
A Memorable Ride

Percy felt like he was in paradise. 'Finally, he thought, 'I've found my people!'

Laying on the ground were multiple prank objects from fireworks to stink bombs. Percy almost had a heart attack when one of the twins told him they made some of these. Hearing how a few of them worked, he wisely chose to stock up and bought a majority of them with his pocket change getting a grateful look from the twins. He mentally decided then and there that when Fred and George go into business he's gonna be one of there first investors.

Putting away all the contraband the boys lfell into easy conversation, but were interrupted by the compartment door slamming open. Percy jumped at the loud entrance and looked to see a pale kid with bleach blond hair around his age. Scolding himself for forgetting to lock the cabin, he took stock of there guests. The boy was followed by two gorilla looking boys flocking behind him like bodyguards. They were a rich group, he could tell by the clothes they wore. In fact, Percy saw that same outfit on the blond one at Madam Malkins on his visit, it cost twice as much as the one he was wearing but didn't offer any further enchantments or charms.

The blonde kid gave them a once over before scowling in what appeared to be frustration. As he glanced at the twins his nose upturned like he'd smelled something particularly foul.

The boy made a point to visibly turn from the twins, "Have you seen Harry Potter?" He said in a demanding tone.

Percy was a bit uncomfortable with the topic of Harry Potter. When he was searching for his schoolbooks, the amount of 'Harry Potter Adventure' stories that he had to comb through was honestly frightening. He decided to read up about him, and what he found didn't sooth his mind.

It's almost like the kid is wizarding Jesus. Pulling off miracles, saving the world, and all before he could walk. It eerily reminded Percy of a cult, with the way these people almost worship him.

It was creepy.

Of course, it didn't help that his father was believed to have been the one to betray and get his parents killed. Though the more Percy read, the more he doubted the accepted story on what happened.

So hearing this ponce demand info from him about this guy was already sending alarm bells off in his head. He wasn't looking forward to going to school with a 'celebrity'.

"Bit rude there, don't you think mate?" Percy asked in an annoyed tone, "You barged into our cabin, demand information from me, ignore my friends, and you haven't even introduced yourself yet."

The boy flushed in embarrassment and anger at being talked down to, "You don't know who I am?!"

The twins already knowing who this was didn't comment other than to glare at him. It seems they didn't quite like their new guest a small smirk appeared on his face before he hid it, as he nonchalantly reached into his new bag of goodies.

The blond huffed seeing them ignore him, and said, "I doubt he'd be here anyway. A mudblood and two blood traitors? Harry Potter would know to keep better company than this."

A lot of things happened at once, the twins popped out of their seats, wands raised. The two bodyguards had stepped up to protect the kid in the middle, and Percy snuck behind the door to enact his plan.

"Watch yourself Malfoy!-" one of the twins said with an evil smile, his wand menacingly shining while being lodged at the group of boys. The other twin finished his brothers threat, "No daddy here to protect your sorry hide!"

While they entered a standoff, trading verbal blows back and forth, a loud sound directly beind Malfoy drew their attention to a black-horn like object making a terrible racket. The twins looked surprised before a sly look appeared on their faces.

With a wave of his wand, and a cry of "Flippendo!" and Malfoy was sent crashing into the two boys behind him and flying out of the cabin. The door swung closed, showing a smiling Percy. Sending a locking charm on the door, he turned and the other two boys were able to see a significantly smaller bag of contraband. They all shared a laugh at Malfoys future misfortune. Suffice to say, his next few years would be filled with pain now that he caught the attention of these three unlucky stars.

With Malfoy, the boy finally regained his bearings and raised his wand to charge back into the cabin. After a couple of minutes, he realized they'd spelled it shut. Humiliation and anger bubbled on his face, and he stomped off to the next cabin swearing to teach those guys a lesson when he was settled at Hogwarts.

To be fair, while his and his minions familes taught them plenty of Magic, they were more than likely outmatched. He had heard tales of the Weasel twins pranks from hell. Many the people he meets at their Yule Ball party that atten Hogwarts, speak of the blood traitors with great fear and hesitation.

He took a breath to compose himself, after all, appearance is half the battle as his father says. The next couple of cabins were a bust, but in the last one he'd finally gotten someone to tell him where Potter was.

Adopting a superior haughty expression, he barged into the next cabin. His eyes instantly find a dark haired boy, it was the same mudblood that he'd had the displeasure of meeting at Madam Malkins. He glanced up and saw the famous scar and knew he was in the right place.

"They're saying that Harry Potter is in this compartment, it's you, is it?" Malfoy asked a bit more politely than his previous conversations.

"Yes." Harry said shortly, his eyes never leaving the two neanderthals behind Malfoy.

"Oh, this is Crabbe and this is Goyle," said the boy carelessly, catching Harry's eyes lingering on the two boys, " And I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

A slight cough rung out and Draco saw a red-haired boy trying to conceal his laughs. Taking offense to this jerk laughing at him he blew up saying, "Think my names funny, do you? No need who you are, my father told me all the Weasleys have red hair, freckles, and more children than they could afford."

Satisfied he'd successfully dressed the boy down, Draco turned back to Potter and said, "You'll soon find that some wizarding families are much better than others, Pot-"

Just as he was going to continue educate Potter, a loud bang sounded behind Draco and launched him headfirst into the other wall in the cabin. Soon enough the cabin was filled with a disgusting smell.

"DUNGBOMBS!?" Ron screeched in horror as he and Harry took of from the cabin coughing and screaming all the way. Malfoy just layed their crying as he fought the urge to vomit. Today really wasn't his day.

Hearing the muffled bang, howling laughter echoed out from one cabin in particular. Needless to say, Percy was having one of three best days of his life.

The train came to a halt, and the students complained it hadn't happened sooner. One thing about dungbombs.

They smell.

Like dung.

The smell wafted throughout the train and for those unlucky enough to not know enough magic to mitigate the odor, well they had a much more memorable trip. Percy followed out with a huge grin on his face, a stark contrast to the frowning and even crying faces of some of the other first-years.

Unfortunately he had to separate from the twins because all first-years went a different way for thier first trip. He mourned his life for havinh to deal with the monotony that is regular people, as he trudged along.

"Firs years, follow me, this way mind yer step." An extremely large man called out. Percy followed the group as they loaded them into boats. He sat down with a pudgy red haired girl who introduced herself as Susan Bones after a bit of small talk

The last name caught his attention, as it's the name of the Head of the DMLE. If anyone knew anything about his father it would be her.

"You wouldn't happen to be related to Amelia Bones, right?" He asked

"Yea, she's my aunt. Why? " she asked in suspiciously. It wouldn't be the first time someone copied up to her to speak with her aunt.

Percy gave her a reassuring smile, "No reason, I just remembered the name from, 'Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts'."

Looking more relaxed at that, she turned to the other girl next to her.


Percy ducked in panic as a cliff passed overhead. When he looked back up to yell at the giant about giving people more of warning, his words caught on his tongue.

A beautiful Gothic style castle appeared in front of the children and suddenly he wasn't feeling quite so bad about being separated from his friends. They clambered out onto the rocks that made up a makeshift harbor and were soon led to the castles entrance as a large group.

The large castle doors opened and out stepped Professor McGonagall in all her stern glory.

"Now what's this I've heard about a dungbomb?" She asked in a disapproving voice, her eyes found mine and Percy realized he was the prime suspect.

"Ah, crud." He muttered to himself.