
Pain without words

isolatedisland · Teen
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37 Chs

The past satirical self

"It looks like I've chosen a good day," Frank said, looking ahead at the shooting scene.

Lin Yin looked over and said with a smile, "The beautiful scenery will not be let down."

Frank snapped his fingers. "That's necessary!"

"Come on, let's go in."


After paying the money and asking the boss for the basket, they walked into the cherry orchard.

Maybe because of the weekend, many people come to Cherry Orchard.

When they entered, there were already two or three people picking cherries in it.

Looking at the clusters of red crystal clear cherries on the branches, Lin Yin felt unhappy and smiled.

"Come on, taste it. I've washed it."

Frank brought her a bunch of red and purple cherries, which were very lovely, with drops of water hanging on them.

Seeing that there was only a little mineral water left in his hand, Lin Yin smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't wash it."

Then he took the cherry and ate it.

Sweet, as if sweet to the heart, the whole person's mood followed up.

They walked inside, picking and eating.

Frank didn't want to eat unwashed cherries at first, but he ate them when he saw Lin Ying enjoying them.

Suddenly, Frank's mobile phone rang. Lin Yin said, "You answer the phone, and I'll go there."


Lin Yin walked towards the front, and soon stopped.

There was a man standing in the cherry forest in front, wearing a sexy black gold silk long skirt. The gold on the skirt sparkled with the sunshine. She hugged her chest with one hand and made phone calls with her mobile phone.? "No, it can't be delivered the day after tomorrow at the latest. Next Saturday is Grandpa Lianshi's birthday. I must make preparations in advance."

The forest curtain's hand with the basket trembled.

This voice belongs to Liu Gu, and she will never forget it.

Turn around and leave with difficulty.

This voice reminded her how stupid, funny and ironic she was.

Liu Wu hung up the phone and turned around to see a thin figure hidden behind the cherry tree.

A slight frown.

Soon the assistant came to me, "Sister Box, the next shooting will start in ten minutes."


She looked over there, and there was nothing left.

At this time, a voice came from the left side. She looked over and saw a faint figure.

It seems that there are so many people in the cherry forest.

"Let's go."

"All right."

The two left.

Lin Yin walked back directly, and she didn't think of anyone until the phone rang.


Sure enough, Frank called.

Lin Yin rubbed her eyebrows to stabilize her mood. Then she answered the phone, "Frank."

"Lin, where are you?"

"I'll go to the bathroom."

"Well, I'll wait for you here. You'll come later."


Lin Yin hangs up the phone, stands there for a while and goes to the bathroom.

Frank and I stayed in the cherry orchard until the afternoon.

When I got back, the shooting scene was also finished.

Lin Yin saw Liu Wu standing under a big banyan tree. He was wearing long white sleeves and trousers, and his tall figure was eye-catching.

Liu Wu, two years ago, she did not know her, but two years later today, she is very clear about her.

It is not her investigation, but her industry. It is difficult for her to know.

She is excellent. Whether in the fashion industry or the film and television industry, she is the queen of traffic.

She is not only excellent in herself, but also has a family history that others do not have.

It can be said that she is quite perfect.

Such people can match Zhan Lianshi.

The forest curtain retracts its sight and closes its eyes.

At the beginning, I was really overwhelmed by love, so I wanted the child who didn't belong to me.

"Lin, our autumn style this season, I want Current to take the show."

Lin Deng suddenly opened his eyes and curled up his hands.

Current, the English name of Liu Box in the fashion circle.