

It was in a certain village in Eastern past of Nigeria,in a very poor but polygamous family,a pretty, fair skinned and lanky young girl called

Destiny grew under the Care of her poor mother .

She was the only daughter of her mother, who was the first wife in the polygamous family.

 She lacked fatherly care due to her father's indifferent attitude towards her mother and which extended to the children.

 Destiny lived in a hut in the village with her mother and her brothers.The father took care of his other wives and their children,but neglected Destiny's mother and her children.The poor girl felt bad at hearing her colleagues in the village school speaking good of their fathers.such appeared strange to her.

 One day, Destiny returned from the school sobbing as the poor mother approached to welcome her.To the greatest surprise,her daughter burst into tears which was not usual with her."what has become of u my daughter?"the mother asked as she lowered her knees on the ground to pet her.

 "Mummy, please tell me whom my father really is.I can't believe the man I call my father is my biological father.or am I here by accident....... please tell me the truth...."And she burst into tears again with deep affection.""He's actually your biological father ". The mother responded with tears in her eyes