

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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180 Chs

Chapter 74

Chapter 74 History Text: Su Yi'S Visit Here

"Gold, gold, gold…"

After Nami killed his opponent, he started searching.

The gold is in the skull's right eye, that's true, but now that Enel has taken the gold,

However, for Nami, who regards wealth as her life, once let her know that there is gold buried somewhere in the ground under her feet, even if she digs three feet, she will dig out the gold.

"The battle is over, 39

Su Yi opened his eyes, let out a sullen breath, and looked at Robin, who was sitting on the Merry number, reading a book.

"Robin sauce, didn't you always say that you are going to do archaeology, now the enemies on the island have been basically wiped out, now, you can set off.


Robin closed the book in his hand, and picked up the coffee cup on the small table dedicated to her. There was still a hint of warm, steaming coffee in it, and he took a sip, "Thank you, Su Yi-kun.

Looking at Robin who smiled and looked at himself, Su Yi scratched his head, "Robin-chan, there is some danger in this forest, so let me escort you. 35

"Zero Four Three"

"Then I'll trouble you, Su Yi-kun.

The two of them each carried a backpack, and the backpack was the lunch box that Sanji had already prepared for love.

Su Yi, who is seen and seen, will be aware of any dangerous creatures in advance by him.

And every time an animal is killed, it will be charred black by Su Yi's Thunder Fruit.

Of course, he didn't kill him, he just fainted.

The animals here are valuable property to the people on Sky Island, and they are also valuable food for Luffy, and should not be spoiled at will.

"I didn't expect Thunder Fruit to be so powerful, not only can it attack instantly, but also thunderbolt itself has a powerful attack on creatures.

Attacks in the general sense only attack the surface of the body,

However, lightning directly penetrates the human body, which can make people lose their ability to resist instantly.

If it weren't for a rubber man like Luffy who was immune to lightning, or if he could cover his entire body with armament colors, he wouldn't be able to resist at all.

Moreover, in general Armament Haki, once faced with Enel's strongest skill, Lei Ying, it is difficult to survive.

Armament Haki is not invincible and consumes a lot of mental power.

The two of them walked in the forest like this, and they encountered some ruins of monuments in the middle.

Robin looked at the ruined ruins with great distress. Some of these were destroyed by animals in the forest, and some were destroyed by humans. Obviously, the owner here did not care about the existence of these ruins.

"Unforgivable, don't be met by me, otherwise I will let you understand the weight of history.

It was the first time that Su Yi saw Robin make such a big fire. Robin seemed to have no desires or desires on the ship on weekdays, but in the face of such a precious historical site, he finally showed his emotions.

"Robin sauce, I heard that Weber said that under the golden bell guarded by their ancestors, there is a piece of historical text, that thing should be very difficult to destroy, we might as well go look for it directly." Su Yi suggested.

Robin's eyes moved, the historical text, she had also seen it in Alabasta,

It's just that the information recorded above is Pluton's information, not real history at all,

She is only interested in history, but she has no interest in this terrifying Ancient Weapon.

"Su Yi-kun, please lead the way." Robin smiled slightly.

Along the way, Su Yi deliberately made a detour to find Chopper, Sanji, Usopp, but Nami was not found.

"Nami should still be looking for her gold. 35

"Yo Xi, let's find them separately.

As a result, the people who had just ended the fierce battle began their journey to find gold.

Su Yi and Robin went to Douman, where they met Zoro who was sleeping.

Next to him was a fainted white dog.

Su Yi remembered that although the dog was trained to stand on both feet and the Master had strong fighting skills,

But there is a fatal flaw, that is, not only his master, he will obey anyone's orders.

So, Zoro in the original book ordered the white dog to punch himself in the head to solve this difficult opponent.

In order to prevent Zoro from getting lost, Su Yi left a note telling him not to walk after waking up, and to leave together after others found him.

"This is…Golden Country…"

Robin discovered the ruins under the bean sprouts, and immediately began to study and explore excitedly.

Su Yi has been by his side to protect,

However, after walking around, I didn't see the legendary golden bell, and there was no piece of gold here.

Robin suddenly stopped, turned his head, and looked at Su Yi: "Su Yi-kun, where is the golden bell.

Su Yi:

He coughed dryly and pointed to the bean sprouts in the distance, "Look, Robin sauce, this relic surrounds the bean sprouts, and there are also signs of damage around the bean sprouts, does this mean that the bean sprouts were originally located where there were some Ruins, but they were blown away by the bean sprouts."

Robin slapped the fist, "Soga, there's still this possibility.""

After that, she looked up at the sky, "So high…

Su Yi sighed, and currents spread from his body.

"Come up, I'll carry you up."


Su Yi, who was in the current state, slowly flew off the ground, and then quickly flew up into the sky.

"Why didn't you use it earlier when you could fly? Robin groaned.

Of course Su Yi can't say: You are heavy,

Although I can fly, it is very laborious,

It's easy for Thunder Fruit to move on its own, but it's hard to fly alone…

Especially, Su Yi has just mastered Thunder Fruit and hasn't developed much yet.

Finally, the two came to the temple on the upper floor, where Enel and his attendants lived.

Su Yi didn't say much, just a few lightning bolts to eliminate these minions.

Then keep flying.

In the end, the two came to the top of the bean sprouts.

"Nei, Su Yi-kun, we are almost in space, why haven't we seen the golden bell yet?" Robin gave a grinning smile.

The air here is getting thinner and thinner, giving people a sense of suffocation. Ordinary people can't survive here at all.

"Well…it should have fallen somewhere else,"

In fact, Su Yi doesn't know where it is, but according to the original content, it should be above a cloud nearby.

He turned into lightning and flew around, and finally discovered the existence of the golden bell,

Also found were historical texts embedded in gold beneath the golden clock.


Su Yi turned into lightning and flew over this island cloud with Robin on his back.

Robin stepped forward and detoxified the words above,

At the same time, she also discovered several lines in gold next to the historical text that were apparently written later.

"This is… The Pirate King Gol D. Roger left behind." Robin looked shocked.

"Could it be: Did Gol D. Roger visit here?"

Su Yi buttoned his booger next to him and said nonchalantly.

"No," Robin instantly denied Su Yi's vexatious words.

"Hey, Robin-chan, can you write here 'Demon Hunter Su Yi is here' in this ancient script?35

"I refuse," Robin rejected Su Yi4.9's vexatious words again.

"Okay," Su Yi walked to the side of the island cloud,

"What are you doing?" Robin asked curiously.

"Push this cloud over the bean vines and get this golden bell down.

Su Yi floated in mid-air, and suddenly punched Shioyun hard.


Daoyun didn't move at all.

Robin suddenly covered his mouth and chuckled.

Su Yi had a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead. In order to regain his place, he condensed a long lightning knife in his left hand and cut the island cloud into several pieces.

Only the part where the golden clock is placed is left.

Then, go ahead and punch on it!


Finally, the island cloud moved slightly,

Su Yi keeps working hard,

The speed of the island cloud is getting faster and faster, just when it is about to cross the bean vine below,

Su Yi released lightning, completely defeating Shimayun.

Robin stood on the golden bell with a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead, always wondering if Su Yi was taking revenge on him.