
Chapter 7 The Not so New Day

Chapter 7

The not so new Day

I woke up feeling crape and thank God it was a weekend,no need to go to work. My bedsheet was a sock with tears from last night,it was supposed to be a new day,but why do I feel so hurt.

It's been almost two weeks since I fought with my mother over my decision to travel,she hasn't spoken to me then,I have been avoiding dad and Lisa,when they try to bring the topic up,I just ignore it. I don t know how long I can keep doing that,even up till now I still shade tears when I remember her words.

I looked through the window it was past noon,a knock came on the door "Yes?" I answered

"Oh,you are finally awake?" dad spoke from the other end

"Yes,I am,and good noon,dad."

"You too,sweetheart,freshen up and come downstairs. We need to talk."

I remain silent for a while; I already have an idea of what the talking is all about,"okay." I replied weakly.

"Good," he said and went downstairs

After a while,I came down to join pa,and of course,mother was sitting on the sofa,we had in the house,not wanting to get close to her,I just stood.

"Sit down Mary."

"No,father,I am comfortable with just standing."

"Okay,suit yourself,you want to tell me what exactly happened between you and your mother about some weeks back? Both of you have been avoiding the topic,so now I want to know in full detail." father asked

I glanced at my mother,who just pretended to be busy picking the vegetables on the ground,"Well,mother,should be in the best position to explain it."

"She did,but I want to hear" from your mouth,the friend that made you suddenly turned against your own family. This wasn't how I raised you up,Mary."

"No,it wasn't,and I don t know where you heard that from..." I glanced at mother,"But that s a lie."


"Yes,father,it is."

"Then do you mind,explaining the truth to me?"

I did,I explained to father about Rachael s,and her proposer,about the little time she has here and mother,the fact that she is Willy to help take care of the necessary expenses that are needed during the journey.

I also mentioned to him how mom had gone angry for no reason after explaining to her,and how she had commented on my dropping out of school for my sibling to be a waste. As soon as I mentored that,mother wanted to react,but father had to shut her down.

Father signed,"firstly,let me apologies on your mother s behalf."

"Honey,that s..."

"Quit now Beck." father scolded mom,turned to me "No sacrifices that you,my dear have made in this family,that is a waste and I believe your mother knows that too. But why are you so adamant of travelling with this Rachael character to London? How you can'trust she will do what she says or that you will find what you are looking for?" father stared at me

"I do trust her because right from grade Rachael has to be the only friend who understood me and stood by me all this time,she wouldn't propose something impossible. Father London is a land of opportunity where your education or background doesn't matter as long as you are hard-working,two years from now Lisa and Lora will be done with their scholarship,and start preparing for college; how do you and mom intend to fend for both of them? With your health unstable and mom s too,even though she tries to hide it,I can'tell. I need to do something now that I can before It's too late." I looked at my parent with a determined glare,"I hate the fact that I am doing nothing meaningful to stand by you and to stand my ground,I can't possibly work at the restaurants forever or nor the farm for that matter. Yesterday at the market I heard the news of some company in town giving a huge amount of money to anyone that is willy to sell them a piece of land,I don t need to remind you of the fact that the land we have now,half of it isn't ours,what happens when the owner sells it? Where do we start from then?" I signed,looking at their worried face,"this is why I need to seize this chance."

Dad smile and shook his head "It's amazing how you being the child,have thought so far in the future,where we the parents haven t." dad signed aloud "It's not as if the proposition is a bad one,It's just that I don t trust that place with you there."

"Then trust me father,you of all people know that I would never do anything to jeopardize my life nor my family."

"I know." father turned to mother,whose head was bent to the ground "Honey!!!" he called her but she refuses to speak or raised her head and when papa proceeded to force her up,she pushed him aside and walked back to her room.

I know,mother,was very pissed at me and the fact that I was disobeying her and also the fact that father was taking my side. I hated fighting with my mother,but I have no choice this decision is so important to our future as a family,she might not see it now,but she will understand when we no longer,eat once a day or wear rages for a whole year.

I signed then looked at father,who had a sad expression on his face,looks like I wasn't the only one who hated fighting,"I m sorry father,looks like I made mom mad at you too."

"Nonsense,she is not mad,give it time she will come around."

'But I don t have enough timeI pondered,"Then does this mean,that you re giving me your blessings." I asked,hopefully.

"Of course,you are my daughter,a selfless,diligent and faithful child of this family. Whatever decision that you have always made has never been for you but for the family; even this one you are making now. I trust you,I just hope things go the way you are hoping for It." he smiled

I pushed myself up and hug him,"Thank you so much,father,you don t know how happy I am to hear you say that. I just wish mother wasn't being indifferent."

"It's alright. You go do,what you have to do,and I will take care of your mother; but don t forget to inform your siblings about this decision."

"Okay,dad,I will do that."

With that father went upstairs,I sat down on the sofa,although I should be happy that I got his blessing part of me feels so sad,why can't mother understand me? I wondered,but decided to shake it off. I went back to my room to go pack,seeing that it was two days to the final day.