
Chapter 16: He’s a Bastard

I looked at Xavier and let out a sigh, still trying to figure out what to do.

"You know, Drew likes that girl at school. What's her name? Oh yeah, Ava." He said as he sat down on the couch and looked at me with a smile.

"Uh… okay. So?" I acted uninterested.

"Don't you think we should check her out? If she's good for him or not."

"First of all, WE are not going to check out anything and secondly, no one is good for him because he's in kindergarten!"

"Don't be such a jerk to him. Everyone dates!" He got up and smirked. "For example, you will."

"And how is that relevant to him!?"

"I don't know. Maybe you should be happy that someone like me is his father. Maybe you should date me and let him date someone he likes." He continued smirking and took a step closer.

I couldn't help but chuckle. "You're out of your mind. You see the door there?" I pointed towards the exit. "I think it wants you to leave."

"Amazing. Anyway." He took a step toward me again and I stepped back. "I really want you to consider what I said right now because I am not playing with you. I think your face will remind you of that for a while, won't it?"

I scoffed. "You are such a bastard."

"I've been called worse. Well. Good talk." He gave me a sheepish grin before walking out of the door.

I stared plainly as he left and sat down on the couch with a thud. Could this get any worse?


"The tech department has been told to make everyone aware of the new changes. Everyone's cooperation is expected and appreciated. Thank you."

The senior assistant completed the announcement on behalf of Xavier as everyone started to stand up and leave the meeting room.

I was sitting on one of the front seats since I was the head of the Improvement Department, which gave Xavier, who was sitting right in front of me, a good opportunity to eye me all the time.

When everyone dispersed, I got up and was about to leave when he spoke up. "By the way, I want the head of the Improvement Department to follow me on my business trip tomorrow."

"What? Why?" I turned and asked him.

A few more seniors were still around, so I wasn't sure if he was going to say anything inappropriate.

"Well, 'cause there is no use of you here. You can't make the decisions without my say so and I… won't say anything if I am not around."

I decided to act a little smart. "But, so are a few other members. They won't function with you being absent. Are they coming along too?"

He smirked.

"Nah. I want you to come because, well, you have to meet someone."

"Meet who?"

"The CEO of the business we're making a deal with. It is called Slither Textiles. You know… owned by Mr. Rodriguez."

My eyes widened when he said that. Mr. Rodriguez? Max? What the hell?

"M-Mr. Maxence Rodriguez?" I confirmed and he stood up with a smirk.

"Yes. He's a great businessman. One of my inspirations, to be very honest with you. It would be great to meet him. So, pack your bags." With a smirk, he left the meeting room.

The horror never left my face. What games were they playing? Why would they make deals with each other? On what basis? Mutual hate?

I took leave at lunch time and went to pick up Andrew from the school. When I entered the premises, I saw him coming out with a very happy face.

"Hey!" I said with a wholesome smile and sat down in front of him. "What's the good news?"

"She accepted me!"

"She—who? What?"

"Ava! I proposed to her. And she accepted me!"

I stared at him with confusion and let out an exasperated sigh when I realized what was going on. I processed my thoughts and my mood was immediately ruined.

"C'mon." I got up and dragged him out of the school.

He realized the change in my mood and became worried.

"What's wrong, mommy?" He asked as we sat down in my car.

"You shouldn't be doing such things, Drew!" I said with little anger as I closed the door and started the ignition. "You're too young for that!"

"But… but mommy. Uncle Xavier said I could."

My hand curled up into a tight fist when I heard that. So not only is he ruining my life, he is ruining Andrew's morals too?

"Don't listen to Uncle Xavier!" I said back with determination. "He is a bad man!"

"He is?" Drew was genuinely shocked.

"Yes. Stay away from him."

He nodded slowly and looked down. I sighed.

"Now don't be sad, Drew. It is not your fault."

He gave me a small smile. I exhaled and started driving. I had to do something about it or it was impossible to know what Xavier would do. He was already doing the worst he could to Drew.

I reached the house after some minutes and took him inside. The babysitter was on leave, so I made the food for him. After he sat down to do his homework, I decided to confront Xavier about it.

I called him.

"How'd you get my number?" He asked as soon as he picked up the call.

"Don't forget I was and am your number one hater. I did my research."

"Well. I know you miss me."

I scoffed. "Did you ask Drew to propose to that girl?"

"Well, yeah. He needs to have fun."

"You need to stop interfering with his life!" I said with gritted teeth. "He doesn't need to have fun right now! Not this kind of fun!"

"I am his father. I can decide what kind of fun he has!" He replied with a bit of anger mixed with his voice.

"Yeah? Well, he won't talk to you from now on."

"Oh yeah?"


There was a little silence before he finally replied. "And what if he stops talking at all?"