
Pack Life (LitRPG)

Kim Anderson has been having a rough go at things. Just 7-months ago, his parents were murdered in a home invasion, but luckily the bastard bled to death from the gun shot wounds over the course of 3 days. The police said he "suffered immensely" in the cold Alaskan Frontier . Other than drinking and dropping out of college, Kim hasn't been doing much, but that is about to change.

JohnnyRebirth · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Unforeseen Circumstances

"Okay Max, we are going to bang a right, GEE!"

Max was having a difficult time understanding so many words, but luckily Boss was there to give him a slight nudge in the correct direction.

They made a wide turn and could see the massive amount of people standing at the fence of the local jail.

"What the hell??" Kim shouted at Albert, [-I am unsure, I need more information to draw any conclusions.-]

"LET US THE FUCK OUT OF HERE OR WE WILL END YOU, STUPID FUCKING BITCH!!" A large man with a scar on his face was yelling at the cowering woman behind the fence.

Kim pulled up on the skateboard while staying quiet.

The woman had tears forming in her eyes, she was panicking.

[-I recommend that you immediately flee the scene and request the nearest assistance.-] Albert said lazily.

His family was getting anxious and their hair was beginning to stand in an intimidation tactic, but Kim was hoping it wouldn't come to that.

"Howdy, what seems to be the problem here?" Kim walked forward with Max and Boss at his sides. Boss was staring daggers into the man causing the most noise.

"Oh...we have ourselves a little hero. Have you come to save the 'ugly bitch' of a princess?" He and his goons had taken a moment to laugh at the scrawny hero.

Kim noticed that the man was covered in blood and glanced at the red-stained shiv in his hand.

The man saw Kim's wandering eyes and nodded, "Do you understand the stakes to this game?" He leaned on the fence with a wide smile, "Are you ready to wager?"

Kim noticed a strange pattern in his speech, "I am not in the mood for a game at the moment, but thanks for the offer."

The man smiled some more and gave a few hushed orders.

Kim walked up and grabbed the CO's arm, "Ma'am, we need to get your firearms."

She looked at Kim with abject terror on her face, "T-t-they, d-d-don't w-w-work…"


Kim looked over to the prisoners trying to escape and the man with the scar starred back with a dead look on his face.

As Kim was thinking about what to do, he heard the sound of metal ringing. The chain-link fence had just been torn with a large amount of effort.


Boss let out a low growl and Max whimpered slightly.

The man was slowly popping the metal squares that made up the fence, his hands were getting cut by the wire.

Kim stammered, "G-g-get back…"

[-Initiating Survival Instincts.-]

Kim suddenly felt the clear need to take an action, run, fight, negotiate.

Run is too late, the girl and I won't fit on the board. Negotiations have already failed.

Kim nodded, "Fight."

Adrenaline began flowing, his eyes focused more than usual. His body began to chauffeur Oxygen to his muscles.

[-You are a Tamer. Command.-] Albert whispered or yelled in a loud voice, Kim couldn't tell as the world went silent.

Kim felt hatred, then for a moment it was calm.

He spoke a simple word, "Protect."

Kim looked at the terrified woman, "Shade, please take her and keep her safe."

He gestured at an older looking wolf that did a small curtsey. As the woman was walking away with a look of shock on her face, it was go time.

"Oh….it feels so nice to be free." The man slid out from the small tear.

"Isn't this new world so wonderful?" He twirled the knife in his hand, "I am already level 6, I am told that it is very unusual to be this high level so early…"

He squared up to Kim, his back facing the fence and occasionally glancing towards his reinforcements.

[-Kim, he is buying time. You need to stop his back up. This man is clearly unstable, yet he has killed a minimum of 10 people to climb to level 6 in such a short time. He is gaming you. Rip him to shreds.-]

Kim stood there with a look on his face.

"OHHHH, there it is. How do you all manage to portray your abhorrent feelings to homicide so clearly?" He spoke with his back up straight and an intelligent look in his eye.

"I apologize for acting foolish, but it was a useful mask in there. I am sure you understand…" He gestured towards the jail with a small smile on his face.

"Anyway, time to die." And with zero hesitation he lunged at Kim, his face twisted into a rage.

Kim noticed how quick he was, [-He placed his points into..-] Albert was trying to do analysis while Kim nearly got his head cut off.

Kim dodged by attempting a roll, but his entire back was sliced deep. The searing pain radiating down his body.

His family was slightly taken aback but Boss had leaped from standing still over 15 feet into him.

Kim heard growling and rustling around him, everything was happening too fucking fast.

"YOU FUCKING DOOOOOG!!!" The man screamed as Boss was locked onto his knife arm.


Blood was everywhere.

Kim sat up, despite the incredible amount of pain.

10 wolves were on top of the man, ripping him limb from limb.

"Oh god….STOP STOP." Kim yelled out and the pack obeyed.

They all backed up slightly and Kim could see that Boss was panting heavily, red pulsing was going on under him.

[-KIM, KIM!!!-] Albert was yelling.

"WHAT ALBERT! WHAT!" He snapped back.

[-FUCKING FINALLY. Boss will bleed out, but he can be re-summoned, pay attention to the others, PLEASE FOCUS!!!-]

A man was walking up behind Kim, terror was clearly visible in his eyes as he just watched the strongest man get shredded.

"You….you killed him? You actually…." The man stumbled backwards.

Kim looked at his babies, fear was pinging in his heart, "No, he...he attacked...he was…"

The situation was too much.

[-Kim. Focus. Please, please, PLEASE!-]

Kim nodded, "Yes, he is dead, now get in the jail."

The man nodded and the onlookers from behind the yard started to stir, "He ain't playin'. That look in his eye, he is a killer now. You boys shouldn't test him." An older voice called out. He was calm about watching a man get ripped limb from limb.

Kim ignored the older man as Max came up and rubbed his head on Kim's face.


Kim looked at his hands, they were covered in chunks of….and a deeply rich red.

He looked up and stared at the prisoners, unbeknownst to him, his face was caked in fresh blood.

"If you leave. We will find you." Kim stated without caring for any response and walked away, his wolves followed.

A completely dismembered carcass was splayed out on the snow stained with blood. Chunks were straight up missing, as if they had been accidentally consumed. Intestine was punctured and brown fecal matter was spilling and letting out a terrible stench.

The wolf laying there dead was turning into small specks of bright light and flowing in the wind.

"Shade, Killer, X, Carmen. Please stay and help this young woman." Kim spoke, "The rest of us will be heading to the sheriff.

She just nodded and cried a little.

Kim was nearly apathetic at the moment but leaned in for a small hug to comfort the girl.

She pulled away in fright.

[-Kim. Just move on. It takes time for people to adjust. Even hardened criminals aren't all murderers.-]

Kim nodded and moved on, it would be a few minutes before they reached the sheriff and could relay the information.