
Pack Life (LitRPG)

Kim Anderson has been having a rough go at things. Just 7-months ago, his parents were murdered in a home invasion, but luckily the bastard bled to death from the gun shot wounds over the course of 3 days. The police said he "suffered immensely" in the cold Alaskan Frontier . Other than drinking and dropping out of college, Kim hasn't been doing much, but that is about to change.

JohnnyRebirth · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


While most of the world's inhabitants slept, the world underwent another massive rending. The earth ebbed and flowed into new locations, deep underground networks that would have been impossible were being formed.

The Primordial Concepts were engaging their own Ideals onto reality.

Chaos and Order fought over every inch of ground.

Magic and Reality battled for supremacy.

Each and every one of the Primordial Gods took their turn at carving out their domain within this new universe.

Where Chaos reigned, there was no order. Atoms could rip apart and explosions could have any effect. Electrons could suddenly shift as reality made them the size of a Tennis Ball.

Where Order reigned, there was no Chaos. Every Atom was attended to. Life was orderly. In the previous universes added, there are entire planets where atomic thickness is checked and maintained daily.

These were the Concepts. They have no personality. They choose no Champion. They merely are.

Their Lord is the Concept of Sentience, the only "God" with a personality. This being is the only reason Sentient or near-Sentient beings are given a chance. Sentience is it's Domain.


[-YO!-] Shouted the annoying voice.

[Oh GOD, my head…] Kim thought as he laid on the wooden flooring.

[-Yeah..you hit it on the way down, but COME ON!-] The voice was buzzing and moving within his head.

[Claptrap? Is that you?] Kim said with a chuckle as he stood up slowly.

[-YOU DARE?! HOW COULD YOU COMPARE ME TO THAT INCOPETITENT FOOL?-] The voice had a hint of absolute betrayal.

"How do you know about Borderlands?"

[-Did I cause brain damage? I could have sworn we just went over this...let me check my notes....-] The voice trailed off as the rustling of papers could be heard faintly.

[-AH! My bad, let me fix that hematoma.-]

"Hema-whata, AHH!" Kim shouted, once more.

Everything came back.

"DICK BAG! COULDN'T WE HAVE WAITED FOR ME TO SIT DOWN MAYBE? I'M THE IDIOT. OH SURE." Kim began to yell at his new companion and stormed away.

[-You know I am in your head right...you can't walk away from me in an argument. Technically, I am in every cell, but anyway, I made some changes. I uh...deleted your rectum, large colon, small intestine. Let me see, we compressed your brain matter. Primed your body for the first wave. Got rid of the appendix. Increased the size of the Liver, Lungs, Heart, Kidneys, and a lot of your Lymphatic System got reworked. Mostly, it is positive-]

"Uh...you CLOSED MY ASS???" Kim said with horror.

[-Yeah, it is a weak spot. Plus, pooping is so 9 hours ago. It is honestly a shitty method of solid waste disposal-]


"Give it back…"

[-You WANT a rectum and "poop" system?-]

Kim just shrugged with frustration. Today was not going as he had planned.

"I, uh, I don't know what I want. I think the world just got ripped in half. But everything is fine, isn't it?"

[-This state of being could be described as fine, until Chaos and Magic start taking effect. I am running the numbers, and uh...we have too much potential? Where is this shit coming from?-]

"Potential?" Kim asked inquisitively.

[-Uh, it is hard to explain to a monkey brained individual, BUT basically, Potential is a collective term. There are various magical structures that make it up. The Concept of Magic oversees and washes the universe in these strains of magic. Think of it as elements on the periodic table, yeah, and they form molecules that have effects-]

"Okay...so what do those "molecules" do exactly?"

[-Haven't the faintest. But they are useful. The Concept of Sentience is able to take the individual strains and make a larger and more relevant compound-]

"What the hell is "The Concept of Sentience"?" Kim looked over to see the dogs whimpering in their sleep. Small yaps and kicks made it clear that it wasn't pleasant.

[-Huh? Didn't I expl-never mind. We will have time later. We really could use the System right now. Can you like, yell out?-]

"Uhhhhhh, sure?" Kim walked past the dogs and watched as some of them had ripples under their skin. They were being changed, just as he had.

As Kim opened the door, he noticed the Sun being larger. The Alaskan chill was leaving as it could be considered almost balmy outside.

He shook his head.


For a split moment, a gaze could be felt. Thinking. Empathy. Appreciation.

Then, like a bomb went off, the world changed.


Kim just waved towards the sky and felt a slight chuckle in return.

"Ya know, I like her." Kim just smiled back, the shifting world would not harm him for the time being, he was sure of that.

[-Huh, her? You mean, him?-]

"Nah, she is a mother. It is definitely a classy Lady."

[-Uhhhhh….okay, sure man, just go against trillions of years of interaction with Him. I guess it doesn't matter. We need to get started.-]

"Can I sit down first?" Kim asked as he prepared to fall.


"I'll take that as a yes." Kim snorted as he went back in and sat in his dad's old rockin' chair.

"Oka-" Kim was cut off as he blacked out and awoke once more, "-y."

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Kim shouted as the lag effect hit him.

