
PADLOCK BY Jonadab Whitley

These book revolve around love, hatred, sac rifice, believes, fate, tragedy and hope . It is a book of friction and reality, and a auto biography of the writer of the book. The padlock here refer to a spiritual and physical padlock. The padlocks are humans and their evil deeds, the mystery of life. Jael came from a destitute family of six, but religious. Jael is a slim and tall girl with black beauty. Although, the life is crumbling Jael and her family prove a allegation false and these book talks about revenge, forgiveness and god fearing one . Then, lastly, comedy.

Jonadab_Whitney · Teen
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2 Chs

Distained (CHAPTER ONE)

Hullaboo, the notorious sound appeared to be and so is the the skies becoming freakishly variable with so many dire at the corner.

No coup could say the sun and the moon was not left with protein , as it was scorching!

While bridging around, I saw the cysis sweeping around with no current in them, out of pathetic I weeped to the skies. I had used sarcasm on them, I had being a virgin of life and du to naiveness ,I seize to see the gall approaching. How soulful gall made ! That was the previous day though. It was indeed a nagging afternoon ,the abode was as silent as a graveyard and the extension of emptiness got to the pots.

I recall, mom mealed an alphabetical soup the previous day, ithe Impression appear to be that mom hided the winsome cuisine he prepared. Mom is at the peak when it comes to cooking , that was her cup of tea.

I got pretty late, because I was a couch potato I slump each day of my life . I got up stagging to and from with a in visible view to the kitchenette but I was down hearted with what I saw.

and quickly I took shower and setout for the plantation.