

It was Xavier's most tiring evening. However, it was not that bad.

He managed to create capital for his business.

The next day. Xavier wakes up in the palace room of Rannsaka. During breakfast, Sebastian was the busiest person.

He has dealt with all the procedures so that Xavier can get all the official means. And it was pretty big.

He has more than Xavier owns. But money was not the most important.

Xavier is the only man in Bellatrix who has legal territories in Rannsaka.

A citizen from other countries could hardly buy land in Rannsaka, especially Bellatrix. But Xavier didn't buy. He won on a bet. One legally signed, with witnesses. Most importantly, the one who lost the bet has assumed.

Everything was perfect in order. Of course, Xavier will be the only one who can do that. Because immediately after Xavier received official endorsements, Emperor of Rannsaka gave a decree prohibiting betting with officials from other countries.

Imperial Palace, Princess Ingrid's study room.

Locki, standing in a vertical position with a serious look.

- You mean you can't find out anything?

-Majesty, I've tried all the methods. We don't know who killed her. Although I asked the question, nobody knows anything.

We can not deduce how he could get inside without alarming anyone.

- You mean, my best informant died without someone finding out something?

-I, deserve to be punished.

Ingrid's gaze was cold. It was clear she wasn't happy.

One, of her most loyal people, was murdered. And she didn't know how to find the guilty.

On the other hand, Xavier was very relaxed. It had a few days before returning.

He wanted to take advantage of everything and see the infrastructure of the Rannsaka kingdom.

So he started with the palace. And he was impressed. If Bellatrix doesn't improve fast, there will be a devoured.

What attracted Xavier's attention was a garden. It was huge. Full with plants that Xavier didn't know.

Not even in his old life did he see such a thing.

Of course, where Xavier was, there was an open area. He was curious about the other areas. But he would probably die if he came in there.

It couldn't even receive permission to get out of the palace.

Walking through the garden, Xavier is attracted to a woman in white clothes.

-My Lady, last time when I saw thee, you looked like the night sky. Full of mystery. Today you are like the morning. Full of uncertainties. Did something happen?

Xavier could not see her emotions. Of course, she was wearing the necklace.

That doesn't mean he didn't know body language.

The woman's hand played with her hair, while eyes were lost.

If Xavier had talent in the drawing or a camera would capture the moment.

Together with the landscape of the garden. O, boy. Those eyes.

Not to mention her face. Oh, God. No matter how Xavier wants to hide, he can't.

Plus the woman in front of him beat him once. He has to find a way to counterattack.

But how can you think of the counterattack when she is sitting there, with that look on the face.

-Xavier, I guess that you're accustomed to the palace.

- Hospitality is great. But palaces have seen. Faces of ordinary people don't.

-OH. Does the prince want to come out? You know, it's for your safety.

[Sounds like a prison for me]

-In the cage, the bird not sings on joy, but for an annoyance.

-Ohm. What would you do to get out?

Ingrid looked up at Xavier's face. Visual contact.

Xavier started to laugh. Ingrid was puzzled.

That was Xavier's favorite question.

- Many people will say, they would do anything. You know why?


- Because they only think about them. I'm thinking about the questioner. So what do you want from me to do?

-I only need a second opinion.

-My lady, can't solve a problem?

-Can you say so?

- Well, my lady is willing to offer my intellect for a favor.

-Do not you want to go outside?

- My lady, I can think of some ways to get out of here. However, you can't find ways to solve your problem.

So my problem is not as hard as yours.

-How do I know you can help me?

-You can decide this while solving the problem.

-What favor?

-A little one.

-GOOD. Follow me.

After a few minutes walking, Xavier arrived in Ingrid's study room.

[That turned out pretty fast. ]

Once Xavier sat on the chair, Ingrid took out a file.

Xavier was not sure if Ingrid needed help. But he had to find out more about her. And what's the best method? Of course, you spend time with her.

Create a profile. See what she likes. What dislikes.

Adapt yourself.

It sounds more like marriage. Exactly that's it.

He has to gather information and if that can bring a favor, it's even better.

It can be a trap. But she definitely can't kill him. And what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Xavier starts reading the file.

Of course, they could not find anything. It's the work of a pro. Even in his world, there were. And he had interaction with them. Actually, he loved to use such people.

They were fast, and do not ask questions.

-My lady, have you heard of contract criminals?

Next chapter