

Her wedding to the Alpha of the North is the wedding of the century all over the territory. ********* Aylin is getting married to Haakon, the great Alpha of the North. The alliance between the two packs will be great for the two packs. However the amber eyed Beta of his brother, the Alpha, still lingers in her mind. When he shows up at her engagement, things are about to get more complicated. With the upcoming wedding, she must forget about him not only for her sake but for his too. What happens when he is a persistent son of a gun? What happens when you realise you are making the biggest mistake of your life?

marjo_rhinah · Urban
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6 Chs

2. Lorcan: The engagement II

It was a mistake coming to this engagement. I knew it but I still came because besides how I feel, I also have responsibilities as the Beta of our pack. This pending alliance between the two powerful packs is a great achievement for all the packs since these two have been at war since so many years back.

Hearing all that would have made me happier if she wasn't involved. Unfortunately luck was not on my side this time. Aylin was now getting married to a man she doesn't like at all. She had told me this so many times when we were still close.

While I stare at her making her way down the stairs, I suck in a breath. That is how her presence has always made me feel. She makes me feel powerless yet so powerful. She looks stunning tonight. Words cannot describe how incredible she looks even when she forces that smile on her face.

I feel more jealous course through my veins especially when I realise how all the men in the room hold leer gazes at her. She commands attention without even trying and she is so oblivious to that fact. When she lifts her eyes to the crowd and her gaze meets mine, sparks.

That is the effect of the milli second of her eyes on mine. I am sure she feels that electric pull between us because I do. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder which distracts my attention.

"Are you fine?" Catherine, my younger sister asks. She knows how much all this is affecting me. Feels good to know that someone out there understands my pain.

"I am good." I nod my head giving her a weak smile.

"Hey Lorcan, do you have a second? I want to introduce you to someone." Remus, my Alpha asks. I narrow my eyes at him. Remus is my Alpha and also my best friend. He is also Aylin's elder brother. I know how bad he is at match making. He has been trying to set me up with all these girls since I got my title as his Beta. I wish he knew that the only person in my heart is his sister.

"Another girl?" I pucker my lips at him.

"Don't be such a buzz kill. She is a brunette." he smirks. I don't know how she knows I prefer brunettes but that is not true. I guess she just assumed because I mostly hang out with brunettes. The truth is there is only one blonde that has my attention since we were kids.

I let him lead me to the small group of people. One couple and then the brunette he wants me to meet. She is cute. Big brown doe eyes, small cute lips and a beautiful smile. She is someone I would go for definitely. I smirk when I notice her checking me out too.

"Hey, I am Mysie." she introduces with a shy smile.

"Lorcan." I take her hand planting a small kiss on the behind of her hand something that evokes a blush out of her.

"So the rumor is true. You are a flirt." Mysie chuckles.

"I can't help it especially when I meet a beautiful woman." I smile. She blushes hard.

After our little encounter, Remus introduces me to Jackson and Letti, the other couple with Mysie. The three come from the Eastern pack and it turns out Mysie's father is the Alpha. That explains why Remus is big on setting me up with her. He sends me a wicked smile when I glare his way. Son of a gun.

Mysie can't stop talking about the harvesting season in her pack. Her stories are great, fun even but I have my attention elsewhere. My eyes are wandering around the crowd looking for Aylin. She is not difficult to trace but with the crowd of people, it is going to be hard. She is not good with crowds and I bet she is cacconing in some corner sipping on her wine.

I excuse myself from Mysie and her friends before I head through the crowd looking for that emerald dress. When I finally spot her at the further end of the room with a glass of wine, I smile. Just like expected.

Before I walk to her, I hear mother's voice behind me. Crap.

"There you are. Come meet Mr and Mrs Hearst." mother grips me by hand. I force a tight lipped kind smile to the couple. The Hearsts are a huge chain in the trade of our pack and it would be considerate of me if I am on my best behavior. While they talk about bussiness, my mind and eyes are distracted.

She is standing with Azriel, Haakon's Beta. I feel a pang of jealous when I realise their body language. They look close something that makes me so restlessness.

