


Chapter 6(blues)

#skye's POV#

I woke up and got dressed, I totally forgot about church, what kept ringing in my head was the date with charlie so I had to take care of madison the whole morning because i was forced to. It was 1pm when i recieved a 'ring ring' from an unknown number.

"Hello, who am i speaking with please?"i asked pleasantly as i held my phone in between my ear and my shoulder with my ear and shoulder. I couldn't hold it with my hand for I was busy bringing out the pizza I was making from the oven.

"H-Hey skye, it's me rose"she smiled with her bright voice,

"Oh, rose, waddup....oh shit, I'm sorry, i was carried away. I-i meant how a-are y-you rose"i said, it would be absurd to say waddup to my senior at school,

"Hehe- it's fine skye, i was just wondering why you didn't come to church today, I didn't see you in church, i was wondering if you're alright"Rose said. She is the pastor's daughter so she probably found out.

"Oh shit, church!!, i totally forgot, it won't repeat itself again rose, I'm sorry. I was just busy doing my chores the whole day, I'm sorry"

"It's fine skye, i was just worried"

"Thanks for your concern rose, I'm fine"

"I'm glad you are. I-uhhh, i wanna discuss something with you skye"

"What's that?, should i come over to your house or church or you'd rather come over to discuss it?"

"I could discuss it over the phone skye, thanks"

"Okay, then go on rose"

"I kind of heard about how well you performed in class on-uhh, was it friday?, yeah on friday, i'd appreciate it if you could be the tutor of SASG. I'd be honoured as the founder and president of SASG if you can accept my offer, we need people like you in SASG"

"Thanks rose but I'm afraid I can't afford it for now but i promise I'll try gathering up some money for it"

"Hehe- skye, tutors don't pay for SASG since they're sharing their knowledge, only mere members pay since they get gain knowledge, tutors get paid, silly"

"What?!, I never knew but what would happen to camelia, she'd hate me or have a low self esteem, I don't want any problems with her and i don't want anyone to go hard on themselves because of me, I'm afraid I'll have to turn you down because of Camelia"

"I'll talk to her and She'd just be my vice, camelia is my twin sister skye, you wouldn't know obviously because we look anything but alike. We're not identical. Camelia and rose. Doesn't that ring a bell , they're both flowers"

"Oh, i never knew, i guess I'll accept the offer"i said as I cut the pizza into 6 slices

"Thank you so much skye, it's such an honour, I wish I could speak more with you but I'm kind of in the middle of something so i have to go"

"I understand rose, bye" i said as she ended the call.

I was so happy to be the new tutor of SASG, the joy in me at that moment knew no bounds. I was about to joyfully exit the kitchen with the pizza when Madison came in with a smile. It was as if she stole the smile on my face and made it hers leaving my face to stare in disgust waiting for her words patiently as she walked closer to me.

"Wow skye, you're now a tutor of whatever SASG is, you'll start getting paid for your intellect, I'm so happy for you"she said as she was smiling ear to ear. She approached me with open arm ready for a hug but i pushed her aside with my elbow like she was a scumbag or something.

"Never eavesdrop on my conversations again madison, you hypocrite, never!. It wouldn't be a pretty scene for you if you repeat it, okay?"i warned

"Why do you hate me so much skye?"

"Uhh- get it, I don't hate you, hate is a strong word, I just prefer alexa to you"

"But I'm your brother's girlfriend now, Alexa is gone, she cheated on him, she did something i would never. You should like me more"

"I'm not buying that, your food will be on the table. Go call my brother to come have brunch"

"Just answer me, why do you prefer Alexa, I'm ready and willing to change, I'm willing to drop any form of attitude you're not into, i just wanna be perfect for you and max"

I ignored her and left the kitchen. I got dressed in a short black deess with a silver sleeve, there was a net in the chest area which exposed my cleavages, i accompanied it with a pair of silver heels, a small silver purse. I applied moderate make over- black mascara, pancake, a little foundation and about too much lip gloss as i didn't really like lip stick. I wore my silver necklace, some colouful bead bracelets and 2 knuckle rings. I wore a jean jacket on the dress.

I looked at myself in the mirror once I was done and i knew i looked stunning. I took about $1,000 from my savings, I couldn't go on a date with a guy expecting him to pay for everything, that would proof me as a poor plastic. He texted me saying he was almost at my house, i quickly ran to the seating room, ready to leave the house.

