
Chapter 10 London at last

Chapter 10

London at last

"What?" I raised my head,to my surprise we just arrive at the London airport,I slump down "I can't believe I slept throughout the flight,I wanted to admire the sky from way up close. This is my first time in a plane for pits sake." I turned to Rachael angry,"why didn't you wake me up?"

"Well,that my dear,was because I slept off too. Although,i just thought it would have be best if you were well-rested." she smiled

"Well-rested you say? Like I need that right now." she just laughed at my outburst.

We hurried to the airport where a driver was waiting for us,with the way Rachael greeted him,it was obvious that they were very close,she later introduced me; we got into the car and drove off.