
Chapter 23 - Chosen by a mer

Kui anxiously kept his eyes on the water. "aren't you scared they might come up to attack us?"

"No, they usually don't come up to the surface." Chao casually whispered. "They are deep sea creatures, so they can't handle the low water density up the surface."

Kui frowned deeply. "can't they like to transform into a human form?" in his dream he had seen that Mer do that. If this world is a manifestation of his artwork and his dream, then it must be the truth.

Chao glanced back with his brows raised. "Most can't… but some do,"


"Hmm only royalty," Chao mumbled softly. "if you see one, run as far as you can. They…. They don't tolerate hybrids much,"


"it's cuz they deem our blood is too impure. We hybrids are a result of inter-mating between humans. We regained a few of the Mer-like features that made us an abomination to humankind and the Mer kind." Chao said in a somewhat glum tone.

Kui moved close. "We are rejected by the Mers."

"But it's not that bad. We hybrids can't breathe underwater infinitely, so it's also a plus that they cast us out of the deep-sea groove. And we can't live without water, so the humans pushing us to the cliff became a good thing. We live out here in complete peace hunting fish."

Kui fell silent. The history of this place was much more intense than they had expected. 'No wonder I found only a few people in the village,' he had been wondering about that ever since he had woken up in this world. That cliff was encompassed by deep forest and on the other side was surrounded by the ocean. It was not a strategic position to live on.

But all of it made sense now.

They were outcasts. Even amongst the human kind and the Mer kind.

'That kind of sucks...'

He scooted close. "How do we earn our keep?"

Chao seemed to have regained his vigor. "We trade fishes with the village nearby. See, being a hybrid is a slight benefit. The Mers hate humans and they won't let them into their waters, ever. Only us hybrids can traverse these beautiful waters and hunt for fish." he gestured to the stone fish toed to his hip. "These fishes are a delicacy and have many health benefits. Many humans eat it to regain vigor and health."

Suddenly, the canoe swayed slightly.

"Kui don't move around. Stay at the other end... we need to balance the weight…"

"Sorry..." Kui moved back

A huge grey shadow fell on them and the next second a shark's bloody carcass fell in the midsection of the canoe with a bang. The weight of it made their canoe sink deep until the water was at the rim.

Kui looked at the shark in shock. "w-what is this... you told me they can't swim up…."

"I said won't... not can't..." Chao looked at the shark frozen in shock. "What did you do down there?"

"Nothing! I just escaped from that shark…." Kui panickily looked at the ocean surface. A few flickers of a midnight blue tail were seen. "Shit it's attacking us! Row!"

Chao frowned deeply, gazing at the Mer who was excitedly swimming around. "It seems excited."

"Well, I did seem excited when it shoved its hand through the shark and ripped its heart out!" he anxiously gazed at the bloody fish that was weighing their canoe down. He pushed the shark off the boat in a hurry. "Go!"

"Wait why did you do that?"

"To live, of course. Now row!" he took the rows from him and started to row the small canoe in a hurry.

The Mer that seemed to be swimming around paused, and a head popped out. it was a beautiful mermaid. Her long hair came down to her chest covering her unclothes torso, and her beautiful greenish eyes were looking at him intensely.

"Chao…. what now!" he anxiously pinched the young man's clothes.

"it's weird… they usually never meet us face to face unless…"

The mermaid swam close before he could finish.

"Chao!" Kui clung to his back.

"Calm down! It won't hurt us." Chao peculiarly peered at the Mer.

The young mermaid only had her eyes on Kui the whole time she swam close. Her beautiful, jade-like hands reached into the canoe and placed a small golden object.

Chao suddenly let out a sigh. "Oh my god I never thought ill live to see this day. Kui, this girl chose you! congrats buddy."

"w-what? why?" he croaked, hugging his back tightly. this creature looked so beautiful but he had seen what kind of damage she could do with her jade-like arms. He did not wish to become one of her preys. "I don't want to be fish bait… Chao, come on, do something please…"

Chao looked at him with a mocking laugh. "Kid that girl chose you as her mate. Why do you act like she is going to attack you?"

"you said they hate us. She almost killed me!" Kui could not process all the information in fear.

Chao sighed loudly. "Kui calm down," he grabbed him by his shoulders.

Suddenly, the mermaid let out a loud hiss!

"Ahhhh!!! Look, look!!! look at her teeth ahh! They look shark-like," he gestured to her beautiful, pale pink lips.

"Stop touching him," a soft mellow voice whispered.

Kui and Chao froze.

The mermaid stared at Chao intensely. "don't. touch. him..." she said, hissing again.

Chao instantly dropped him and raised his hands in a surrender gesture. "I don't have any interest in him. you can have him,"

"Chao!! you betrayer!"