
Pack of yanderes

Flame_Ice_5470 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The run

"Do you have any idea where we're going?" Steve asks.

"Yep. They should've known I would have been sniffing for something." I answer.

"Sweet! Which way?" Jack asks.

"Just follow me." I answer while speeding up. They do so as well. After a while we get to a big tree.

"Hurry up!" I say in a more hushed tone. They hurriedly scurried up the tree and I soon followed.

"What are we doing?" Jack asks.

"Making equipment." Soon we made primitive flying suits.

They're more specifically are going to be used for gliding. We made spears too. A long w/ a couple of slingshots, a few bows and nun chucks.

"You guys really like trees." We look down and see Alpha and Beta below us.

We look around and see two females from the group after me trying to scale the tree. After seeing this we jump to a different tree and start leaving. Soon heavy footsteps were after us.

*High pitched whistle!*

The guys look at me and I point to the tallest tree closest to us. They nod and we head there. We then start to climb higher on the tree.

"What do you think going higher will do!?" Alpha yells up at us. Jack was ahead of us so once he reached the top he jumped.

"What the hell are you guys doing!?" Alpha exclaims panicked.

Jack was soon followed by Steve then myself. Once we reached a certain point we opened up our gliders.

They thankfully worked great. So pretty soon we were gliding above the trees and towards the fence.

"Since when could they fucking flying!?!" Alpha's mom asks.

Where she came from we don't know. But we were able to get some pretty strong wind currents and get higher up.

Thankfully we set our suits up so that we could glide but have our hands free. This is also not the first time we've made gliders like these before.

We just had more time. So we were pretty efficient and able to do tricks. We also had great control.

I got some walnuts from a tree and readied my slingshot. The down side to these gliders are they're not the fastest.

We can speed up but they'll only be considered fast if a human was chasing us. But seeing as it wasn't a human but Lycans. We knew they would eventually catch up.

So we decided to arm ourselves. But another downside to these gliders is they can't stay in use for very long.

So after a while we're going to need to stop and travel on foot. But that also means that if they don't try to beat us to it and run alongside us they're going be able to catch us easier.

*Click! Click!*

"Got it!" Jack says.

We all turn to glide to the new tallest tree. We all picked a couple of branches along the way.

One of the first things we did before we started running was pick up a few rocks. The rules said we could only use things in the forest for weapons and tools.

Good thing we know how to work our resources. So once we landed we climbed up higher and put our wings away to rest while we worked.

We started making our arrows for the bows. We only sharpened the ends.

But we did use the stone as blades to shape the arrows. We kept a good portion of the shavings too.

"Are we sure you're humans and not harpies!?" Alpha complains.

We ignore her and keep working. The good thing about the tree we chose this time is that the point we're currently sitting and working on is very thin and fragile.

It's just barely holding our weight so we know for a fact that it won't hold theirs. They can either see that or they guessed it because they didn't try to climbed up. That is until Omega showed up.

It's obvious that she's the lightest out of the lycans females. But she's still close to a hundred or so pounds heavier than the heaviest one of us. But that's mainly due to the fact that we tried to be really light weight.

Really just because we knew that if something was unsturby then the chances of it breaking w/ something light is far less than the chances of it breaking w/ something heavy.

"How are you guys that far up!?" Omega asks.

"What shouldn't you be able to reach them?" Alpha asks.

"Not where they're at! Not even our lightest pup could be at that point!" She cries out. We notice their jaws drop.

"Are you guys not eating enough or something!?" Alpha's mom demanded to know.

"They are! I've seen how much they can eat!" Omega defends.

"But the weight difference should only be about 10 or 20 pounds at most! But that's due to the fact we have muscle weight while they don't! So why is there such a great difference!?" Beta informs.

"Maybe because you're going after underaged children! We're not even old enough to leave the house after 7! Yet here you are trying to get us to be your lovers!" Jack yells down. They're eyes widened.

Now what he said is true. But that has to do more w/ the family than the law.

