
Pack's Secrets: The Alpha

[Book One of the Pack's Secrets series] Having a mate was supposed to be fun. Not that Tilda Grey is unhappy but she and her mate are just so far away even though they are close. When Alpha of the Silver Demon pack, Tilda Grey, finds her mate, Annabelle Black, a Gamma, she is filled with immediate dread. Not because she doesn't want her mate. Because she finds her mate in an attacked and bloody state. There are way too many secrets in their still-growing relationship. Not the I-dated-and-had-sex-before-meeting-you type of secrets. Those are okay. Their secrets are the I-can't-talk-about-it-or-else-someone-can-get-hurt and the get-hurt means someone-like-you-and-me-and-my-loved-ones-so-I'm-sorry. They need this to work as they are both in the need of genuine affection but despite their naked bodies meeting each other, their naked souls are still hidden away. And with all the chaos and pressure coming from the Royal pack, there's only so much they can take until one of them breaks. Can they make it? Or will they go down in flame and burn everyone on their path?

SagharShirazi · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Rough Mate

Tilda went out of the office. All she could think of was the scent on Amanda. It wasn't Amanda's scent though; it was something between honey and milk. It was sweet and soft.

    "What are you thinking about Alpha." Oliver came out of nowhere. "You look deeply in your mind."

    "Did the family settle in?" Tilda ignored Oliver's question with her own.

    "It's too soon to say I guess." Oliver grinned. "But they seem to click it with the other pack members." He turned serious suddenly. "But there is something I want to discuss."

    "Mhmm." Tilda nodded. "Go on. What's on your mind Beta?"

    "I think I fou―" Oliver suddenly stopped talking. "Never mind." He sighed.

    "What's bothering you, Oliver?" Tilda asked. Oliver was not someone to stop smiling for even a second so this was weird for the pack to see.

    "Nothing much." Oliver grinned again. His eyes turned to the same shining eyes as usual. "We should arrange a meeting soon though."

    "We should also try to make two groups of trackers and searchers," Tilda added. "We must find the rough family's oldest daughter." And my possible mate, she added to herself.

    "And your possible mate," Oliver smirked. "Next time that you want to say something to yourself, make sure that the mind-link is not open."

    "Bitch." Tilda rolled her eyes. "But yes, she is my possible mate if the faint scent on Amanda belongs to her."

    "Why don't you just ask Amanda about the scent?" Oliver asked.

    "Hello, Amanda. Who is the owner of that milk and honey scent? I think your oldest daughter is my mate." Tilda faked a polite and mocking tone.

    "Yeah, yeah, I get it, you can't do that." Oliver playfully rolled his eyes. "How about a run? I'll tell Paria to come too and maybe we can make her answer a few questions about the Blood Moon pack."

    "It's a good idea I guess." Tilda shrugged. "Don't take more than five minutes like the last time or you won't see the daylight anymore."

    "Aye Capitan." Oliver laughed out loud and went to find their Delta, Paria.

    Meanwhile, Tilda's mind was full of the honey scent.

Can't we go and find her ourselves? Grey whined. It will be faster!

    No, we need our pack, Tilda answered truthfully. As much as a mate is important, our pack will be the priority until we finally meet her.

    Ugh, whatever. Grey mumbled and blocked the mind-link between herself and Tilda.

    Whinny bitch, Tilda rolled her eyes and got up to search for Oliver. Five minutes were nearly up and still, there was no sight of the Beta.

    "Boo!" Tilda jumped and turned around only to see Paria and Oliver laughing their asses off. "Oh my god, you had to see your face! It was priceless!"

    "Oh?" Tilda raised an eyebrow mischievously. "The last one will clean the bathroom!"

    Oliver and Paria looked at her dumbly and Tilda used this to her advantage and got a head start. "See you losers in hell!" She shifted quickly and sprinted toward the forest.

    After two minutes of running and she finally felt the presence of her Beta and Delta behind her.

