
Painful heart and lies -( Move to a New Link)

I understand you minister....you are doing this so you can have more power.....no you are a fool, well I will give you a chance to do whatever you like even your madness for the two months you ask for.... later you can bring the right one or else accept it you we never have a queen

Snowprincess · History
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25 Chs

The curse

"Three days later"

Doctor ola was taking care of queen Ayonife at the palace

Doctor ola: your majesty it has been three days since I have been giving queen Ayonife medication but she is not reacting to the treatment.

King: I don't understand you uncle, okay if she is not recovering then what's wrong with her I can't avoid losing her also my baby (he was scared)

Doctor ola: my king am also confused

"In the middle of the discussion suddenly a door opens, and the king's mother enters"

Doctor ola: long live king mother

King mother: how was queen Ayonife?

Doctor ola: she was good also thanks to God she is recovering

King's mother: but why was she staring like that?

King: king mother please return to your chamber queen Ayonife is fine

King's mother: am just worried about her

Doctor ola: you are too old to be stressing yourself over this, queen Ayonife was a strong woman am sure she will stand up soon

King's mother: am worried about my daughter-in-law (her deceitfulness was obvious, the king was just staring at her, she can't avoid the king's red eye and she make an excuse to leave) O I forget that I have a visitor excuse me ( she get out)

Doctor ola: that was close

King: we have to hide queen Ayonife sickness because her enemy is waiting for an excuse to get rid of her

Doctor ola: yes my king

Light fade

At queen Abike chamber

Queen Abike: finally she is going to die...I will be at peace when she is gone (She was having a gist with her father)

Osi: I told you to relax, that I will do everything that will make you happy

Queen Abike: am glad that I have you as a father

Light fade

Doctor ola visit queen Ayonife parent and explain everything that happened to their daughter, as soon doctor ola explain queen Ayonife mother start crying.

The next day queen Ayonife mother visits the desame priest that osi asks for help but the priest doesn't know that it was desame woman he cursed and he gave her the antidote and advises queen Ayonife mother after Queen Ayonife mother left the priest's house she hurries up to the palace to do as the priest said.

When she arrived at the palace she see her daughter laying down on the bed like a status she cried and follow the priest's instructions

"At king chamber"

Doctor ola enters King chamber

Doctor ola: long live my king, the DNA test concerning queen Abike pregnancy is ready

King: can I have it?

Doctor ola: yes your majesty ( he gave him)

"The king read the result and shake his head"

King: I also know am not the father of her child, but who is the father?

Doctor ola: only God knows also queen Ayonife but she is in a sick bed

Light fade

Light shine at OSI house

Her youngest daughter Ayo (Abike younger sister) was asking her mother about the padlock on her travel bag, and her mother replied that she have lost it and told her to check her father room (osi room) she do as her mother said, and went to her father room she checked everywhere and she didn't see it but later check her father chefs and see terrible padlock designs with red cloth also a cutting comb she take it and return to her room and remove everything on the padlock then unlock it as soon she opens it, queen Ayonife sneezed not long she wake up Ayo scream as if she saw a ghost her mother dropped what she is doing and run to Ayo room by the time she will enter she saw her that laying down (she fainted)

Light fade

Light shine at osi dancing at his friend birthday party suddenly he scream and faint he was rushed to the hospital

At palace

As soon king know that queen Ayonife was awake he run to her room

King: finally you are up am so happy my queen

Queen Ayonife: thank you my king for staying with me ( sick voice)

"A maid enter"

Maid: long live my king, queen Abike went out of the palace to see her sick father at the hospital

King: what happens to him?

Maid: I don't know even her younger sister was in hospital in a grave bed

Light fade

At hospital

"Ward 109"

Osi was laying down on his sick bed he was in a lot of pain and even shouting to see the king, not long queen Abike enter and rushed to her father

Queen Abike: what's wrong father

Osi: I want to see the king

Queen Abike: why father?

Osi: I need to confess

Queen Abike: father you can't do that, think about it

Osi: am in pain, I will be killed if I didn't confess

Queen Abike: ( inner talk " I need to do something before this man sees his Majesty)

"Doctor come in"

Abike mother: (she asked) how is my daughter

Doctor: we are sorry we lost her

Abike mother: ( she pretends that she did not hear) what did you say

Doctor: we lost your daughter

" Abike mother sit on the floor and start crying she stand up and run to her daughter ward, queen Abike was just staring at her father she was thinking about how to deal with her father as soon as the doctor left she take a pillow, and killed her father"

Queen Abike: go and rest ( she dresses him well and pretends she doesn't know anything still a nurse comes to check on him and noticed he was not breathing again she runs to call the doctor)

Doctor: we are sorry he was no more

" Abike mother fainted"

Light fade