
Overweight Mage's Slice of Life

Carl is a mage from another world. He transmigrated and occupied the boy with the same name and looks as his. The boy however wasn't as talented as him and he lived the life of a loser. He was weak and constantly bullied at school. Moreover, he was fat. Organizing his memories, the world called Earth was a completely different world from where he came from. It had advanced technologies and machines he never thought was possible. And the most shocking part was that otherworlders in Earth was a lot common than he expected. At first, Carl expected to go with life built by cultivation and peace, but little by little, he finds himself pitted against the big powers of the world. --- A/N: English is not my first language. Do not expect the story to be grammatically correct everytime. But I will improve. The cover is mine.

Main_Island · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
103 Chs

Chapter 19 – Wolf

After he entered, Carl felt the temperature drop slightly and some pressure on his mental sphere were felt. 

'It's like entering a dimension as always,' Carl thought in his mind as he found himself in the middle of a forest with small linked dirt snake pathways for hunters. The color of the forest was quite misty and dark, despite the sunlight and the trees were a little curvy.

For five minutes, Carl continued to walk into places with calmness in his eyes seeing orange-red direwolves in the background. The beasts were akin to the size of big dogs. 

Carl gauged each one of the wolves and looked for wolves he could defeat. 

'Fuck this body!' 

Carl accidentally stepped on a slippery mud and slipped on a small hill, sending him rolling down the ground. Luckily, he maintained his balance to stand, but instantly, Carl opened his eyes wide in shock as he saw a black direwolf charging at him with a big ferocious mouth. 

In the moment Carl regained his balance, the wolf was in the air ready to pounce at him!


With a hair slash away, Carl barely dodged to the right. Some fabric on his hoodie even got teared up. 

Clenching his jaw, Carl quickly went away from the wolf. But he cannot completely get away. He was still to slow, and he was not trying to fled in the slightest. 

'I can do this!'

Carl thought and turned around to face it. 

Upon closer look, the wolf was the average monster in the area. 

It was a meter tall direwolf with white eyes, a horn, and a vicious mouth filled with yellowish fangs that were dripping with spittle. Its body was covered in orange-red fur. 

The direwolf turned to him and was snarling in an attempt to intimidate him. Each moment was like a screech inside Carl's mind, but his mental sphere did not even tremble a bit. 

'I might be weak right now, but this is a even a newbie like me could take.' Carl threw his bag to the side. 

Luckily, Carl was very familiar with this type of monster.

Direwolves were very common monsters that could be seen in any biome. Depending on it's size, it's physical strength could vary, but for this one, it was the minimum, the weakest type.

It has a rank 1 body, but that was the only thing it got going for him. It had no other special abilities. If it wants to attack, it had to get close. 

'Come on!'

Carl concentrated. During his stay in the hospital, he had trained his body physically and had started meditating in the bloody boar technique successfully improving his body near rank 1. Right now, his strength won't be a joke. 

If people saw a solo newbie hunter in his situation, they will believe he's about to get killed, but Carl did not feel no fear. He was confident in his current abilities and his former experience. 

Soon, the wolf pounced at him again, just slightly missing his head.  With simple footwork, Carl successfully dodged the attacks.

Moving from left to right, he barely dodged the consecutive attacks, almost to the point he could smell the wolf. It was bone-chilling for Carl how close he was! One would think he was in danger. But Carl was only testing himself. 

'Okay, this seems alright. My body is still a little bit heavy, but it's lighter!' Carl thought calmly, but no matter how much he dodged the attack, the wolf doesn't seem to get tired!  Carl could not send an attack himself, and could only dodge! 

'Okay, it's time to test my first skill.' Carl clenched his teeth, "Bloody boar!"

Carl jumped in the air, and in just a few breaths, suddenly looked lighter. It's almost a sight to see a big fatso doing some acrobatics! 

The wolf snarled again. 

But this time it was different. Carl landed onto the ground with intensity. 

Fierce blood was rushing throughout his body, and soon his muscles started to bulge slightly, producing more strength and speed. His stamina had also increased. He took calm steps around the wolf's body, jumping sometimes to avoid its claws and getting hit by its body.

The wolf missed and missed.

In an instant, Carl was in complete control!

'But I have to finish this quick.'

As the bloody boar breathing technique start to take full effect, producing boar-like muscles beneath his flesh, it was only temporary.