I tap my finger impatiently against my thigh hoping for this conversation to end soon. I am relieved when the Hearsts excuse themselves to meet some other couple.

"What is with the hurry son?" mother catches my hand in time before I flee away from her.

"Nothing. There is just something I need to tell Remus real quick. See you later mother." I literally escape her cutting off whatever she has to say. I walk in the direction where the two are talking, Aylin's back to me.

I clear my voice to gain her attention and suddenly she stiffens. I can see that with the stillness in her body immediately. Azriel's gaze finds mine and then back to Aylin.

"Her majesty, your majesty is looking for you. It is time."

A brunette who I assume is her maid intervenes.

"Excuse me." she murmurs before she walks away never sparing me a glance.

Azriel follows soon behind her and so does the maid. I am left alone to stare at her back. She did that on purpose and it hurts deep down. Have I become that person in her life? She didn't even look at me. I drown down the whole glass of wine in my hand.

I take another glass from the passing by steward and replacing the empty one. I need it if I am going to witness the woman who has my heart get engaged to another guy.

For several minutes, I stand gazing at her smiling up at another guy. Gulp. I don't hear what else they have to say while I witness her placing the shiny diamond ring on him. Gulp. Or when he leans down and kisses her lips. I drown the whole glass this time. I sure as hell need another glass.

I turn away from the scene in hopes of stumbling over a full glass of wine. I expected whatever is happening. It is just it doesn't lessen the pain, it makes it even worse that I can't do anything.

I need some air. I just want to be as far away from her as possible. I walk past the crowd to the outside of the hall until I reach the outside of the building. Now that I stare at the clouds, I walk aimlessly to the eastern side of the mansion until I notice the water fountain.

Under the dim sky, it looks so magnificently beautiful. I settle on the surrounding pavement testing the water on my fingers, it is cold. Why did this have to happen to me?

Just four weeks back, we had been laying in my chambers. She was naked on top of me and she was chuckling to the dirty whisper I had made in her ear. I was the happiest I had been at that moment. What happened to us?

Suddenly I hear footsteps coming over towards me and despite how dimly lit the place is, my eyes spot the emerald dress. Then her scent wafts into my nose, I feel that same chill down my spine.

When her gaze finds mine, she panicks. I catch her in time before she  flees the place. It has been a month since I last touched her or even came this close to her. It pains me that things turned out this way.

"You shouldn't have come." she murmurs avoiding my gaze.

"I didn't have a choice and besides I wanted to see you." I say.

"I don't want to see you Lorcan." she replies curtly.

"We both know you don't mean that." I coax.

"It doesn't matter what I feel. What matters is that I shouldn't even be here alone with you in the first place." she mutters.

I take her hand in mine carefully pulling her closer into my hands.

"No." she pulls away.

"Aylin." I beg.

"I need..."

I cut her off by capturing her lips with mine. The kiss lasts for a few seconds before she pulls away and slaps me spontaneously.

"Are you out of your goddamn mind Lorcan?" she glares her gray eyes darker than usual.

"I need you." I plead weakly.

"You are drunk." she scoffs.

"It doesn't change the fact that I love you." I confess. She stops for a minute her gaze meeting mine. I can see it in her eyes. I can see that she loves me but these circumstances are pulling us apart. I fear that I might lose her and it is driving me insane.

"Aylin I know you still love me.."

"I don't. That was a phase Lorcan. Haakon is the real deal and if your mind is working well, I am getting married to him in seven days." Aylin declares. She is saying all this to hurt me and surely it is working.

"If you are willing to give up on us, let me assure you Aylin. I am not a coward. I don't give up on those that I love." I reprimand.

"That is hypocritical of you. Do you think I have a choice? You know what, I don't want to see you around me ever." she glares harder.

Trust me I know it is hypocritical of me. It is not her fault she is in this situation right now and I out of the people know she would rather do something else than marry Haakon.

"Sorry love because you will be seeing much of me for the next seven days."

This time when she walks away, I don't stop her.