
part 1

This happened in South Korea in 1999. The beautiful girl Lucy was born in the city of Seoul, and everyone who saw her loved her

The beautiful girl Lucy was born in Seoul and everyone who saw her loved her

She made everyone who knew her come to visit them to see this girl, but all that changed in the year 2005. Her younger sister was born, and everyone in the house, even her parents, neglected her. So she did not care about it much, but she loved her sister very much. They lived a very normal life, caring for each other, but their lives were turned upside down. after

In the year 2009, the third girl was born, but this birth was not normal. It was so strange that the mother did not remember her children. Our heroine felt that she was broken and lost her mother.

Therefore, she turned to strengthening herself and using all the methods of that era to protect herself from disappointment. Therefore, her personality became cold, she lost her gentle tone, and she began to feel nothing around her.

In the year 2017, she was in high school. She did not care much about those who hated her because she excelled in her studies, but she had some close friends. In this particular year, a complete revolution occurred in her life that made her feel as if the world did not want her to exist in it.

It all started at the end of the ninth month of this year. Her father had decided to enroll her in a language institute to learn English and Italian. She did not like the idea at first, but then she was convinced of it.

So she went to start her first lecture. She entered the class to find a large number of young men. She was surprised because she was not in a co-ed school

Therefore, she was a little shocked, but she did not care much, as usual, so she sat in the remaining chair next to a young man. She sat quietly and listened to the lecture, and when it was over, she went out to take her break.

So she sat thinking about what happened to her when she went to visit her grandmother in the village and also take care of her mother, but when she met her friend, something happened that she did not want at all.

FB . Last month

The train arrived at its destination, which was the village. Our heroine got off excitedly, took her bag in her hand, and she, her father, and her sister went to a car that took them home. When they arrived at their destination,

Our heroine ran towards her friend, who was waiting for her at the end of the road. She greeted her, hugged her, and said to her:

Lucy: I really missed you, my friend, where were you and why didn't you talk to me for all that time?

Mira: I'm sorry, but I've been really busy and there's something I want to talk to you about

Lucy: There is a lot we will talk about, but I will go take a shower and take a small nap and come back

Mira: Okay, I will wait for you in the evening

Lucy: Okay, bye

Mira: Goodbye

Our heroine went inside and sat down to rest, and after that she went to take a shower, and when she finished, she went to the dining table to eat with her family and her mother's family, and they continued laughing and eating until they finished.

Lucy went to bed to take her nap and slept in peace.




In the evening 7:30

Our heroine woke up and went to her friend's house and sat with her and they kept talking about their difficult studies. Lucy told her friend about everything that happened to her in high school and about her friends. After that, Mira told her something that she did not believe.

Mira: I want to tell you something, but this is a secret between us

Lucy: Sure, what is

Mira: I dated Dave

Lucy was so shocked she said

Lucy: What?

Mira: I dated Dave

Lucy: How, when, why

Mira: Calm down, lower your voice, I will tell you

Lucy: Okay, sorry, continue

Mira: I was sitting with Naira and talking, and she told me that she was going to buy something for her mother, so I told her that I would wait for her, and she said to me, "Okay." During that time, Dave came and said to me, "Can I get your phone number?" > I looked at who was talking and found it was him, so I was shocked. My wish for Dave to ask me for my phone number was coming true, but I did not give it to him easily, so I said to him <Why would I give it to you?> He looked at me with a smile and said <Well I didn't want to say it in the street like that, but will. Anyway, there's no one here. looked at him strangely when he said, and found kneeling down saying, "Will you date me?"> I was shocked by those words, so I said to him, "Of course, I will." He hugged me and whispered in my ear, "I love you." I also whispered the same word, and he gave me his phone number, and I gave him my phone number.

Mira finished speaking and looked at Lucy to find her in complete shock. She laughed at her shocked appearance, so Lucy looked at her and said:

Lucy: Mira, look, it's really nice, but are you sure he loves you?

Mira: Of course, he adores me

Lucy: How can you be sure of that?

Mira: What do you mean?

Lucy: I don't mean anything to do. I did the same as you, and here I am hurt and I don't feel anything. I don't want the same for you, my friend.

Mira looked at her friend sadly and patted her shoulder and said

Mira: Don't worry, you will find someone who appreciates you one day

Lucy: I don't want anyone, I'm satisfied with myself

Mira: Okay, do whatever you want, but for now, please accept what I want. Please, please, please.

Lucy: Okay, okay, stop screaming in my ears now

Mira: Yes

Lucy: Are you happy now

Mira: Yes

Lucy: So where is your boyfriend?

Mira: He's in town

Lucy: What doesn't he live here?

Mira: No, he lives in your city, close to the neighborhood where you live

Lucy: How did you know that?

Mira: I asked him, of course.

Lucy: When will he come?

Mira: He will come the day after tomorrow, for my cousin's wedding.

Lucy: Really, well then I will attend this party to see if it is suitable for my friend or not.

Mira: I love you, Lucy. You are my best friend.

Lucy: Of course, girl

For the two to laugh together and continue their conversation, some time passed and they both went to their homes and went into their dreams




The next morning

Lucy woke up and went to wash her face with water and started her skin care program. She got dressed and went to her father.

Lucy said: Dad, I'm going to math class. Do you want anything from me?

Father: No, my daughter, I only want your safety. Go.

Lucy: Okay, goodbye.

Lucy said goodbye to her father and went to meet her. Greetings to everyone who meets her, everyone knows who she is, and she met Mira on her way to say

Lucy: Good morning, Mira

Mira (overjoyed): Good morning. It is the most beautiful morning I have ever had in my entire life

Lucy: What's wrong, girl? Calm down. What happened made this the best morning for you?

Mira: Dave texted me this morning and said he would come at five. I am very happy

Lucy: Wow, that's great, so congratulations

Mira: Thank you, by the way, where are you going?

Lucy: To math class, do you want to come?

Mira: Okay, I will get dressed and come with you. Wait for me

Lucy: Okay, but don't be late

Mira went and Lucy sat waiting for her. Mira came and they went to class together











Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Rai_G_Icreators' thoughts