

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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180 Chs

Chapter 55

Chapter 55 Su Yivs Crocodile

"Next, it's going according to plan."

Su Yi returned to the restaurant,

The crowd hit the road again.

Their plan, divided into two parts,

Part of it was to have Zoro and the others escort Vivi to stop the rebels' war.

And he and Luffy headed straight to the rain to beat Crocodile.

In the original book, Vivi didn't know that the base camp of the rebels had changed, so he took Luffy and his party for a long, long walk in the desert in vain.

Now, Su Yi claimed that he overheard the conversation of the rebel minions on the grounds that he had good hearing, saying that their base camp had changed places.

"Sanji, if you're right, when you were in Little Garden, you used a phone bug to talk to Mr. 0, Crocodile, in that strange room, and tricked the other party into solving us." Su Yi confirmed it one last time.

Sanji said, "Ah, that's right."

Su Yi smiled: "If that's the case, then Crocodile doesn't know that we've arrived in Alabasta at this time, as long as you guys cover your faces to avoid being recognized, especially you, Vivi, basically you're not in any danger. "


Zoro and others are more reliable, which is a point that makes Su Yi more reassuring.

"Understood," Luffy said, too.

"I didn't tell you!" Su Yi yelled and punched Luffy.

"Yoxi, you can search," Su Yi dragged Luffy out of the restaurant.

And Zoro and others are also on the road.

Su Yi's plan is very simple, for the rest of the baroque work club, they don't know that Mr.0 is Crocodile at this time, so as long as he kills Crocodile, use his phone bug to inform those in the work club who have Devil Fruit Able agents gathered in one place, then he can kill them all.

"Luffy, listen up, it's really unfair to use your current ability to fight against Logia ability people. You will have a way to deal with them in the future, but not now, so I made this for you."

On the way, Su Yi used Munch-Munch Fruit to make Luffy an artifact outfit.

It was a pair of jelly-like gloves made of water and dozens of other materials.

"This glove is 97 percent water, so when you put it on, you should be able to hit the Crocodile."


Seeing something new and fun, Luffy's eyes suddenly lit up,

He put on the glove and found that the glove was not as fragile as he imagined, it would shatter when touched, on the contrary, it was very tough. No matter how hard he tried, it could not be broken.

"By the way, Su Yi, when did your body get so big?"

Luffy, who was slow to respond, suddenly discovered something, Su Yi's body got bigger at some point.

Su Yi's shape at this time is very strange, with a parasol on his head, and a bloated body like a little giant.

"Ah, because I ate a hundred watermelons, how can I walk in the desert without watermelons."

Luffy puzzled: "But isn't it enough to carry fresh water directly?"

"No, watermelon is the correct solution." Su Yi retorted.

The benefits of Munch-Munch Fruit are revealed at this time. The structure of the body can be changed freely. The umbrella above his head is eaten by him. He doesn't need to hold it all the time, and it will grow from the top of his head.

Moreover, it has the effect of lightening Lion Fruit. At this time, his body is not heavy.

The only flaw is that he needs to hold a book in his hand all the time.

However, Luffy is also really nervous, and he didn't even realize that with a normal person's body, how could it be possible to eat a hundred watermelons with an umbrella growing on his head.

I guess Luffy thinks everyone else is a rubber man like him.

The two walked all the way,

Finally a rock jutting out of the sand was found, and Luffy trotted into the shade to escape the heat.

"Hot, it's killing me, water, give me some water," Luffy said, sticking out his tongue.

A watermelon grew on Su Yi's body, he picked it casually, and then threw it to Luffy.

Luffy swallowed it whole,

The whole person suddenly became energetic, "Yo Xi, you can search!"

The two continued on their way,

Since they are all monster-level, they will be very fast when they are full of energy.

So when the sun went down, they had come to the rain,

"It's here, it's finally here."

Luffy raised his hands high and said excitedly.

Su Yi's body shape has returned to normal at this time,

He really underestimated the speed of Luffy's consumption of water. Fortunately, they made it today, otherwise they would have died of thirst on the road.

"Going to fly Crocodile now?" Luffy showed off his biceps.

"Well, go to sleep first, let's talk about having a meal." Su Yi said calmly, picking her nose.

"Meat meat meat meat…" Luffy suddenly realized that he hadn't eaten for a day, and immediately went to a restaurant because of hunger.

After half an hour.

"Ah, I'm full." Luffy patted his chubby belly and fell asleep.

Su Yi had to carry him to find a hotel to stay.

The next day, after breakfast, the two went directly to a pyramid-shaped building in the middle of the rain.

This is Crocodile's property in Alabasta, a luxury casino.

"Hey, Luffy, listen to me when you go in…"

Before Su Yi finished speaking, Luffy was attracted by the luxurious building and rushed in with his eyes shining.

"Listen to what I have to say, Soul Dan!!"

Su Yi hurriedly followed, and Luffy watched everything in the casino keep shining, but the guests in the casino turned a blind eye to the two of them.

One by one seems to be very rich, and there is a trace of contempt in the eyes of the two of them.

Indeed, both Luffy and Su Yi were walking through the desert, their clothes were very tattered and had an unpleasant smell, like beggars.

"You two, you are not welcome here…" A bodyguard in a suit stood up and was about to drive the two out when he suddenly realized that someone had pinched his neck.


The next moment, he immediately lost consciousness and his neck was pinched.

Su Yi walked leisurely in the casino, grabbed Luffy's arm, and dragged him to the core area.

"This isn't the time to gamble, Luffy, aren't we here to beat the Crocodile."

"Crocodile, get out of here! I'm going to shoot you!" Luffy suddenly remembered his mission and shouted.

The guests in the casino all looked at Luffy in surprise, then turned away like a fool,

He didn't seem to be interested in these two people at all.

"Hehe, it looks like you've been underestimated, Luffy," Su Yi said with a dangerous smile on his face.

Should I say these guys are ignorant or stupid, I, the pirate with a bounty of 100 million Bailey, is here, but no one recognizes him, and Luffy's shouts are ignored. It seems that this is a group of pampered and numb people. Regal.

Su Yi didn't have a good impression of the guys in these casinos. There were a group of people dying of starvation and thirst outside. There were millions of rebels and the king's army in Wangcheng preparing to exchange fire. The whole country may collapse at any moment, but These guys are gambling with their spare money here. This is not the problem of the stinky wine and meat of Zhumen.

"Luffy, you just go inside and I'll take care of some things."

Su Yi suddenly turned around and walked towards the exit,

There is a moat around the casino, and only a stone bridge connects the two sides.

Su Yi came to the bridge, pulled out the blue bird, and swung it out.


The stone bridge suddenly broke.

"Well, since you are so rich, you don't have to leave. After you win Crocodile later, all of your net worth will belong to us. After all, pirates also want to loot."


Suddenly, Su Yi heard a commotion behind him.

Then, a piece of sand flew out.

"You bastard, how dare you destroy the stone bridge,"

The sand fell to the ground, forming a figure with a golden hook on one hand,

It is the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Crocodile.

"Where's Luffy?" Su Yi held the blue bird and frowned.

"You said the boy in the straw hat fed the crocodile."

"Huh—" Su Yi let out a sigh of relief, and a faint glow flashed in his eyes, "How long can he live?"

Crocodile said indifferently: "How long can a person hold his breath in the water?"

"Okay, then this is the time you have left."

When Su Yi mentioned the blue bird, a mighty force surged out of his body, *