
Owned by Alpha

Aray's father was framed for participating in the rebellion and was executed, and she became the lowest slave.Alpha Devon bought her from the auction and offered her a condition of exchange. "As long as you give birth to my child, I will give you freedom." What she didn't know, however, was that her master was not only his mate, but also one of the judges who sentenced her father to death. The bad thing is that Aray actually fell in love with her father's enemy!

Bibo_Lili · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 8 Sleep with my master

I was lying in bed, panting heavily, my chest undulating like a wave. He got out of bed and stood by the bed, and then quickly put on his pants. his trousers bulging out and almost bursting.

"May I?" he asked, grabbing my hand as I was about to reach into his pants.

"No, I can handle it myself," I replied. He took off his shirt, revealing his thick chest hair covered in fine sweat, and his perfectly sculpted muscles glistening in the light.

He left the room topless, leaving me puzzled by his behavior. Curiosity drove me to follow him and see how he would satisfy his sexual needs. I wrapped the sheets around me and walked out of the room.

The sound of running water came from the bathroom, and I saw him coming out wrapped in a white bath towel. He passed me and took a bottle of whisky from the wine cabinet, pouring it into a glass with ice cubes and drinking it all at once. He seemed to be using alcohol to suppress the beast that was about to erupt in his body. I felt uncomfortable seeing him like this.

"Master, what can I do for you?" I whispered.

He looked up at me with his hands on the edge of the dining table and said, "If you want to help me, put on your clothes. If you keep showing up in front of me like this, I can't guarantee how long I can last."

I suggested, "maybe you can..."

But he interrupted me, saying "it is just an act and that I wouldn't want you until you are ready."

He poured half a glass of orange liquid into the glass and shook it gently. "You are too young for me," he said, looking at me.

"You are as tender as a rose that hasn't opened yet. If I tear this bud at once, you are likely to get hurt."

He put the glass on the table and walked up to me, his hand touching my bare and smooth skin on my shoulder. He stared at me with an appreciation of art.

"I need you to blossom for me little by little," he whispered in my ear. "When you are in full bloom, I swear I will swallow your most precious flower. At that time, I hope to hear screams of happiness when you reach heaven, not pain."

I was stunned by his words, and the pleasure I had just experienced made me feel like I was floating on clouds. I couldn't help but take a deep breath and wonder what it would be like when his penis entered my body. It must be better than using fingers.

"Drink a little wine, it will help you sleep well tonight," he said, pouring a little whisky into his glass and handing it to me.

I took a sip, and the spicy and rich alcohol burned my throat and stomach. I felt like I was choking and coughing.

He looked at me with half-closed eyes, a smile touching his lips. Then he touched my head and said, "Good girl, you'll get used to it later. Just like you'll get used to me."

At night, he held me in bed, my back against his strong chest. His breath lingered in my ear, and his touch was as gentle as a lover's. His touch and the smell of his body made me happy, a feeling I had never experienced before. He gave me my first taste of sexual love, breaking my bud with his dexterous and soft fingers. I knew that when I opened my legs for him, I would desire more.

But what I feared was that I needed more than just the physical stimulation he brought me. I needed something related to emotion.

Love. The word frightened me. How could I expect my master to fall in love with me? No, it was impossible. How could a noble Alpha fall in love with a lowly slave?

I warned myself not to have any illusions about him. He was my master, and it was just a physical transaction between us. As long as I gave birth to a child for him, I could be free. Freedom was more important than anything else.

"Can't you sleep?" His voice brought me back to reality.

"I'm not sleepy yet." I looked at the swaying leaves outside the window, the night breeze carrying the faint aroma of apple blossoms.

"Do you want to chat with me?" His fingers played on my arm like a piano.

"May I ask you a question?"


"About Luna." I plucked up my courage and said, "Will she mind my presence?"

I didn't want to get involved in the relationship between Alpha and Luna, nor did I want to be an enemy of Luna. As a mate, he should be sleeping in Luna's bed at night instead of with me.

It sounded absurd that an Alpha would spend the night with a slave.

He took his finger away from me, and when I turned around, I saw him lying flat on the bed, his eyes staring at the chandelier on the ceiling.

The sudden silence made me realize that I had said something wrong.

"Catherine and I were not destined to be mates," he said, putting a hand on his forehead. "In fact, we chose to be mates. Our marriage is based on interests, and we don't interfere in each other's private lives. So, you don't have to worry about whether she will mind your existence."

He suddenly rolled over on me, his eyes staring at me with a sharp light. "Your task is to give birth to an heir for me. Don't worry about anything else. Do you understand?"

"Yes, master," I replied.

"It's too late, you should go to bed," he said, stroking my hair with his hand in a calm tone.

"You crossed the line. I forgive you this time. But next time, I will definitely spank you as punishment."

As he spoke, he pushed his waist hard against my fanny. Although he was wearing underwear, I could clearly feel his penis stabbing the softest part of my flower. I couldn't help but moan, and he smiled proudly.

"Good girl," he said, turning over and lying beside me, holding me in one hand and closing his eyes.

Bastard, he just teased me. But what could I do to him? Sleepiness began to sweep through my body, and soon I fell asleep in his arms. I didn't dream but slept soundly that night. I hadn't slept soundly like that for a long time.

When I woke up the next day, he had already left, but his body odor still lingered on the pillow. I couldn't believe I was starting to miss him. No, I had to wake myself up with cold water. Arya, you must not get involved.