
Pacific Island Nation Captures World's Attention

Chen Yang, armed with the legendary [King's System], embarks on an epic journey to found his own nation! Your mission? To transform a deserted island into a prosperous and powerful kingdom, the Kingdom of Yan Guo! But to achieve glory, Chen Yang needs citizens. And the more citizens he attracts, the greater the rewards! With each immigration milestone, Chen Yang unlocks revolutionary technologies that propel him to the top of the world: 1,000 immigrants: Obtain [fertilizers without side effects] and build the world's first farm, exporting coveted agricultural and secondary products to all countries! 10,000 immigrants: unlock the [anti-cancer drug formula], build the world's first hospital, and become the source of global health! 100,000 Immigrants: Master the [Automobile Manufacturing Project] and establish the world's leading automobile manufacturer, with hundreds of car models, from economy to luxury, dominating the streets of every country! 1,000,000 immigrants: Conquer the [Phone Manufacturing Project] and create the most powerful technology giant in the world! On the first day of listing on the stock exchange, shares soar to 80 million, exceeding all expectations! Tens of Millions of Immigrants: Unlock [Information on Nuclear Weapons Research] and make the Kingdom of Yan Guo an unstoppable force on the global stage! But Chen Yang's ambition is not limited to power and wealth. He dreams of creating a haven where everyone is free, prosperous and happy. Join Chen Yang on his epic journey to build a new world from the ground up! “I am Chen Yang, the first king of the Yan Guo Kingdom. My goal in founding this country is to create a home where everyone is free from…” Discover what awaits you in the Kingdom of Yan Guo! **IMPORTANT WARNING** This is just a translation of the novel "I bought an island in the Pacific and founded a country that caused a sensation throughout the world." I don't own the copyright to it. If you are the legal owner and feel offended in any way, please contact me and I will remove it immediately. **TRANSLATION NOTE** If you want to support the work I do in translation, consider joining my Patreon/SolarisVitally to support me and keep bringing me projects and reading more advanced chapters.

Solaris_Vitally · Urban
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54 Chs

Chapter 1: Crowdfunding a Nation's Birth

Parallel World, Blue Star.


Chen Yang was leaning back in his chair, immersed in gathering information from the internet.

He was an online blogger who mainly scavenged interesting news from abroad, sharing his findings on major online video platforms.

Amidst his browsing, a particular piece of news caught Chen Yang's attention.

#Fisherman in Saipan Discovers New Island for Only 1 Million US Dollars#

He clicked on the news and began to read.

A fisherman in Saipan had discovered an island in the Pacific that was not on any world map.

According to the laws of the United Nations, once an unknown island or land is discovered, it becomes the property of the discoverer.

Furthermore, an island like this, newly discovered, could even become the basis for the formation of a new country!

In a modern world where information is so accessible, the discovery of islands is extremely rare, making this fisherman's luck even more remarkable.

However, the fisherman had no interest in establishing a country there.

His plan was simply to sell the island.

Yet, even after being listed for over a month, the island found no buyer, despite its potential to harbor an entire nation.

"An island where one can found a country..."

These words sparked Chen Yang's imagination.

If he were to find such an island, he would definitely use it to establish a nation.

But it was just thoughts, after all, the construction of a country goes far beyond mere words.

Still, this story would make perfect material for a video.

He saved the news for later editing.

At that moment, a sudden voice echoed in his mind.

"[King System] linked to the host."

"As a reward for the first linkage, you will receive [100,000 citizenship points]."

"Please begin searching for unclaimed lands and establish a country as soon as possible."

Chen Yang was perplexed. A system?

As an avid reader of online literature, he was not unfamiliar with the concept, but he never imagined that he, a common native, would one day have a system.

But what does this [King System] mean?

He suppressed his excitement and doubts, beginning to investigate carefully.

The [King System] had a market.

In this market, there were a variety of skills, items, advanced technologies, and technical projects.

