
Owning the world,Destined Hearts: Lilian's Odyssey to Love and Success

Follow Lilian's journey as she navigates the challenges of an arranged marriage, confronts her past demons, and strives to overcome obstacles on her path to success. Amidst unexpected turns, a budding love story, and the weight of her family's expectations, Lilian must find the strength to rise from the depths and claim her place at the top of the world. Will she triumph over adversity and find true happiness in the end?

vickyray · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Unseen Machinations

Lilian watched in shock as the doctors worked to calm her father down. He looked so small on the hospital bed, surrounded by a flurry of medical professionals. Her heart raced, and she paced back and forth, unable to concentrate, feeling completely overwhelmed.

Confused as to why she hadn't been allowed into the room yet, considering her dad appeared to be stabilized, she anxiously watched through the window, anxiety gnawing at her.

Finally, the doctors emerged from her father's room, but one of them, the one in charge of her dad's treatment, stayed back.

"Miss Lilian, your father is fine. What happened just now is common among coma patients who wake up after a while. He was just confused. We asked him some questions and conducted some tests, but there was nothing to worry about. Your father's recovery is going very well," the doctor reassured her.

Lilian managed to say, "Thank you, doctor," but she hesitated, unsure if she should voice her concerns.

"If someone wakes up from a coma, are they likely to say some weird things?" she finally asked, her voice trembling.

The doctor nodded understandingly. "Yes, of course. In that situation, they're often confused and may say unintelligible things."

"Okay, thank you," Lilian replied with a sigh of relief.

With those words, she went into her father's ward. He was lying on the hospital bed, his eyes lighting up when he saw her. Unable to control her emotions, she burst into tears and hugged him tightly, feeling his gentle hand soothingly run through her hair until she finally relaxed.

"I remember talking to you. I thought it was a dream seeing you here," her father said with a faint smile.

"I know. I missed you too," Lilian whispered, her tears of joy staining her father's hospital gown.

"But why would you do that? Why would you attempt suicide" she inquired.

"I didn't do it. That's what I was trying to tell you. It was planned by someone, and they said they were coming for you and your sister. That's why I was trying to warn you," Her dad explained.

"If you didn't do it, then who did?"Lilian pressed, her voice filled with nervous curiosity.

"I can't tell you," her father said, looking down and avoiding her gaze.

"But why not? Someone just tried to kill you, but you're protecting them!" Lilian protested, frustration creeping into her voice.

"I'm not protecting the person. I'm protecting you guys. You are my family, and your safety comes first, no matter what," her father replied firmly.

"How are you going to protect us if the person is free to try again?" Lilian challenged.

"You can't know about it. It's not your place," he said, taking a deep breath.

"Both you and your sister need to leave this country right now. I've offended this person. Let me pay for it," he urged.

"But we have Caleb on our side, Dad. We've been building a relationship with him, and the Lane family is very powerful. Just tell me the name of the person," Lilian insisted, wanting to help.

Her father didn't react as she had hoped. Instead, he became more rigid. "No, not the Lanes. Don't trust them. Never trust them."

"But, Dad, Caleb has always helped us. He's a good person," Lilian argued.

"I'm not talking about him, but his family members. You can't trust any of them," her father warned.

Lilian felt conflicted, torn between her father's wishes and her trust in Caleb.

"Dad, is it Mrs. Aurora who planned this?" she asked tentatively.

"No, not her. She's also in danger. This is a problem for all the aristocrats of the country. Every single one of the elite families is in danger," he admitted.

"But who could be that powerful, Dad? Please," Lilian pleaded, desperate for answers.

Her father turned away from her, refusing to say more.

"What are you keeping from me, Dad? We need to know to protect ourselves!" Lilian implored.

Amber, Caleb, and Cole entered the room, unaware of the tension that had just transpired. Lilian's face broke into a smile, and she didn't immediately share the turmoil with them. Family was what mattered now, and they would face this danger together, no matter what it entailed.


Mrs. Aurora sat before her opulent vanity table, an aura of ominous determination surrounding her. She could sense a tempest on the horizon, one that would not only engulf her life but also shake the very foundations of their entire country. The mistakes and secrets of the past had finally caught up with her, but she remained undaunted, willing to aid in the destruction, even if it meant her own downfall.

A twisted smile played on her lips as she hummed a haunting tune, her reflection in the mirror radiating an eerie confidence. Her brush glided smoothly through her hair, each stroke a calculated act of defiance. However, her reverie was abruptly interrupted when the brush snagged on a tangle of hair. She frowned, her face contorted in frustration as she delicately tried to untangle the stubborn knot.

"So troublesome, just like that child" she muttered under her breath, referring to the person who had orchestrated this impending catastrophe. In this intricate web of power and betrayal, Mrs. Aurora remained a master puppeteer, pulling strings from the shadows, all while maintaining an air of innocence. They were oblivious to the role she had played in their impending downfall, and that knowledge gave her an unsettling sense of satisfaction.

As she continued to comb through her hair, she couldn't help but relish the impending chaos. She was poised to strike when the time was right, a silent force lurking in the background, ready to manipulate the pieces on the chessboard of power. Whoever dared to challenge her would soon discover that they were playing a dangerous game—one that she had mastered over the years.