
Overwriting is Life!

19 year old Kite… expecting a last name? No. Kite died to a truck driver who swerved onto the sidewalks one day but Kite was too enticed while staring at a woman’s butt to notice and died. Being sent on to the reincarnation cycle Kite met a goddess who promised him something that would bring him to the top! Basically, come see a degenerate(Partially) raise to rule the world. ********************************** Updates Tuesday and Wednesday! Cover is not mine! Find me at Solar#6727 On discord if you are the creator of the cover and want it removed!

Fro · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Demon General Kaylus

Name: Kite

Strength: 10

Speed: 10

Endurance: 10

Intelligence: 16

Willpower: 998

[World Transfer]

[Mental Training]


(Overwrite lv-) (Psychic Control lv10) (Mind Pulse lv10) (Telepathic Transmission lv10)

"So what exactly are you doing…"

Obellion asked, annoyed from the slow ride. The two had rode on top of Nero for about almost an hour now. "I'm tracking her scent!" Nero responded equally annoyed as Obellion.

Not Kite though, his head was laid against Obellion's head while his eyes were white, almost as if he was dead. "So this is mental training."

It was like a world inside his head that generated different terrains that he had seen before. Different types of monsters he saw in the other world were approaching him.

It was quite simple pickings unless he amped up the amount of them and was overwhelmed.

'If only this didn't drain my actual willpower…'

Kite could still sense everything out in the real world inside this space in his head. Another cry came from the Kobold that had been pierced by a floating purple sword. Kite brought his hand to his chin.

'My willpower was steadily increasing, but my other stats, I have been neglecting.'

One could surely not become a dark lord if they relied on one stat alone, could they? Kite pulled back from the mental training.

"Ah, you're awake now?"

"Yeah, where are we?"

The animals around them dared not to go close to Nero. Kite scooted closer so he could be pressing directly against Obellion's back.

She quickly backhanded him while pushing him back. "Woah, look." Kite stared at the large upcoming kingdom while rubbing his stinging face.

"We are coming up on the Phrid kingdom..." Nero quickly walked across the stone bridge over to a large gate guarded by two knights.

"Why would they be here though? Are they trying to reach the demon continent?" Nero questioned.

"I'll have to go back to my humanoid form if I want to enter the kingdom. I smell her just a little way up past this kingdom." Nero's body started to fade down until her human self was left.

"Ah, ah, ah!" a guard stepped forward. "30 silver!"

Nero tipped the man, a gold coin from her pouch. "Keep the change."

The 3 made their way down a crowd of people. The constant noise made it hard to concentrate.

"I'm guessing the emperor sent out a few people on a mission to search for Ashia…" Obellion sighed.

"Princess Ashia?!"

Nero glanced over toward Obellion. "The princess was never sacrificed?!"

"We kinda hid her away for a bit…"

"Are you two idiots!? Do you know what will happen because of you two?!"

Kite looked down at his side only to see the loosened rope. His pouch was being stolen by a hooded figure. 'Fuck, my platinum.' Kite held his hand out and the figure stopped when a purple barrier appeared around them.

"Oh my!"

"What's happening"


The crowd focused on the figure trapped inside a barrier.

The figure placed his hands against the barrier in surprise before breaking out of it. 'Agh, I'm so foolish!' Kite thought while pushing through the crowd of people. 'Finally!' Kite sprinted after the cloaked man but was heavily outclassed in speed. 'He can jump on roofs?!'

Kite stopped in his tracks when the figure turned to face him while standing on a two-story building. The man shook the pouch around teasing Kite even more.

'Bastard!' Kite constructed a formation of stairs to reach the figure who ran away in shock.

"Don't run, face me!"

Kite used his psychic control to keep creating stairs between rooftop to rooftop. He had far left Obellion and Nero behind, thinking it would be quite simple to catch the thief.

Kite slowly looked around as his feet touched the dirt. He could've sworn he saw the figure land down here but looking around, the only thing seen was broken down or old houses.

'So I'm in the slums of this kingdom.' Kite could see glares from figures through boarded windows along with the occasional thump.

'Who's that?' Kite looked over at the lean man who left one of the houses. A scar ran over his left eye and he carried a red and black spear.

"Do you know where you're at?"

"No, but a thief brought my gold down here!"

The man stood in front of Kite with a malicious

Smile. "Any gold down here is ours." the man laughed in Kite's face.

A purple glow started to form at Kite's hand, but before he could do anything, the man tapped him in the face with the rear end of the spear. With Kite's low endurance, it knocked him clean out.




'Aghhh!' Kite tried to grab at his nose but was denied by the knives stabbed through his hands. He could see a ton of rough-looking people sitting around the room. There were a few knives inside his shoulder and stomach.

'Are they playing darts!?' Kite looked behind him and saw a large dart board with the middle being his belly button. "Hit him between the legs cap!"

The same spearman from before grabbed another knife from the table.

Kite pulled his feet up to cover his crotch. "Guys relax, what fun do you gain out of seeing me lose my member?"