It was no exaggeration to say that with the possessions of this market, Chen Yang could indeed build a country on his own!

However, to acquire something, he would need to use his citizenship points.

The value of citizenship corresponded to the number of citizens.

And obtaining citizenship points was simple: founding a new country and attracting immigrants from other nations.

The 100,000 points granted by the system were generous, but insufficient to start a nation.

The system was undoubtedly powerful.

However, the dilemma lay in the fact that the system required him to found a nation!

Furthermore, establishing a nation required unclaimed lands. The only island in the world that met the requirements for nation-building was the island mentioned in the news.

So, the question is: where can I get money?

He had saved some money over the past few years, but it was less than $41,443. If he wanted to buy that island, it definitely wouldn't be enough.

Chen Yang frowned, his brain working quickly, considering all the possibilities to make money.

"What if I buy products from the system and resell them?"

"Wow, reselling system products is prohibited!"

"What about crowdfunding°?"

Chen Yang's eyebrows raised as this thought suddenly occurred to him.

Whether it worked or not, he decided to try first and then adjust course if necessary.

Anyway, that island wouldn't be sold anytime soon.

With that in mind, Chen Yang immediately recorded a video.

Staring at the camera, he said, "I intend to buy an island and, after the purchase, establish a country. However, currently I don't have the necessary capital, so I'm launching a crowdfunding campaign. I promise that, after the island is acquired and the country is founded, all friends who contribute to the crowdfunding will be accepted as citizens unconditionally!"

"In my plan, once the country is established, it will become a developed nation in three years and reach the level of the United States in five years! We will offer excellent benefits, fair treatment, ample rest periods, free healthcare for all, and mandatory 12-year education..."

Chen Yang described his magnificent vision for the new country.

After finishing his speech, he transferred the video to his computer, but he didn't rush to edit it.

There were still some steps to be taken before editing.

For example, opening a regulatory account at the bank.

In this world, crowdfunding was legal as long as the funds were earmarked for specific purposes.

In simple terms, before starting the crowdfunding campaign, he needed to visit the bank to open a custodial account and clearly define the purpose and amount of the fundraising.

Chen Yang grabbed his ID and headed to the nearest Longguo Bank.

"Hello, I would like to open a custodial account."

"I see. What is the purpose of this custodial account?"

"To buy an island."

"To buy an island..."

The attendant's eyes narrowed. It was the first time he had heard such an unusual reason for crowdfunding. However, as long as the requests were compliant with the law, no matter how strange, it was not his concern. Besides, only fools would invest in such a crowdfunding campaign!

Consequently, the custodial account was successfully opened.

The crowdfunding goal was $1,381,463 million.

The island cost $1 million, and the rest would be his initial capital.

After all, acquiring the island was just the first step. Then, he would have to buy a boat to carry out his daily activities.

After completing the account opening, Chen Yang returned to his rented house and began editing videos.

In the video, he explained the reasons for the crowdfunding, showed information about the island, followed by the identification number and the bank account number of the custodial account.

After finishing the editing, Chen Yang sent the video.

His Douyin° account had over 500,000 followers, but to reach more people, he decided to invest a few thousand yuan in Douyin+° advertising.

After sending the video, Chen Yang got up and searched for his passport.

The island had been discovered by fishermen in Saipan, so he would have to go to Saipan to sign the purchase agreement.

Checking his passport, Chen Yang discovered that Saipan was part of the beautiful country's overseas territory.

Despite this, no visa was required for the dragon country°.

In other words, Chen Yang would not need to apply for a visa and could travel directly to Saipan with his passport.


(Translation Note:

Crowdfunding: is a form of collective financing in which several people contribute small amounts to support a project, cause or enterprise, usually through online platforms.

Douyin as TikTok is known in China.

Douyin+: payment for advertising to have greater reach in summary.

Dragon Country is basically China.

If you find any errors in the translation, please let me know so I can correct them.)