
Overwork Returnee

I have a complicated relationship with this work called Rise Chivalry Knight. It's a piece of rubbish that I hate so much that I can enjoy it. Wait, what is this, I transmigrated as an antagonist in it? Talk about a clichéd plot, and I seem to have fallen into one of those. Well, since it's a rare opportunity that only happens a million to one, why don't I change the story anyway? Wait, wait, wait. There are other people who transmigrated too? And reincarnators? Shouldn't we and them not be in the same story? And no, no. I wasn't involved in the kidnapping of the King and Queen, at least for the most part

LovecraftianGuy · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The most chill demon out there

In any mythology, in any caricature, demons are depicted as the embodiment of nightmares. The source of abomination. The pinnacle of evil.

And that should be the case here too.

Okay. I know she's a woman. She is now also naked. And apparently... not bad either (very pretty, in fact).

Because of that, I kept reminding myself that this figure in front of me could have my head sliced off in just a matter of seconds.

And it looked like that was exactly what was going to happen in a moment.

I could feel the cold, sharp surface of the black fingernails sweetly skimming the area around my neck.

Without further ado, the demoness had me backed against the wall.

Wait, that sounds suspicious.

Is it weird that I'm getting turned om right now?

"Tell me," she snapped in a tone as elegant and sharp as a knife blade. "What year is it?"

Okay. Wow.

Firstly. I'm glad we're using the same language (I don't know if this is some kind of story efficiency, or if the author is just too lazy to make up another language. Well, linguistics is bullshit anyway). 

Secondly. That was her first question? "Are you sure you don't want to say something else first? Something more important?"

The woman growled like a beast and the grip of her sharp nails tightened around my neck. "What. Year. Is. It?"

"Okay. Okay. Geez." The pushy type, huh.

Okay, okay. What year is it? If Adrian is still alive, then this is before the 'Massacre'. "110 GE, I think."

GE stands for Golden Era. Only this kingdom called it that.

It actually referred to a global peace where there were no disputes between countries anymore, drawn from over a century ago.

A peace that was... actually not very peaceful.

A few decades ago, there was another major battle against the demon race. The disputes between small kingdoms haven't stopped either.

Wouldn't it be more appropriate to call this the Great-Nation-Anti-Aggression Era?

So the correct designation is GNAE?

Okay. Again, it seems to be a matter of efficiency.

"For the love of Satan." The demoness grumbled and tapped her forehead. "It's been 20 years, and what have I done?"

"You don't remember?"

The demon gave me a sharp look. "I'm not giving you permission to talk yet."

She really doesn't remember.


I can be a little relieved. 

Because arguably, in the past few months, Adrian had done various "things" to her. 

Ah. I think it's too soon to jump to conclusions.

Just look at that look full of vengeance.

"There is no other choice. Human, consider yourself lucky this time."


In the next second, my body has been taken over.


Literally, this was my subconscious. Or Adrian's subconscious.

Call it as you like, doesn't really matter anyway.

Was I asleep and dreaming now? Yes, and no.

As I mentioned before, my body has been 'taken over'.

You know that demons are petty creatures, right? 

They have some kind of magic that can take over any human body it wants at will. I think it was taken from a reference about trance. 

Those who are taken over by the demon can still stare at what the body is doing, without being able to do anything.

It's like watching a film from behind a monitor.

In the ordinary case, this does sound horrifying. You might end up watching your mum and dad being chopped up with your own hands, without being able to stop it.

In my case, I think it would be an interesting sight. I would probably watch it with anticipation while eating popcorn.

But, since there was no popcorn here and everything was so dark, I got sleepy.

I decided to interrupt the demoness. "I'm not against your decision, but wouldn't it be a shame if such a beautiful body wasn't on display?"

She ignored me, but of course she was listening.

It was said that the demons deliberately did not block the communication access of the body owner to enjoy the tortured screams that might be heard.

A horrible hobby, but everyone has their own preferences, right?

Which makes me wonder, can this woman enjoy it too now? I can certainly scream, but I don't think it's a tortured scream.

"Hey, I just remembered, we haven't even had-"


It already happened. A female servant caught sight of my possessed body just coming out of the warehouse.

She just wanted to say a polite hello, but her mouth was immediately ripped open and her neck was immediately strangled.

I could feel her skin beginning to cool down.

Oh, poor girl.

No, no, no.

That's not what I wanted to say, but... feel that, you bitch!

When I entered this body, Adrian's memory slowly entered my head. It gave more details than what was displayed in the book.

This damn maid... was one of the maids who gave false testimony for Geralt. In short, she was a vile worm who deserved to be exterminated.

"That's a relief," I said, reflexively. But the demon still didn't respond. Were they this silent? Are all demons anti-social and introverted?

The demon carried my body through the hallway.

Yeah. If she kept walking, she would reach the main dining hall. The place where my family is waiting. He can get more victims and killings there.


Barely halfway through, my body already collapsed first.

I could feel my body breathing raggedly. 

"Need help?" I said, taking a chance.

"SILENCE!" snapped the demon loudly. Her voice was so loud that it vibrated and sent chills down my spine.

Yeah. It was an empty threat.

Put it this way, you don't get to stay in a five-star hotel with glamorous amenities with just a little money.

In this case, the money is magic energy.

The demoness had been cooped up for years without doing anything, losing consciousness in the process, and had been cursed to become a beetle.

There were several ways to do it, and of course it was trivial. But, I don't think this demon even has enough energy to do it.

"Okay. I'll leave you there. Slowly lose control of my body and then 'let go' on my own. After that, I'll probably do something to your helpless body, you know, as revenge."

"You damn human, if you dare to-"

"Or you can think a little sensibly, and let us work together."

There was no reply again. This time, I took it as a 'yes'.

"How about we start with a name? I'm Adrian Van Bosche."

She only responded after I introduced myself. "Lodina. Lodina Manslaughter."

[Anti-Aggression Contract FORMED]

And this is the reason. 

There is a light shining from my body. It was so dazzling.

And when my vision returned to clear, I was already able to control my body again.

Lodina's naked body was on my lap.

It would be a lie if I wouldn't take the opportunity. If only that voice hadn't spoken.

"Are you have any shame, big brother?"