
Chapter 21 - Unexpected Attack

  While hunting, Kui kept an anxious eye on Chao. The young man was always close to him in the distance. If not, he moved close. Because he did not want to be alone in such a depth. It was scary.

Slowly he got accustomed to hunting, and he was able to accurately spear through the fishes. By the end of an hour or so, his hip belt was completely stocked with fish. He caught at least twenty of them.

With a smirk, he glanced around for Chao. "Hey, I got twenty!"

"Great catch," the young man waved at him cheerfully. As he gazed his way, his smile slowly disappeared. "Kui! Watch out!"

Kui confusedly gazed his way. "Huh?"

A strong current hit him from behind. it twirled him around, leaving him completely disoriented. As he was swept up by the current, he caught sight of a huge creature that rubbed against him.

It... it was a shark!!!

Eyes wide open, he flopped down on the coral reef. 'it's a fucking shark. What am I supposed to do? Should I swim away? No, I heard they started to attack even aggressively if they sensed agitated movements. Then should I stand still…' he anxiously bit his lips.

The massive creature was at least nine feet from its head to the tip of its tail. Its huge dorsal fin was cut off, leaving behind a huge bruise around that area.

Kui peered at the majestic creature from behind, completely still like a statue. But to his horror, the shark turned back towards his way and swam towards him slowly.

"don't move," Chao said from ahead of him. "it's a deep sea one. It can't see."

Kui peered at the creature's scarred face intently. The shark's eyes were a milky white as if a film had enveloped it.

"Slowly unhook the fish from your hip. Don't make any unnecessary movements," Chao instructed him carefully.

Gulping Kui followed it. Soon, the fish he had hunted were floating around him.

"Push the fish away from you. He is sniffing the blood."

Kui hurriedly pushed the fish away.

"Stop! Don't make so much movement!"

The shark that seemed so lazy until now suddenly faced his way pointedly and swam at an impossibly high speed.

"Kui go! Go to the surface!" Chao rushed his way and tried to spear the shark, but his weapon was not even able to pierce it.

"Fuck," he hurriedly swam with all his might. But while doing so, he understood his major setback. He knew how to sink down but he did not know how to swim up! no clue how to!

He blindly flapped around, but it did not help him at all!!!!

"Ah why didn't I learn to swim!" he muttered as he ran on the rocky cliff that he was standing on. His speed was slightly slowed by the density of water. With his pitiful speed, how can he beat the top predator under the sea?

The shark soon caught up to him. With his huge jaws open, it tried to take a bite of him.

"Not today!" he hurriedly pulled the super close and pierced the shark's delicate inner mouth. Blood gushed out instantly.

While the sharp was shaking its head in pain, Kui ran. He ran until he was at the edge of the underwater cliff. "Where to go now?!"

Chao looked his way in pure shock. "Wait don't move. The cliff is too deep,"

"I'm not going to jump! I'm not crazy..." Kui anxiously gripped his feet on the rocky cliff edge. He had nowhere to run. No way to swim up. the shark had already managed to shake the spear out of its mouth and was swimming his way at high speed.

Gritting his teeth, he gazed at the darker depths. 'This .... this might be my only way out,'

Kui dove in.


That was the last he heard as he plummeted into the dark depths. The bright sunlight that pierced through the beautiful blue ocean was absent here, making everything look black. But soon his eyes adapted. He vaguely saw the rocky cliffs with sea urchins clinging to them.

He hurriedly shifted his weight and grabbed onto the rocky vertical wall in a tight grip. He might not be able to swim up but he can definitely climb up.

With that in mind, he started to climb up the dark depths slowly and steadily.

"Ow!" as he was trying to grip onto the rocks, he had actually grabbed onto the sea urchin. its spikes pierced through his skin, instantly leaving a bloody mess. He hurriedly pulled the creature out of his palm and continued to climb.

'I can do this… that shark probably left. I'm safe… the Mers live deep... I think…' this brought him great comfort.

But soon that changed.

He felt it.

A presence looming behind him.

Kui glanced back, but he could not get a good look into the dark depths. "h-hello? Is anyone there…."

No reply came to his anxious call.

Shaking off that eerie feeling, Kui started to climb up.

Once again, he felt that creepy feeling of being watched. This time it was so intense that he knew… that a creature was watching him.

"Fuck…." he hurriedly grabbed a sharp loose rock from the side of the rock wall and gripped it tightly in his hand. "I will hurt you if you get close. Don't... don't even think about it. I'm not breakfast…" he mumbled, putting his back on the rocks.

The presence did not react much. But slowly, as his eyes adapted well to the dark, he was able to make out a huge white snout that was a few feet away from him.

'it's that shark! Did it follow me down? Why….'

Then Chao's words rang in his mind.

His heart almost stopped. This was a deep-sea shark! This was its terrain!!!!!