


  Minerva’s POV


  Mariella is bearing little Hemera in her arms.

           I just recently woke up after a day and a half, and I immediately saw the two of them. I looked to the left and I found Darwin sleeping soundly on the coffee-colored couch.

           “How’s little Hemera?” I asked.

           Mariella Chu’s brows rose. “Hemera?”

           I tried to sit up but my head ended up falling back to the pillow. “Yes. Her name is Hemera Lou.”

           A shock look on her face made me cackle. “Why? You didn’t expect that we’ll name her sooner?”

           We because Darwin and I named her. In fact, it was only him who named her. I just added Lou as her second name, derived from my favorite young adult book series, Serpent & Dove.

           I glanced at him and I forced a smile. “How are you after that—“ I took a breath, a pause before continuing. ”That rejection of your offer?”