
Pack's Secrets: The Alpha

[Book One of the Pack's Secrets series] Having a mate was supposed to be fun. Not that Tilda Grey is unhappy but she and her mate are just so far away even though they are close. When Alpha of the Silver Demon pack, Tilda Grey, finds her mate, Annabelle Black, a Gamma, she is filled with immediate dread. Not because she doesn't want her mate. Because she finds her mate in an attacked and bloody state. There are way too many secrets in their still-growing relationship. Not the I-dated-and-had-sex-before-meeting-you type of secrets. Those are okay. Their secrets are the I-can't-talk-about-it-or-else-someone-can-get-hurt and the get-hurt means someone-like-you-and-me-and-my-loved-ones-so-I'm-sorry. They need this to work as they are both in the need of genuine affection but despite their naked bodies meeting each other, their naked souls are still hidden away. And with all the chaos and pressure coming from the Royal pack, there's only so much they can take until one of them breaks. Can they make it? Or will they go down in flame and burn everyone on their path?

SagharShirazi · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Rough Family

"Rough attack!" Maryam's voice, the pack's warrior Omega, rang through the packhouse. "Rough attack!"

    "Just stop them!" Tilda groaned as she rolled off of her bed. "I have to do every damn thing in this pack. What are the others for? Décor?!"

    Tilda got dressed and walked out of her room. "I swear I will tear apart every one of those roughs who disturbed my beauty sleep!"

    "That's the spirit!" Tilda turned and saw her Beta coming in her direction. Oliver had a wide grin on his face. Weird Beta but what can I do?

    "Let's just get this over." Tilda groaned. "And get back to sleeping." She mumbled the last part but Oliver heard her loud and clear.

    "It's Tuesday." His grin never faded. "We have three meetings to attend and five phone calls to make and when I say we I mean just you dear Alpha."

    "We'll see about that," Tilda smirked but her eyes got serious as soon as the roughs' scents kicked in. "Why the hell they got away from guards so quickly?"

    "There's only one way to find out," Oliver said.

    They both shifted. Tilda with her gray wolf is taller than all of the pack members and Oliver's white wolf stood there shorter by a few inches.

    On the east side, Jordan's watch, Maryam informed the Alpha and Beta about the roughs' location and soon, they were both sprinting toward the east side of the packhouse.

    Roughs, Tilda growled as soon as she set her eyes on the small pack of five crimson wolves.

    She bared her teeth and growled. Leave before we make you!

    The first one shifted fast and turned to a little girl. She looked like she was at most a seven-year-old. "Please don't hurt us!" She cried. "Please you have to help us!"

    Oliver looked at Tilda as if he was asking for her thoughts. When Tilda nodded, Oliver shifted and walked near the trembling girl.

    "Tell us what is bothering you." Oliver tried to look as harmless as he could and it wasn't hard.

    "M―my family," The girl pointed to the other four roughs and they shifted soon after. "Mama!" The girl cried and went to a woman that Tilda assumed was her mother. "You have to help us!"

    Tilda looked at the woman and her family. They looked harmless. Harmless roughs.

    "Why do you need help?" Tilda looked at each member suspiciously.

    The mother covered all of her kids behind her in a protective manner and then talked. "My oldest daughter."

    "And what does it have to do with me?" Tilda raised an eyebrow. "And my pack?"

    "They told us you will help." The woman said calmly but her eyes still darted between all of the pack members who were surrounding her and her children. She looked very uncomfortable and scared.

    "Give them space," Tilda ordered and soon the pack members backed down but they were still ready to attack if the roughs made the wrong moves. "Who are you talking about?"

    "The Blood Moon pack." The woman shivered at the mention of her last pack. "They throw us out and told us if we have any problems, we should talk with the Silver Demon pack."

    "The Blood Moon!" Paria suddenly said, and she looked kind of angry. Everyone turned to look at her since she was not much of an angry person. "I hate them."

    Tilda gave her a look as if saying we will talk about this later and then turned to look at the woman again. "What's your name?"

    "Amanda." The woman, Amanda, said. "Amanda Black, daughter of Lily Rosewood, mate of Robert Black."

    "Lily Rosewood as if the Alpha of Shadow pack?" Oliver asked, excitement clear in his eyes. "You are her daughter? Is the pack alright?"

    Amanda glanced at Oliver. "I am and I need the Silver Demon pack's help." She turned to look at Alpha Tilda again. "Please… you have to help us."

    "I don't have to," Tilda said calmly. "Don't you, a rough, dare to tell me what I have to do or not even if it's just an ask for help." She growled the last part.