"I don't gain any fun, but I don't lose any either!" the man threw the knife forward, but it stabbed into Kite's ankle. 'Fuck!'

"How long until your legs get tired!" the man grabbed another knife but a loud rumbling started. "What was that?!" one of the group members panicked.

Kite brought his foot up to his stomach and used overwrite on himself.

"Hey, he just disappeared!"

"Only his clothes are here?!"

"What, the pouch of platinum is gone, captain!"

Kite had changed his form to a snake and slipped out of the home. 'Glad that crack in the floorboard was there. It led me straight to an exit!' a purple hand was floating beside him with a tan pouch.

Kite coiled up and used overwrite on himself to revert to his normal form again once he made his way up a hill. He had exhausted a little more than wanted willpower to heal himself up and create his clothes again.

Kite could hear the people checking the nearby houses for him, but he wouldn't be found there.

"As an assassin, I admit, your getaway skills are superb."

Kite turned around to see a green-haired woman approaching the hill he was on. "Why are so many of you living inside these slums?" Kite asked curiously.

"Well, it doesn't seem like we're gonna be living here for much longer."

The woman licked her daggers before pointing off to her right. Kite could see winged creatures flying over the wall of the kingdom. The noise started to erupt from the townsfolk who all took note of the dark cloud forming over the kingdom walls.

An opposing aura flooded the kingdom before a giant beam shot its way through the wall, a boom came from the other side of the wall as it crumbled down.

Kite's knees almost gave out when a thick aura appeared, which felt as if it was crushing everyone under it. This large kingdom expanded up onto a mountain, but it started to tear down quickly after the large beam blew through it.

The demon continent wasn't really an alone continent. It shared one large continent that was about 50% under demon control, while the rest was broken down into the hand of other races.

One could go through the mountains that the Phrid kingdom rests on to reach the demon continent safely.

'Is she serious?!' Kite barely dodged the woman's dagger and stumbled back. "A fucking extinction ray just flew through this hellhole and you're trying to fight me!?"

The woman had a wide smile on her face while she kept slashing at Kite. Small, bloody slits covered his arms and legs as she was toying with him.

"Then I should just kill you faster, don't you think?" The woman laughed before a current of wind swirled around her body.

Kite quickly encased himself in a thick barrier as the woman vanished from his sight. Cracks appeared around the barrier in quick succession after each other. The woman would quickly reappear, only for another crack to form on Kite's barrier from her daggers.

Cries filled the air as gargoyles tested their claws against human flesh. The winged menaces would fly high up with a human in their claws and drop them, feeding off their fear while doing so.

Purple lighting ran around Kite's body which blended in with the purple barrier. The assassin reappeared with both daggers being brought down on the top of the barrier, but Kite dropped the barrier while stepping to the side, so she would fall in, much to her surprise.

A wave of force flew into her before purple lighting bounced from Kite's body, forming an almost web-like ball all around him. The lighting chained together until it touched the woman and it scaled up to her brain, far too fast for her to react.

Kite snatched the dagger from her hands and plunged in into her chest over and over. "Shit, I don't want to do this, but I might have to."

Kite looked around the burning kingdom in frustration. He thought about just leaving without Nero and Obellion as it was his safety that came first.




Another dead gargoyle dropped from Nero's mouth.

"You are all fragile under my aura alone, what can you possibly do if I decided to attack?"

A short purple haired woman stood under a tall dark haired woman. The dark haired woman wore a mask that covered her whole face except her mouth. Her 4 arms were wrapped around the purple haired woman's waist.

Nero and Obellion stood in front of them along with a few other people who stepped up to defend. "We were sent by the emperor himself." A young black haired man stared at the girl with his crimson eyes.

"Good so that means if I kill you 4, I'm getting rid of all the competition already?"

"You take us too lightly."

The bald brute stepped forward over the purple haired woman. His armor fully covered him except his head. "Demon general Kaylus, the demon queen will regret sending her weakest general here to Phrid."

"I don't recognize this thing behind you, is she your new doll? Nevermind, you're about to die anyway." The brute arrogantly said.

The brute smashed his hand down and a wave that toppled over nearby buildings and blew away debris with great force boomed.

When the smoke cleared, the brute's hand had clashed against a large black scythe. A hole inside the dark haired woman's stomach was visible where she pulled the scythe from.

"It will be a honor for critters like you to die to my newest creation, meet Kay!"

Kaylus walked behind Kay who pushed the large man back. She followed up with a succession of swift slashes across the man's body before he could even attack again.

"Gin…" The pink haired girl looked over to the dark haired man.

"Fallback Rigel, Ickya, and Mitsuri." Gin pulled his sword from his back.

"You sure?"

"I'm positive."

Obellion and Nero made way for the 3 heroes who seemed to have so much trust in Gin's words.

"Can one of them really take on a demon general?" Obellion worriedly asked Nero.

"I'm not sure." Nero couldn't feel any magic flowing from his body in the slightest.