
Overwatch: New hero Gilgamesh

a man is lucky enough to travel to another world and ends up falling into the overwatch world like gilgamesh, what will happen now?

Markus_Diangelinni · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

i'm lucky

8:59 a.m.

This was the time that could be seen on the alarm clock on the hanger next to the bed, a partially messy single bed, and an incredibly handsome man was lying on it sleeping, he was quite tall and his physique was well built and detailed, as you could see because he was shirtless, wearing only pants.





Suddenly he woke up to the sound of the alarm, which he turned off the very moment he heard the noise, he stretched and got up.

- Good thing today is Saturday, I can stay home all day, that restaurant sucks and the customers are even worse.

Of course he hated working there, it was too far away and the clients were too hostile, along with his boss who was even more hostile, his first week there was terrible, his smallest mistakes were seen with hate and repulsion, he only felt good when he left, but what could he do, he needs money to survive.

He opened the bathroom door and started to brush his teeth, but stopped at once when he saw his reflection in the mirror.



he screamed and almost choked on the toothpaste and started to cough.

Seconds after he felt better he took another look in the mirror, he touched his own face to make sure it was himself.

He saw his golden blond hair and his ruby red eyes, but what he found most strange were the red tattoos all over his body, he knew those tattoos, he knew what he looked like.

- What is this? Why did I suddenly become Gilgamesh?

He kept touching himself and seeing his own body, he opened his pants and was shocked, his little friend was much bigger now!

- something strange happened to me yesterday, I don't know what else happened!

He came out of the bathroom and tried to find something in the apartment, which he now realized was not his, there were clothes and furniture that were not his.

Gilgamesh went to the window and opened the curtains to see the sun rays on his face, and looked in amazement at the gigantic city he had known since he was a child.


How did he end up in New York? What was he doing here? He had many questions, but no answers, and it was getting weirder by the minute.

Then he noticed a letter on the study table next to his bed, he picked it up and opened it.

[Dear Mr. Hanz, you were drawn with the trip between universes, each human had a number selected and you number 5,447,834,786 was chosen, as desired by you a gift was given, your appearance was chosen and the universe was selected, please enjoy your new life].

- So that damn draw was real!

He remembers the draw that appeared on his cell phone before he went to sleep, he was playing a strategy game when a message appeared on the screen, saying that he was participating in a draw, the text asked what appearance he wanted to be, so as a joke he put gilgamesh, but now here he was, gilgamesh himself in person but with some modifications.

He started laughing and giggling with the expectation of having fun in this new place, the problem was that he didn't know what universe this was, the text didn't inform him.

The text also talked about a gift, Where was it?

He looked around the apartment for a few minutes until he reached his bed, where he found something tied in a cloth.

It was a beautiful katana, a part of the blade was red and looked like flames, when he took it out of the sheath the sword began to burn in a dark purple flame.

"So you were my gift ? A beautiful katana like you needs to be put into battle"

He laughed with his thoughts.

But it didn't last long as his stomach began to rumble and he went to get food from the fridge, and was quite happy to find beer in it.

He grabbed two beers and a frozen pizza that he heated up in the microwave.

He went into the living room and

He went to the fridge to look for something to drink, sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, some channels talked about crimes, others about parties, but he stopped on one when he saw the figures that appeared on it, he almost dropped his beer when he saw the people on the TV report.

On it were a huge gorilla with guns, a Korean girl in blue colored clothes, a cowboy with a cigar, and a short-haired girl in a sexy orange outfit.

- You've got to be kidding me! Right here? I think now I can be more relaxed and at the same time more anxious.

His smile grew wider as he read the text of the report.

"the famous group of overwatch heroes has just completed another mission in Egypt".

Gilgamesh put his hand on his chin in thought form.

- so I'm in overwatch! I hope I can meet them soon and join them.