    Where to? Paria asked in the mind-link that they all shared.

    Guess, Tilda said and made a swift turn toward the west.

    Oliver and Paria sprinted beside her and both glared at Tilda with their wolfy eyes. This is not fair! We have to stay behind you to follow your directions! Oliver whined.

I never said I play fair, Tilda stopped for a brief second to give them both a wolfish smirk and then started again.

    You are breaking the match's rules! Paria said and tried to move forward but it was impossible when she didn't know where the Alpha was going.

    This is my hell bitches. Tilda's victorious smirk never faded from her face. I make the rules.

    Soon they reached the place that Tilda had in mind. I should've known! Oliver whined as soon as they stopped. Why I didn't guess?!

    Maybe because you are stupid? Tilda smirked. Yeah, definitely because you are stupid. She turned to look at Paria's crimson wolf. FYI I am talking about both of you.

    Oliver's white wolf jumped on Tilda's for a friendly fight and soon enough they were both growling playfully at each other.

    Room for another one? Paria smirked playfully and joined the so-called fight.

    The wolves played and fought playfully with each other. They bit and shoved each other though it never hurt.

    If only the other packs saw this side of the Silver Demon's trio leaders, then maybe they would've changed their thoughts about how scary they look.

    But fighting playfully and fighting on a battlefield is not something that can be mistaken as the same thing.

    After some time of fighting each other and growling a lot, the trio finally got tired and laid near the calm river that passed the forest.

    Paria was the first one to shift. "What do you guys think about the rough family?"

    Oliver shifted soon after her and turned to look at the Delta. "Do you know them Paria?" He asked carefully. "You seemed to know more about the Blood Moon pack than we know."

    "It's nothing," Paria mumbled. Nothing really important at least…"

    Tilda shifted quickly and turned to Paria. "You know that you can trust us with your past." She said soothingly, as soothingly as she could manage at least.

    "Yes!" Oliver smiled. "See, even the big badass Alpha is trying to be soothing. That has to mean something!"

    Paria cracked a smile and Tilda rolled her eyes. "It's been so long and I don't remember that much." Paria started, the memories already clouded her eyes. "It belongs to when I was seven, I guess."

    Tilda gave her an encouraging nod and Oliver patted her shoulder. "It's okay." They both whispered to her.

    "Okay…" Paria mumbled. "They looked like such a good pack from outside. I remember perfectly when the royal pack member came to visit and check the pack's quality, they would all be so good and perfect."

    "They fooled the royal guard?" Oliver asked with his mouth hung open. "I thought they could read the mind-links! That should make that impossible!"

    "Not when the mind-links stay clean." Paria sighed again. "They fooled them pretty well, didn't they?"

    "What did they do?" Tilda asked consciously. Whatever they had done, it must've been so terrible that they had to hide it even from the royal guard since the royals aren't that great either.

    "They ra―" Paria's voice got cut off by a pain-filled moan from nearby.

    "Did you hear that?" Tilda said as her heartbeat got a little bit faster and louder, it wasn't fear. Something exciting was about to happen and the Alpha had no idea if she was ready to face whatever it is or not.

    "Let's go," Tilda said and shifted quickly. It came from the east!

    Oliver and Paria shifted and followed their Alpha to where the noise came from.

    "Please help us!" A man said under a big tree. His face was covered by the shadows and the smell of blood was thick in the air.

    Be careful! Tilda ordered the other two wolves and then got closer. She shifted immediately as soon as the faint scent of honey hit her. "Who are you?"

    The man bowed and showed his respect for the Alpha even though he was bleeding heavily. "Robert Black."

    "Amanda's mate!" Oliver whispered with shock. Then he looked at the unconscious girl near Robert. "Is she―"

    He couldn't complete his sentence because as soon as Tilda's eyes fell on the girl who was covered in blood, her eyes changed color to the glowing crimson red and a loud growl escaped her throat.
