and the promise of something more.

Her cheeks flushed as Yi Ming's gentle touch lingered on her hair, his concern both unexpected and strangely comforting.

"What are you doing?" Ji Yang's voice wavered slightly, betraying her surprise.

"Your... Your hair is wet," Yi Ming replied softly, his gaze lingering on her.

Ji Yang nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Yeah, that's right. I took a shower before coming here."

Yi Ming's cold expression but a little bit of concern. "Are you a fool? Why didn't you dry your hair? Later, you'll catch a cold."

Ji Yang's smile faltered, replaced by a hint of indignation. "Look who's saying these things. Bro, it was you who told me to hurry up. It's because of you I didn't have time to dry my hair."

As Ji Yang began to dry her hair with her sweatshirt sleeve, Yi Ming intervened, stopping her gently. "Don't do that. Here, take this tissue."

Taking the tissue from Yi Ming, Ji Yang watched in surprise as he began to dry her hair himself. Her heart fluttered as his touch lingered, sending a rush of warmth through her.

Yi Ming's proximity sent Ji Yang's heart racing, her breath catching in her throat as she met his gaze. For a moment, they were suspended in time, the air charged with an undeniable tension.

"I... I'll do it on my own. Thanks," Ji Yang stammered, her voice barely above a whisper as she stepped back, breaking the spell.

"Okay," Yi Ming replied softly, his eyes lingering on her flushed cheeks. "Your ears turned red. Are you okay?"

Ji Yang nodded, willing her racing heart to calm down. "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go inside."

As they entered Mr. Ma's office together, Ji Yang couldn't shake the lingering warmth of Yi Ming's touch, a silent reminder of the unexpected connection that had sparked between them.

Mr. Ma's office was a sanctuary of calm as Chen Ji Yang and Li Yi Ming took their seats, awaiting his words.

"You two are here. Come, sit," Mr. Ma beckoned them forward.

Ji Yang exchanged a glance with Yi Ming before addressing their teacher. "Teacher Ma, you called us?"

"Yes, I have something important to discuss with you guys," Mr. Ma replied, his expression serious.

"Okay," Ji Yang nodded, her curiosity piqued.

"As you know, our university's anniversary is here, and there will be many events held on campus. So, there is a project for our art department as well," Mr. Ma explained. "I have decided that besides your seniors, you both will also join the project. I have already discussed this with Li Yi Ming. I'm letting you know, Chen Ji Yang. Are you okay with it?"

Ji Yang's eyes widened in surprise before she composed herself. "Yes, Mr. Ma, I'm fine with it. But... do you think I can do it?"

"Of course, Ji Yang. I have faith in both of you. I believe you guys can do it. And don't be nervous; you have Li Yi Ming with you. He will help you," Mr. Ma reassured her with a warm smile.

"I got it, teacher. Thanks, I'll work hard," Ji Yang replied earnestly, determination flickering in her eyes.

Yi Ming turned to Mr. Ma, his gaze steady. "Teacher, what should we do next?"

"Firstly, find a topic for your paintings for the exhibition," Mr. Ma instructed. "Wait, are you guys from Guangzhou?"

Both Ji Yang and Yi Ming shook their heads. "No, we are not."

"Then I suggest you explore Guangzhou. It's a beautiful city. At every place, you will find different things that may help you find your topic for your work," Mr. Ma suggested. "Okay then, that's it. You can leave."

"Thanks, Mr. Ma," Ji Yang and Yi Ming chorused in unison before rising from their seats and heading out of the office, their minds already buzzing with ideas and possibilities.

As they strolled through the campus, Ji Yang took the initiative to break the silence.

"Then what should we do about our work?" she asked, glancing over at Yi Ming.

Yi Ming shrugged casually. "I haven't thought about it yet. Didn't Mr. Ma say we still have two months?"

Ji Yang rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, so you'll start thinking the night before the anniversary. I'm leaving."

Yi Ming reached out to grab her arm, stopping her in her tracks. "Hey, where are you going?"

"To the library," Ji Yang replied matter-of-factly.

"Why are you going to the library?" Yi Ming queried, his curiosity piqued.

"To study and find some ideas about our project," Ji Yang explained, her tone slightly exasperated.

Yi Ming hesitated for a moment before making a decision. "Wait, I'm coming too."

Ji Yang raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Didn't you say we still have two months left?"

Yi Ming shrugged nonchalantly. "Are you coming or not?"

Ji Yang sighed, shaking her head in amusement. "I really don't get this man... I'm coming."

As they sat amidst the rows of books in the library, Ji Yang sighed in frustration.

"It's been two hours, and I still can't think of anything," she confessed, rubbing her temples wearily.

Yi Ming glanced up from his book, concern flickering in his eyes. "What happened? We haven't even started working yet, and you're giving up?"

Ji Yang shook her head quickly. "No, it's not like that. What about you? Have you thought of anything?"

Yi Ming shook his head. "No, I think we should explore around Guangzhou like Mr. Ma said. Maybe we can get an idea."

Ji Yang nodded in agreement. "Hmm."

Changing the subject, Yi Ming asked, "Do you have plans later?"

Ji Yang shook her head. "No, I have no plans. Why do you ask?"

"It's good. Then go get changed, and I'll see you at the campus gate after an hour," Yi Ming replied casually.

Ji Yang's curiosity piqued. "Why?"

"We will go out," Yi Ming answered simply.

"Ah, today? Just the two of us?" Ji Yang's eyes widened in surprise.

Yi Ming stood up, gathering his belongings. "Then what? I'll get going. See you later. Don't be late."

"Okay... okay," Ji Yang replied, her mind buzzing with questions as she watched Yi Ming leave the library.