
Owning the world,Destined Hearts: Lilian's Odyssey to Love and Success

Follow Lilian's journey as she navigates the challenges of an arranged marriage, confronts her past demons, and strives to overcome obstacles on her path to success. Amidst unexpected turns, a budding love story, and the weight of her family's expectations, Lilian must find the strength to rise from the depths and claim her place at the top of the world. Will she triumph over adversity and find true happiness in the end?

vickyray · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Meeting the family

Walking home at night, Lilian couldn't help but reflect on her day and how her life had changed. Her meeting with Caleb had left her feeling a bit happier than usual, as she had come to know him better. He was a perfect gentleman—polite, gentle, kind, and willing to listen to her. Their conversations flowed naturally, and she couldn't help but feel a growing connection between them.

Caleb had a son named Cole, and it was clear that he adored the little boy. Whenever he spoke about Cole, his face lit up with pride, and his smile grew wider. Lilian couldn't help but be charmed by their interactions, and she found herself looking forward to getting to know Cole better. She might have even developed a fondness for the young boy, as his father's love for him was evident.

Lilian's thoughts sometimes drifted to the past, wondering if she could have prevented the disaster that had befallen her family. Perhaps if she hadn't acted out after her mother's death, alienating her father and avoiding him, things might have turned out differently. But she quickly pushed those thoughts aside, recognizing that dwelling on the past wouldn't change their current situation. She had responsibilities now that required her focus and determination.

As she reached her front door, Lilian put on a genuine smile, knowing that her younger sister, Amber, would be waiting for her. Pushing the door open with her spare keys, she was greeted by Amber's cheerful voice.

"Welcome home," Amber called out.

"I'm home," Lilian replied, this time with a heartfelt smile. The sight of her sister's face lighting up was enough to chase away the day's worries, and she approached Amber to give her a warm hug.

"I'm so glad to have you, and I love you," Lilian said with sincerity.

"Me too," Amber replied, sealing their sisterly bond with a shared moment of affection.


Amber had felt a mix of excitement and nervousness about meeting her future brother-in-law and nephew ever since her sister had told her about the planned meeting. She had even attempted to find photos online, but her efforts had been in vain. The Lane family was known for their privacy, and only her sister's pictures had ever been released to the public, and even those were from her teenage years.

Amber understood the need for discretion, as her family had also kept a low profile to protect their privacy and safety. She couldn't help but wonder what her future brother-in-law would be like and how her sister's relationship with him would unfold.

Finally, the day arrived, and Amber ensured that both she and her sister were prepared for the meeting. She practically pushed her sister out the door to ensure they wouldn't be late. They had arranged to meet at an amusement park, a place where they could talk and have fun together. It had been a while since Amber had visited such a place, and she was genuinely excited.

Caleb had seen the Evan sisters from a distance, carrying his son, Cole, on his shoulders. He had quickened his pace, wanting to meet them sooner. As he got closer, he realized that both sisters bore a striking resemblance with their chestnut-brown hair, tiny freckles, and innocent faces. Their initial confusion upon hearing his voice from behind only added to their charm.

"Hi," he greeted Lilian as he reached them. Lilian returned the greeting with a smile, and Caleb introduced himself.

"Hello, I'm Caleb," he said, extending his hand toward Amber. She accepted the gesture, a hint of surprise in her eyes.

"Amber, nice to meet you," she replied with a brighter smile.

"The pleasure is all mine," Caleb responded.

Lilian, meanwhile, had knelt down to be on eye level with Cole. She introduced herself as a friend of his father and smiled kindly at the young boy. Cole fidgeted with his fingers, but Lilian's gentle approach helped put him at ease.

"Hello, my name is Cole, and I'm three years old. Nice to meet you," he said, proudly displaying three fingers to signify his age.

Amber couldn't contain her excitement and picked Cole up, pinching his cheek and smothering him with affection. Cole blushed and tried to wriggle free, but he was met with persistence. He couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by Amber's enthusiasm, and he secretly wished his father would rescue him.

Lilian, however, stepped in to save the day. "Oh my goodness, Amber, don't smother him, okay?" she said, coming to Cole's rescue as she gently arranged his hair.

"Sorry," Amber apologized, a bit sheepish.

Caleb, on the other hand, found the whole interaction endearing. "It's okay. I thought it was cute."

Caleb tries to take Cole from her but he refuses to let go of her.

" I don't mind carrying him," Lilian reassured Caleb.

"But he's heavy," Caleb insisted.

"I don't mind. I'll let you know when I'm tired," Lilian replied kindly. Cole's heart swelled with affection for her, appreciating her support as she became his newfound protector.

Cole's heart ached as he contemplated his traitorous father, who not only failed to save him but also called him "heavy." He was determined not to talk to his father anymore. Miss Lilian smelled nicer than his dad, and she saved him from Amber's pinching. To make his point clear, Cole clung to Lilian, refusing to be carried by his father.

As they continued to enjoy their day at the amusement park, Cole, Lilian, Amber, and Caleb began to bond as a unique family unit, embarking on a memorable day filled with laughter and shared experiences.



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