Our small town is safe if only the locals are there. But if there's a tourist in town then it's world war 3.

They kept staring off into space for a while. During this time we finished up our arrows and rested a bit more just to be safe w/ our gliders.

But we soon climbed higher then jumped like how we did previously. This snapped them back to reality.

We already took off towards the fence again and had gain quite some distance. Since it was now up hill they were moving a bit slower. We took this chance to speed up.

"Do you see where we can land?" Jack asks. I move closer to the guys just to make sure the lycans can't hear me.

"The only places would be in different territories." I answer.

We weren't going to risk going into a different territory because the last thing we needed was to get more supernatural creatures after us.

"So where do you think is a decent spot to rest for a bit at Steve?" Jack asks. Steve mimicks what I had done earlier before he responds.

"I suggest a tree w/ a lot of branches and leaves. That way if they catch up to us it'll be harder to spot us. Then after a short break we can move forward on foot till we reach a tall tree." He states.

"But what about the chopper? Wouldn't that give away our location?" Jack asks.

"That's true I guess I'm still not used to being followed willing." We chuckle at that.

"Then how about we land and immediately start moving. True the chopper will slow down a bit but we'll still be gaining distance. Then if need be we can open up our gliders. But at least we don't stop moving. And we get to rest the gliders." I bring up. They agree and we land.

We immediately start jumping from tree to tree. A couple had vines that we swang on. That was a lot of fun.

But we just kept moving. Our gliders are ready to fly again but we tend to use taller trees to get us started and we haven't found any tall enough yet. Even after an hour or so.

We're not tired yet so we had no problems continuing on foot. But we will be getting back to the sky soon because the hill is about to get pretty steep.

So jumping from tree to tree will get more tiring. But going to the ground would be to risky.

*Extremely high whistle!*

Soon we all jumped and were gliding again.

"Fuck!" Alpha exclaimed. She had just tried to pounce on us w/ Beta and her mom. We got in the air and I shot an arrow at Alpha.

Beta saw it and shielded her. Which resulted in Beta's mid thigh getting hit. And it went clean through. Satisfied I flew away.

"You just shot one of them." Jack says as the guys stare at me. I nod.

"We are so dead if they catch us. And you are so gonna pay for it." Steve states.

"But it slows them down a bit. And I really needed that." I retort, my shoulders and my body overall relaxing as I said the last sentence.

The guys laughed at me for a bit before I joined them.

"So are we stopping for food or?" Jack asks.

"We can't stop for food. At least not until we get to the fence. W/ the stunt they just pulled and what our friend here did. They're going to be after us big time now." Steve says.

"Tell me you guys didn't feel better after seeing one of them get shot." I dared them they stayed quiet.

"That's what I thought." We laugh after that.

"Is that tree in their territory?" Jack asks after a minute of us gliding.

"Yes it is." I answer after looking around for a bit.

"Great let's land and rest." He says. We agree. Soon we land and climb up higher just to be safe. Soon we start chatting.

"Anyone else tired?" Steve asks yawning. Soon Jack and I yawn too. We've been resting for a while. The sun had already set.

"Just a bit." Jack says.

I look at the second chopper that watches over the lycans. Yes there's two choppers and yes one watches the lycans.

If they let us finish the rules one of them states that a chopper will continuously watch them just to be safe.

It's moving slowly and away from us. That's when it clicked for me. I shot up and jumped. They guys soon followed.

"What is it!?" Steve asks.

"Look at chopper 2!" I state. They do and then we speed up.

So basically we have some pretty good eyesight. Even when it's dark. Well chopper 2 is not only no wheres near where we left the lycans. But we saw the pilot.

The pilot happened to be HIM! This means that they could have found us and we're setting a trap or something!

Thankfully it was a windy night and seeing as we had a pretty long rest. We were able to fly longer.

We had a bell place at the fence just in case a government official wasn't there for us to ring to say hey we made it! I shot an arrow to ring it and soon people came flooding towards us.

