
Pain Love

royalegates · Urban
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2 Chs

Pinkie Promise


Me and Elias been out all day today and surprisingly it was fun then I suspected it to be I've lost count on places we've been. Yet I'm stuck in a car with him talking about he was at friends and keeps on saying it's a big deal

When will that excuse stop?

     "You talk about the same thing over and over Elias it's getting ridiculous at this point ." I told Elisa as he was dripping the steering wheel his eyebrows his eyebrows furrowed with a sadden expression 

His long green raincoat seems to be sticking to his soft skin too tightly he could feel the need to peel his skin and pull out his perfectly dyed golden-brown hair out at the moment of a heartache he's feeling in this cold car.

"You say that because I've blowed up your phone over and over never answering them .-" Elias whispers,  a nervous lump stopping at his throat.

       "No big deal," Elias adds,

Water  droplets hit the car windows as they drive onwards. The skies are overhung with a blanket of grey, so much so that neither of them can barely tell the difference between the sky and clouds.

Despite car rides feeling tedious, the rain commonly would calm Elias down - He'd usually watch raindrops race down to the windows. The occasional wave of a puddle can be exciting to him, but He'd rather be outside in those puddles than stuck in this car with me

I sighed "I'm getting fed up with you saying that it's a huge big deal to me when you don't physically tell me where you are." I sighed again my bored state was increasing

"It is a big deal, Especially when you think I'm cheating on you when I'm not, why can't you trust me uh." Dorris parks the  car in front of our apartment for two years

I rolled my eyes as Dorris gets out and closes his door walking over to my side opening the door for me. As he always dose it's thoughtful of him too since I have flats and it's raining hard he dose it for sure.

He closed the door while taking my hand walking to our door he takes out the keys setting them in. The door opens revealing Bailey jumping on his leg he smiles picking her up gushing all over her.

I kicked off shoes and took off my coat  "I do trust you it's just that..." I trailed off

"That I'm never here? I'm sorry Elly  I'll promise to be here with you more" Dorris tells me taking my hand into his bigger ones I nodded 

"Are you sure?" I questioned him he rolled his eyes

"Of course why would I lie to you." I knew the answer but instead I shrugged taking Bailey out of his hands going to our sharing room I placed her on our bed as she curled up in a hall

Taking my clothes off I changed into shorts and T shirt I was planning on going to bed since nothing else was in the way. Dorris comes from behind me turning me around "You don't believe me don't you." He clicked his tongue

"How about i prove it." He adds on I frowned "I'll stay home with you everyday spend time with you every little second. We can take Bailey with us too."  He says smiling it would be nice to take Bailey but she's not our sever  dog, however at least some places allows pets.

Only the ones where dogs are behaved I looked at him those dark brown eyes are gorgeous to look at. "Only if you can keep this promise." He nodded I looked to see Bailey had left the room.

I sighed

      "Promise?" I told him sitting on bed he nodded

          "Pinky promise." He says nods , earning a smile from me  wen both start to lean in I wasn't suspecting this

"love me like I'm the only one," I muttered , Dorris' hands still creeping up on my  waist. his soft fingers now interlocking with mine.


It was the next morning and opened my eyes to see there was an empty spot the cover wasn't fixed up Bailey was sleeping on it.

My eyes widened and sat up quickly waking Bailey up. He promised today why isn't he here? Was the pinky promise not enough for him? I was getting stressed already

Breath Dorris breath my inner omega told me my wolf has a name but I call him inner omega.

I don't know if I can do so

This chapter was cut short cause I deleted the sex part if want to read it, it’s on wattpad my user is royalegates

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