    The little girl got tears in her eyes again and the other three kids tried to protect her. "Please Alpha Grey… please help us…"

    The three little boys looked at Tilda with weird admiration. They looked so much alike so the Alpha guessed that they were triplets.

    One look at the little girl and Tilda knew she couldn't make herself get angry when those big green eyes looked at her like that. "Tell me your names." This time she didn't demand anything. She just asked.

    "Angela." The green-eyed girl asked. "Eight."

    "Julian." The taller boy said though he was still short because he was probably a kid. "I'm ten."

    "Jillian." The other boy said who had a lighter shade of brown hair than the others. "Ten."

    "Julien." The one who looked like he was a little bit shyer than the others mumbled his name and caused Oliver to coo at him subconsciously. "I'm ten too…"

    One look at Oliver and Tilda knew he was holding back a sarcastic comment about the kids' names.

    "Well okay." Tilda looked at them and something just clicked. She couldn't let those roughs die in the cold weather of winter when she could've helped. "You are not normal roughs. You are all civilized. Maybe you want to come and discuss things in the packhouse?"

    "You will help?" Julien looked at Tilda with hopeful eyes. "Thank you, Alpha Grey." He rushed to Tilda's side and hugged her. His short height only managed to hug Tilda's legs.

    Tilda and other pack members stood there with shock. Amanda looked at Tilda with alert eyes as if the Alpha was going to kill her precious child.

    Tilda looked down at the seemingly innocent boy and softened her eyes a little. "We will discuss it in the packhouse, alright?"

    Julien nodded enthusiastically and the other four members of the Black family looked at her with the same green hopeful eyes.

    "Give them a place to stay and something to eat," Tilda ordered Oliver. "Let's get you cleaned up okay?" She said this to Julien.

    The warrior pack members finally stopped growling at the rough family and mostly went to do whatever they were about to do.

    "Let's go." Oliver smiled at the kids. "I will take them to a room and you all can stay there as long as the Alpha allows. Is the okay?" He asked Amanda.

    "Thank you, Beta Blair." Amanda smiled back and turned to Tilda for confirmation.

    "Go on Oliver and show the kids their room. Tell Judy to bring food for them." She ordered Oliver and he left with the kids instantly after.

    "Let's go to my office." Tilda turned to look at Amanda for one more time. "We can discuss your problems safely there but I never promise any help. We might not be able to."

    "I understand," Amanda said. "Can you lead the way please, Alpha?"

    "Come with me," Tilda said and turned away from Amanda.

    They both started to walk toward the Alpha's office. Both were quiet with thoughts that they couldn't express. Tilda was thinking about the reason she let them stay so easily and Amanda was thinking about her problems.

    "Alpha Grey," Amanda said when they finally reached the office and sat down. "What should I say?"

    Tilda raised an eyebrow. "It's your problem. Where do you want to start?" There is something wrong with this woman that I can't put my finger on it exactly.

    "It's my daughter." Amanda started but left the ending open as if she wanted Tilda to ask questions and lead her on what she wanted to say.

    "Angela?" Tilda asked, thinking about the little girl with clothes that barely fitted her small frame. "Is she who you are talking about?"

    "It's not…" Amanda said as an unrecognizable emotion clouded her eyes. "I'm talking about my other daughter."

    "Your other daughter?" Tilda digested the new information about the rough family. "Explain more about your family first. Where is your mate?"

    "Somewhere to find our daughter." Amanda sighed. "Annie left the pack when she was eighteen. No one knows why and no one even noticed. We tried to find her for a year with all of the pack's trackers and warriors but it was pointless. There wasn't even a note."

    "It looks like the Blood Moon pack cares about your family. Why did they kick you out?" Tilda suddenly found herself wanting to know more about this Annie girl.

    "The pack wanted the future Alpha to marry Annie and when Annie left to go knows where we weren't much of a use for them." Amanda sighed for what felt like the thousandth time. "I don't blame her though."

    "What can we do to help?" Tilda asked. A sudden excitement flooded her body.

    "Help us find her," Amanda said.

    "You got yourself an ally." Tilda nodded toward the woman in black. "You and your kids are welcome to stay here as long as you want."

    "Thank you, Alpha Grey." Amanda had stars shining in her eyes. "It means a lot."

    "I have a good feeling about this mission." Tilda gave the woman a half-smile. "We will organize a search tomorrow. You can rest for today. Derek will help you find your new room"

    "Thank you, Alpha," Amanda said one more time and left the room with Derek.

    She had our mate's faint scent on her! Grey, Tilda's wolf, said.

    I know…

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