"We're not going to ask how you're flying right now but why are you flying?" Someone asks.

"Who let those bastards in the choppers!?" The guys yell.

"Who are you talking about?" The same dude asks.

"THEM! The people who have been trying to help you capture us from the beginning!" Steve says.

"What!?" Everyone yelled.

"They shouldn't have been near the choppers! Wait how do you know they're in one?" The same dude from earlier asks.

"We saw them! Now can you fucking do something!?" Jack asks.

Then there was the sound of something flying through the air. It went passed me and Jack and hit Steve in the neck.

We saw it was a tranque. Soon after seeing that Steve blacked out and Jack was shot. Steve was going down and I tried to catch him but I was soon shot as Jack passed out.

The government people were shot faster than we were. I tried fighting the tranque as much as I could before my body became unresponsive.

"Tch tch tch." I hear as footsteps approach. I look up a bit and see Chloe w/ her and Felix's hell spawn.

"If only you would have cooperated from day one. Then you never would have been in the forest and this never would have happened." She says shaking her head.

"What if we just take her and drop those two off?" The hell spawn asks.

"You know what. That's a great idea!" Chloe says excitedly.

"Hehe! You hear that cutie! You get to come w/ us!" The hell spawns basically sings.

I try to get away but my arms are too shaky and weak after getting hit to do much. I was barely holding my weight up trying to get up.

Seeing this they came closer to me and Chloe put her foot on my back.

"Now are you that eager to get going or were you trying to get away from us?" Chloe asks adding pressure on my back.

I don't answer her and try to stay up even as she tries pushing me back down.

"Now you're just so impressive even w/ this high quality stuff that would've been enough to take down an elephant in one shot you're still able to fight it and try to move even when I'm pushing you back down!"

She basically praises me. This makes me uncomfortable and I try even harder to get away. But the harder I try the harder she pushes me down.

"It's a shame that you wasted so much time going against us. But don't worry you'll have plenty of time to make it up to us." The hell spawn says.

I look at her but I don't see her. Instead I see a taller curvier woman. But her skin was... Purple!?

I stopped resisting all of the sudden after I saw the stranger. Which caused Chloe to roughly push me down into the ground.

"Oh, fufu! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to push you so hard!" Chloe says.

I feel her move her foot from off of my back. I turn and see Chloe but she has red skin!

Her lips are fuller and she has a different air about her. That's when I realized it.

My eyes widened and I started to shake a bit. But not from the drug but from fear.

"Ahh! She's so cute! I think she finally realized what's happening!" The hell spawn says.

I move back slowly onto my knees. They watch me intently. I'm guessing they're making sure I don't try anything.

My body is still shaking but not from fear anymore but from the drug they shot me w/.

My eyes dart between the two females in front of me. After a while of staring at each other I shift my weight and go to move closer to the guys.

"Fufu. What do you think you're doing sweetheart?" Chloe asks putting her hand on my should and making me sit again.

I tensed at the contact and just stayed still. She doesn't like this as she frowns at me and furrows her brows.

She soon releases me. I hurriedly moved towards my friends. I checked to make sure they were alright. They were breathing and didn't seem to be in pain.

"You know cutie this is starting to make me mad." The hell spawn says. I tensed and looked at her.

"See right there! You always tense up around us! Even before we let Felix beat you! You never talked to us! Even after years of being around you!" She says moving closer.

I flinched and backed away w/ the guys.

I had to drag them since they were unconscious. This was extremely difficult seeing as I was weak.

"You flinch and back away from us. You refuse to talk to us. And now even though we're literally the only ones for you to talk to You Still Remain Silent!" She rants coming closer to me.

I kept trying to back away w/ the guys. But I was to weak to do so effectively.

This showed, especially when at the end once she got done yelling she pushed the guys away and pushed me back.

So our current position is I'm leaning on my elbows and forearms to support my weight w/ my legs trapped in-between hers.

