

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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180 Chs

Chapter 145

Chapter 145 The Evil Crawling Out Of Hell

The crowd was silent.

Akainu's final fate is to anger Su Yi,

Was blown to the ground by the knife wind.

The terrifying blow directly penetrated the formation and created a bottomless pit in Marine's headquarters.

In order to rescue the Akainu who may still be alive, the Marines tried their best, and finally tied all the cables of the warship together, put the people in the hole, and searched bit by bit.

Finally, in an unknown depth, Akainu's body was finally found.

And the Marine soldier, at the first sight of Akainu's body, had a nervous breakdown.

After that, no matter how many soldiers went down, they all vomited out.

In the end, the veteran with firm willpower was allowed to go down, and his body was transported up.

When Sengoku and others saw the appearance of Akainu's body,

Everyone was shocked,

Even though Garp and other Shinobi who were used to seeing the wind and waves and saw death a lot, were shocked by Akainu's tragic situation at this time.

The skin on the whole body has disappeared, and the blood scab on the surface of the body has solidified, and it looks like a mummified corpse.

"Wait, he still has a voice."

Suddenly, Garp sensed something with his sense of sight,

"Although very weak, he seems to have a silver lining. 55

The Marines were shocked.

Being injured like this, how can you survive?

However, even if he survived, how should he appear in front of others in this 14-year-old appearance?

A devil with no skin on his body and a disfigured half of his face on the right side?

They can already imagine that there will definitely be a demon Admiral in the Marine in the future.

No, it's Vice Admiral.

Because Sakazuki repeatedly provoked the pirates this time, Marine suffered a lot of unnecessary casualties.

Sengoku has asked the above for instructions to revoke Sakazuki's position as Admiral and let him return to Vice Admiral.

Although the approval document has not yet come down,

However, the result is certain,

None of the Marines who survived now did not hate Sakazuki.

Many of their friends, and even themselves, suffered unnecessary torture and even died because of Sakazuki's actions!

In other words, now he has lost his heart!

"Treat him now! No matter what crime he is guilty of, he must survive before punishing him.

Sengoku is still selfless, Sakazuki is a top-notch fighting force no matter what,

It's best to survive

"However, looking at him like this, even if he survives, he should rest for several months, and his strength is estimated to be regressed a lot." Garp said.

"By the way, Marshal Sengoku, I haven't told you before that there was a message from Impel down. The Blackbeard gang who broke into Impel down have now been suppressed by him, and they are now being tortured."

Suddenly, a Marine soldier ran over and said.

"Really, luckily he didn't let the villains on the sixth floor out." Sengoku said to himself.

"No, according to Magellan's intelligence, it is said that the criminals on the sixth floor have all lost their shadows for some reason, and they have never come out again," Marine soldier's face showed a schadenfreude expression.

"No shadow? Masaka, did that guy from Moria do it?"

Sengoku's face changed,

Moria suddenly left before the Summit War, saying that there was a problem with her ability,

Now it looks like it's just his excuse,

His real purpose should be the shadow of the powerful criminals in the underwater prison,

"It's really hard to do. If he uses those shadows to make zombies, it's tantamount to releasing all the criminals on the sixth floor. 39

Sengoku covered his forehead,

"Well, but these have nothing to do with me. The position of the marshal is really difficult."

"Take this opportunity to resign."

"By the way, there are three vacancies in Shichibukai, and we have to find a way to make up.

'Wait, I'm not ready to resign, why would I subconsciously consider Marine's future? ""

"Really, this habit really can't be changed."

Garp on the side suddenly took out a bag of senbei from his pocket,

"Well, after this time, I'm also going to quit my job,""

"Speaking of which, Sengoku, what do you think of Demon Hunter Su Yi?

Sengoku sat on a fragment of the wall, with Erlang's legs raised,

"It has now been determined that he destroyed the control room that activated the surrounding wall, that he also caused the annihilation of the pacifists, and that the cannons used for defense on the city wall were all his handwriting. 35

"He nearly killed Akainu in the middle of a fight," Garp added.

"Ah, this kind of person is too dangerous. Although Akainu has been injured in the previous battle and consumed a lot of physical strength, but to be able to beat Logia's him like that, the opponent's Haki is very strong, and he is still very strong. Rare Zoan Eudemons species, and has been able to stay awake in the case of rampage.35

"Anyway, he has grown to the point where we cannot underestimate him."

Garp suddenly laughed: "Well, anyway, compared to the Four Emperors, it's still far behind, 35

Sengoku looked gloomy, "Indeed, the Four Emperors are no longer in the category of so-called geniuses or powerhouses, but monsters, Whitebeard is 72 years old, and he is still injured, so he almost destroyed this place, if it were replaced by that If three guys come, the outcome is uncertain. 99

Garp's mouth cracked: "I guess my old bones have to be explained here.

After Su Yi and Luffy bid farewell to the Whitebeard Pirates,

Separated from Ivankov et al.

In the end, only Su Yi, Luffy, Jinbei, and the empress who came after them were left.

"Well, Luffy-kun, are you really going to the bottom islands of Sabaody?"

Jinbei looked at Luffy, at this time Luffy didn't have many injuries, just a little tired from the fierce battle.

Su Yi looked at Luffy, who at this moment seemed to be hesitating.

"I just want to get stronger," Su Yi said suddenly.

Everyone looked at him,

"Summit War, after seeing so many masters, you will feel more and more insignificant, and there are three monsters similar to Whitebeard in New World. If you want to become One Piece, you will not become stronger than them. I'm afraid not?"

Luffy's eyes flickered,

In my mind, the scenes of the Sabaody bottom archipelago emerged,

With the current strength of the Straw Hat Pirates, entering the New World is like a group of ants entering a storm.

Hard to move.

"If that's the case, why don't you stop and rest for a few years to exercise your own strength, otherwise, it would be unpredictable to meet the Four Emperors again." Su Yi continued,

Luffy looked at Su Yi, and the scene of Su Yi defeating Akainu reappeared in his mind.

and my own powerlessness in the face of Admiral,

It seems that everyone can use Haki, against Logia,

And you can only use Conqueror's, and it doesn't have much effect on the real strong Conqueror's.

"I've decided, I want to get stronger."

Luffy clenched his fists,

The screams of Ace's broken arm still echoed in his ears.

The corners of his eyes gradually became wet, and the tears flowed out like a stream,

"I don't want to let the people I cherish get hurt like that again! Ace him, he almost died!!!

"I want to become stronger, stronger, stronger, strong enough to protect anyone, no matter Admiral or Four Emperors, no one can take away the people around me!

"Su Yi, teach me Haki!

Su Yi waved, "I refuse.

Everyone: "Hey?!!!!!"

The atmosphere that was very moving at first disappeared suddenly,

"Why, you're so stingy!" Luffy spat.

"Speaking of Haki, I'm not very skilled myself, so let a more professional person do it.

"Don't you know Uncle Rayleigh, as the right hand of One Piece, he should be the most suitable person to teach you.

"Also, I have to practice myself."

Luffy was instantly motivated, "Yo Xi, then let Uncle Rayleigh teach me!"

Su Yi said: "Before that, let's inform others about this, using a secret code that only we know."