[-SOOOOORRRRY, IT IS KIND OF LOUD IN HERE. I AM RUNNING A LOT OF CALCULATIONS-] The voice was shouting over the sound of loud machinery and sparking. It was making a lot of noise in his head.

Kim shook his head, the voice was going to do whatever it wanted to. He looked and the dogs were in more distress and still unconscious.

~Ding~ 'A Tamer Pact is available for Binding'

~Ding~ 'A Tamer Pact is available for Binding'

~Ding~ 'A Tamer Pact is available for Binding'

~Ding~ 'A Tamer Pact is available for Binding' x11

"Uhhhhh, the fuck man?" Kim stood up as rainbow colored text appeared in his vision.

[-OHHHHH, IT WAS THE DOGS, OF COURSE!-] The sound of machinery and typing on a keyboard began once more.

"Can we at least make the text smaller? I can't move or I will fall down." Kim glanced around, trying to use his peripheral vision to move, but it wasn't worth it.

After a few minutes, the text began to shift into a lighter blue and the opacity was corrected to something much more reasonable.

Kim just sat there and tapped on his leg. The weird sounds in his head were shifting into drilling and a distorted voice coming through a drive-thru speaker. Whatever was happening, it was getting on his nerves.

After 10 more minutes, Kim resorted to humming the Jeopardy Theme song on repeat. It was kinda fun, but he needed to help his dogs, something was clearly wrong.

With that thought, the noise stopped.

A tired voice came over and whispered, [-Okay, kid, the best we can do is get an Epic rated class. This is incredible. The Management is telling me they need you to sever the Mana Echo from the Potential and absorb it.-]

"Uh, hi, and sever what now?" Kim sat up and was confused.

[-Uh, it is like a soul, but basically, we just need you to kill the dogs.-]

A switch clicked.

Sirens began to go off in 'Kim's' mind.

The voice realized that something was wrong when Kim's Anger-meter hit 4250% capacity.

"You want me, to what?" A calm demeanor overtook Kim.

[-Uhhhh, Kim, I think I am confused.-] The voice seemed to shrink backwards as it contacted a manager.

A sweet and older female voice took over, [-Hello~, how can I help you?-]

Kim's rage subsided for a moment and he asked, "Could you get me a new voice inside my head, thanks…"

Panic could be felt as a whisper came to him, [-Woah, take it easy man. I-I-I was just born TODAY, what did I do wrong…-]

Kim could feel the vulnerability of the voice when the older one spoke up, [-Sweetie, I can have him replaced, but it will take a sizable chunk out of your Potential. If you go through with it, I am afraid the best class you would be eligible for would be Uncommon.-]

The female voice went off to type and chew bubble gum.

"Um, Ma'am." In a moment she responded with a perfect, [-Mhm?-]

"I guess he can stay, but I just don't really know what is going on. I got these notifications about Pacts and Bindings, then I got heated, but my dogs appear to be suffering. Can you explain it a little?"

The typing from the female voice stopped, [-Shame on you, you were going to sacrifice their potential for your host's benefit. ~Tchk~ The nerve.-] A disapproving glare could be felt by Kim, but it was directed at the resident douchebag.

[-I will take care of you sweetie. I assume the 'Canis lupus familiaris' are your pets?-]

Kim responded with a large nod.

[-Wonderful. I have some Class options for you to choose from. But basically, we need to distribute the Potential. We can turn you into a "Wolf-man" which would give you incredible Stats, but it would kill the little babies. That is what my "partner" was looking at. It would easily make you the strongest human on the planet.-]

"Yeah...lets go for a more "not kill my babies" route."

A slight chuckle and a pop could be heard from the bubble gum. [-Agreed-]

~Please Choose one of the Following~

~Ding~ The class, 'Master Grey Tamer (Epic)' is available.

~Ding~ The class, 'Journeyman White-magician (Rare)' is available.

~Ding~ The class, 'Journeyman Black Tamer (Rare)' is available.

~Ding~ The class, 'Journeyman Blue Tamer (Rare)' is available.

~Ding~ The class, 'Apprentice Red Tamer (Uncommon)' is available.

[-Would you like a small description of each?-]

Kim could feel vague hints from the wording resonating within him, but he thought it best to listen.

"Yes please."

[-So, with your brain, it would appear that you use a color and experience based coding system. There is nothing wrong with that, it is very common. I am sure you have some feelings involved with each word, but on my end, I can tell that the Grey Tamer is very powerful. It is a physical build and will make your pets' attacks deal MUCH more damage. The increase is enough to shatter trees with a swipe.-]

Kim nodded his head in agreement.

[-The Tamer sub-class is grouped as a Support Class. It is considered a Support because the damage is not caused by yourself. Most species tend towards self-empowerment, but you are clearly different. Your love of animals will be tested in the coming days. Being a tamer is very difficult as your pets will go out and fight for you. They would gladly risk their life for you, but are you able to carry the burden should they perish?-]

"I...I am not sure." Kim hung his head as he thought about his boys and girls getting slain by a goblin creature. The pain in his heart was too much.

"There has to be another way, maybe a different class?" Kim asked with desperation.

Typing began on the keyboard and more options were scrolling past his vision.

He had to hope there was something that could help him and the babies.