'Ten seconds!'

Alas, Carl dodged an attack so well he was able to hide behind the monster's side moving onto its blind spot! 

'You're finished!'

The beast fell its heart drop, recognizing some form of danger. The human had positioned itself greatly and his horrifying gaze of killing intent alarmed him to his core.


With its full effort, the direwolf tried to turned around as fast as it can, but Carl had already winded up and delivered a fist to its head with his full power on it. 


The attack instantly sent the wolf five meters away from him, but the wolf was quick to stand back on its feet. For newbie hunters, these monsters weren't meant to be soloed. 

But with that attack, Carl knew he fully can. 

The wolf pounced at him again. Its body and a gleaming claw specked with dirt slashed towards Carl.

With glaring eyes, Carl inhaled a couple of breaths and dodged the attack by moving backwards almost losing his balance. He also didn't dodge it fully, he was scratched on his face, drawing some blood.

Unfortunately, the wolf wasn't finished yet.

It's claws dug onto the ground and dashed towards him with its mouth opening wide.

Carl knew his body was quite slower now, but his mind was totally calm.


He exhaled the bulk of air from his nose and he circulated his breathing technique, concentrating his threat to his legs and core, and all of a sudden, his fat body horizontally jumped upwards.

Carl used the beast's momentum, and while he was not able to jump that high, he used the top of the wolf's forehead to spin slightly and get into position, grabbing its furs, and landing on its neck!


The direwolf was fast to react. It moved its body upwards, and moved his fang-filled mouth in an attempt to bite him but it was a little too late.

'331 pounds!'

Carl's full body weight turned to tough muscles  and landed on the wolf's head, sending it crashing onto the ground, almost making it black out! 

Still, the wolf was still alive and started to shake him of its body. Carl however wasn't finished. He had clamped all of his strength-enhanced fingers into its orange-red furs and won't let go. 

"Settle down, will you!"

The monster struggled in panic and the human was getting heavier. It felt like his body had turned to a block of iron. 

Carl had his hands full holding on to the raging monster's furs and since he was not flexible enough to use his legs to attack, he bended his body forward, and embraced the neck of the wolf with all his limbs putting all of his weight on its nape, and then in a snap, he used his body to instantly twist its neck!


The loud sound of bones breaking was heard. The direwolf died there and then, losing all its balance erratically.

Carl did not want to waste energy jumping away, and stayed at the monster's nape, making sure he used the wolf as cannon fodder as they both crashed down the ground.

The entirety of the fight only lasted nine seconds long! But Carl had exhausted almost all his energy to win. 

Pant, pant, pant.

Seeing that he was successful, Carl released a long exhale, and immediately deactivated the skill, putting his breathing to its normal rhythm.

His feet then started to get heavier too, and he lied down the ground.

Sweat was dripping all over him and his body returned to its normal strength and speed, reminding him how much of a jump his body actually goes through to be in fighting shape.

'This won't do. I have to get better fast, at this state, I'm even worse than my 7 year old self.'

After gaining enough strength, Carl walked over to his bag which he left on the ground before the fight, and grabbed a crescent-moon shaped dagger that was 15 inches long.

Carl used the dagger and butchered the wolf's head cruelly. The wolf's skin was tough, but he was already a lot stronger than before. 

'Also these blades are very sharp,' Carl thought, 'I should have used it earlier...'

After slashing the skull open, there at the center he was able to find a ball in the size of a shogi piece.

It had glass-like surface, and was faintly glowing with a brilliant shine.

Carl did not waste time, and ripped the organ out of the veins that were protecting it. The moment he did that, the bodily organs of the beast slowly turned bleak as if life starts to leave it in real time--fast forward.

The mighty body of the wolf then also looked a bit darker, as if it'd been dead for a couple of days. Dark crimson colored blood also started to leak out of the cadaver too. 

The fat boy who killed it however did not pay attention to this.

He slammed his tired butt on the ground to cushion his fall, and studied the ball.

'As expected, it's the lowest tier.'

Once it was in his hand, the ball-like organ started to lose its brilliant shine to nearly a half, same with its weight.

Seeing this, he was neither surprised nor happy.

He was tired to show reactions so he simply opened his mouth and threw the ball onto his tongue, crushing it open, and swallowing the one speck of white light that emerged out of the organ.