While she's straddling me. Leaning forward towards me w/ her hand on my shoulder pushing me back. She had her other hand on the ground next to me helping support her weight.

"So now you're not going to have a choice. We'll get you to talk to us. And if you don't we'll just have to punish you. Right Chloe?" She says w/ a smirk on her face and a look I don't like in her eyes.

"That's right Sabrina. But hopefully our sweetness is well behaved so that we don't have to punish her. That's not to say we won't though." Chloe says approaching us and grabbing my chin for me to look at her as she said her last sentence.

I pretty sure fear is evident in my eyes.

I want to move back but I don't know how they'll respond to that.

I want to look and check up on my friends but Chloe still has my chin in her grip. And it tightens every time I try to look at one of the guys.

I tense up and go to snap my head towards the forest. I couldn't fully look seeing as Chloe stopped me from moving my head.

But after realizing I heard something she lets go of my chin and walks towards the fence.

The hell spawn who's name I just learnt is Sabrina gets off of me and follows. I take a few deep breaths. I do this to try and clear my racing mind.

'I can't take them w/ me!'

'But I don't want to leave them behind!'

'I need to hurry up and make a decision!'

'I can't rush my decision because then not only could I get caught I could make all of our situations worst!'

I tense again and snapped my attention further down the fence. The two notice this and go to investigate.

'Quick! I need to think!'

Luckily an animal or something moved in the forest catching the two's attention. This helped me a lot considering if they thought I had tricked them I could be dead meat.

Realizing there's no way for me to get all three of us to safety I wait till I see them go farther down then move the guys.

I hid them so that they couldn't take them to the lycans. Then I started to run. Or my best attempt to run w/ my body being so weak.

It slowly got easier to move as more time passed. Guesses are the drug was wearing down.

But it wasn't fast enough to where I'd be able to move fast enough to where my speed could pass for a light jog anytime soon.

I just kept moving. I got some distance away even w/ my slow pace.

I was just constantly hoping that this drug would run it's course faster so that I could do something! I hated how I can't protect my friends because of this stupid drug!

I hate how I had to hide my friends as a last resort! I hate how I wasn't able to get my friends to safety! I just hate everything about my current situation!

"Now running while we had our back turned wasn't very nice." A voice beside me says.

It sounded like the hell spawn or Sabrina if you want its name. I didn't respond and just kept moving.

"Ignoring us won't do you any good." Chloe states appearing in front of me.

I skid to a stop. Though unfortunately for me my stop wasn't clean.

I hit some major turbalance which ultimately resulted in me sliding into Chloe's chest and grabbing it.

I ended up grabbing it because I thought I was gonna fall so I immediately went to catch myself.

"Fufu, oh my! If you think doing this would help get you out of the dog house you're sadly mistaken. But it might lessen your punishment." She says.

She leaned in close to my ear and whispered the last part.

I immediately pushed myself away from her. My feet where stuck in the ground do to my skidding to a stop.

So when I pushed away from her I fell back since my feet didn't and couldn't move.

"I hope you don't think you're getting out of this w/ out giving me the same treatment!" Sabrina whines coming up beside me. I just try to get my feet out.

"There you go ignoring us again. Tsk tsk tsk. Sabrina how do you think we should punish her?" Chloe asks.

I tensed and looked at her like the heck did I do!?

"I think chaining her up would be a good start. Also look at the face she's making!" The hell spawn responds. My eyes widened at the mention of chains.

Now for some reason this situation has me thinking back to when Omega explained a bit of an alpha's behavior.

But that wouldn't make sense. Hell most of this didn't make sense!

First of all I thought they both hated me! But I also thought they were human. Then what's w/ this sudden obsession? They never acted like this before.

"Looks like our ride is here." Chloe says. I start to feel a bunch of wind and I look up to see a chopper.

"Sorry cutie but you're going to have to sleep for this." Hell spawn says.

Next thing I know my hearing's out, my senses are dulling and I'm blacking out.