"Damn skye, what's the haps, you look elegant, what's cracking?"max asked

"There's no time to explain, how do i look?, does this jacket match?, is the makeup too much?, are my heels perfect?, is this necklace good or should I change it?, does this hair stlye sooth me?"i was freaking out

"No they're all bad"he scoffed,

"What?!!!, I don't have much time left to change them, what was i thinking to wear black and silver, what was I thinking to wear these crap of a heel, shit, what was i-"i was interupted from my ranting.

"You look stunning, skye"madison said softly as I stopped my ranting and tried to ignore her words but couldn't, a smile crept up my face, i hugged her. We pulled away after 2 seconds, I wanted nothing much to do with her.

"Thanks but i still prefer Alexa"i smiled,

"Where are you going young lady?"max asked

"On a date"

"What?! With who?, where?, when?, how?, i don't remember you making friends"

"Well, i do have one now"i smiled as the door bell rang, "oh, that's my date"

"I wanna meet this guy, come on in!!"madison said as charlie walked in.

Oh my Gosh, he was dressed in a black nolvam hoodie and joggers, he took off the hood to unleash those blues of his, I felt my legs paralyze, his glimpes met mine, he scanned me from my hair to my heels as he gulped, his Adam's apple bulged which made me almost fall but thanks to madison, she held me in place.

"Yo nigga, i heard you're taking my baby sis on a date"max said

"Yeah mahn, I am"his deep voice filled the living room, they were music to my ears.

"Well, take care of my little muffin, she's all i have, take her as long as you want, I don't care, but return her before 11pm"

"I'll return her by ten"

"Are you guys selling me or what?"i asked sacarstically as they laughed.

"I would never skye, just let him take you already"Max said as Charlie grabbed me in the wrist, we linked fingers and both smiled.

"bye"i said as we left the building and entered into Charlie's lambo.

"So where would you like to go ma lady?"charlie asked as he started driving slowly not knowing where to go yet.

"Anywhere you want us to go"i blushed.

"My bed?"he asked as i blushed more, i couldn't handle all that teasing, I was still as red as a cooked lobster. My brain was still rebooting when he said,"just kidding, I got a nice plan for us today in Dallis, let's head to dallis first or would you love to go elsewhere?"he added

"No Dallis is just perfect,i hear about this Dallis filled with only villas and not houses, i always wanted to visit this Dallis of a city"

"Okay then, it would take 30 minutes or less to get there, don't worry there are snacks in the back seat incase we get hungry or bored or anything"

"T-thanks but i just sometimes wonder how you have all these things plus porpularity and don't want people to call you rich kid or superstar"

"And how do you know that?, I mean we've never been friends so how did you know?"

"I-i-i don't know, i-i guess i j-just seem to know"

"Well, i just don't like people calling me any of those"he said as he increased the speed of the car,

"Okay, would you make an exception for me though?"i asked shyly.

"On one condition, don't call me the rich superstar, call me my wealthy superstar"he said as he increased the speed more yet he was driving with one hand. I was loving the speed but it was against the rules to drive a car at this lunatic speed.

"I'm not doing that"I said as I looked at him.

"Cool with me"he said as he increased the volume of the music, it was blues by Mikasa Brooklyn, a very young artist who is 16, a teenager. She is very talented and is my favourite artist for the fact that she was very young and has achieved lots of goals. Blues was my favorite song but it seemed more special now that I'm in the car with Charlie, i was so loving the music that I didn't know when i started singing.

"﹏darling, when i look into your blues﹏"

"﹏i get lost in there sweetheart﹏"

"﹏i drown in that ocean hunny﹏"

"﹏i want you to come find me baby﹏"

"﹏rescue me from ur dynamic blues﹏"

"﹏i can't help but sink there babe﹏"

"﹏save me from your blues﹏"

I was singing out loud obviously carried away looking into Charlie's actual blues, I didn't know I was singing until he said to me.....

"Damn, you're a good singer but stop singing please"charlie said

"Wait!!, i was singing?"

"Yeah. stop"


"Cause i got the blues, you're making it seem like I'm killing you with it or something"

"No you're not, those were just mere lyrics"i said, "Or maybe not"i thought

"Hmm....okay"he said as silence took over the car, the only sound in the car was the music playing.